Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 6
Welcome to our Monday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today is the beginning of my second week teaching on the subject of God wants you well, and I tell you, I am excited about this. This changed my life. I have seen miracles of healing happen in my own life and also my own son was raised from the dead after being dead over four hours and no brain damage, no more than before, praise God. I mean, what a miracle. I tell you, this has changed my life. I’m excited about it. It’s a part of what Jesus died to do.
Today I want to play another testimony. This is the testimony of Hannah Terradez, a little girl in England, who was dying. She was three and a half years old, wearing nine month old clothes because her growth had been stunted, she had never had solid food in her life, and the doctors sent her home to die, but God intervened. I tell you, this is a great testimony.
So, I want you to watch this and remember, at the end of our program, we’re offering you all kinds of materials on the subject of healing. If what you see encourages you and you would like to see the miraculous power of God, I guarantee you, I’ve got some things that could help you receive your miracle from God. So, watch this, and then be ready at the end of our program to write or call and get these materials.