Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 4
Welcome to our Thursday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m continuing to teach on the subject of healing, «God Wants You Well». You know, I’ve got a lot of material on this. You know, our announcer has been making this announcement, but I just want to emphasize some of these things that I have a lot of material, let me just grab some of it. I’ve got a CD set entitled, «God Wants You Well». There’s four teachings in each one of these, and I tell you, these are powerful. And they would be a real blessing to you, and then I also have this book entitled, «God Wants You Well», and I’ve got a study guide that goes along with it, and I tell you, we have seen, I don’t even know, but probably thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people healed, some tremendous testimonies, great things coming through this.
I tell you, this could make a difference. I know that some of you think this is just too simple, you know, you’ve got to go through months and months and months of surgery and medicine and all of these kind of things and stuff and you know, people will go to huge effort and through much suffering and a lot of expensive stuff, but they won’t just take the gos-pill. But I tell you, the Word of God will be health unto all of your flesh is what it says in Proverbs, chapter 4. Psalms 107:20, he sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from all of their destructions.
Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 12, the Word of God is quick, that means, alive and powerful. The Word of God will breathe life into you. You need to get these materials. So, not only do we have all of those things, but we also have this little mp3 thing that you plug in to your computer and this has 43 hours' worth of teaching on healing and other things that I consider to be essential for you to understand in order to receive healing. I’ve got the teaching on God wants you well, you’ve already got it, how to receive a miracle, how to flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how to receive God’s best, spirit, soul and body, a better way to pray, creative power of words, healing scriptures, there’s just a lot of things, 43 hours' worth, and so anyway, we’ll be giving all of that information at the end of our program today, but I just want to encourage you that the Word of God, you can be healed.
I don’t care if the doctors have given you up, I don’t care if this is something chronic that you were born with, if it’s something you’ve lived with all of your life, it doesn’t matter what your situation is, there is not any sickness, any disease beyond God’s power. God wants you well. Not only does he have the power, but he wants to release that power in your life, and again, I’ve made reference to this earlier in the week, but people get offended when I say this. You know, most people, well, let me rephrase this, most Christians do not get offended if you say, God can heal, because if he’s God, he can do anything he wants to and anybody who reads the Bible has to admit that, man, there is just lots of miracles in the Bible, and so people believe that God can heal.
Where they get offended is when you say, God wants to heal you, it is God’s will for you to be well, or as I’m beginning to get into, it’s a part of Christ’s atonement. He has paid for your healing the same as he has paid for your forgiveness of sins. He does not want you to be sick anymore than he wants you to go live in sin.
Now, you start saying things like that and you get people mad in a hurry. I’ll get a lot of hate mail. I’ll have a lot of rejection over this, and it just amazes me, it amazes me that people fight so hard against healing. Again, they will acknowledge it can happen and if somebody was to get healed, well they’ll, you know, say, maybe it’s just a miracle, but it’s a one off thing.
To say that it’s something that could be repeated, something that other people could receive, then they start getting mad and they start fighting, and I tell you, people are vicious over this kind of thing, but it is God’s will. And I was using yesterday on my program in Mark, chapter 2, where Jesus specifically said in Mark, chapter 2, verse 10, but that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, then he turned to the sick of the palsy and he ministered to him and saw him healed. Jesus used healing to show that if he could do the physical miracles, he can also do the spiritual miracles, and I tell you, healing testifies to the glory of God. It’s a good thing.
Again, I believe that one of the reasons that people resist teaching on healing and things like this, again, saying that God can heal is okay, but to say that God wants to heal, that it’s his will and if you aren’t healed it’s not because God didn’t heal, it has to be because for some reason, we aren’t receiving or there’s a demonic hindrance, you go to saying that, people immediately start being condemned and it shouldn’t be that way. I’m not condemning anybody. I’m not condemning any person who’s sick anymore than I am condemning a person who’s not saved when I say, Jesus loves you and wants you to be saved. I’m not condemning you. We’ve all been lost and there’s nothing wrong with being lost unless you fight to stay lost.
If you somehow or another say that no, God wants me to be in this position where I don’t have relationship with him and where I will die and go to hell, now, that would be wrong. But there are people that are lost for multiple reasons, one of them, just because they haven’t heard the truth, and so I preach the gospel and tell people about being saved, not because I’m mad at them or trying to condemn them, but there’s people that will automatically take it that way. They’ll say, well, I’m a good person, and I say, it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person, you’ve got to be born again. You need to receive Jesus as your Savior. It’s not based on your goodness, it’s based on whether or not you receive Jesus.
There’s people that get offended over that. There’s people that think that I’m condemning them because I’m telling them that you can’t be saved by your own goodness, you have to trust in a Savior. Well likewise, when I tell people who are sick that you can be well, they immediately say, so are you saying there’s something wrong with me? I’m not saying that you’re a bad person, I’m not saying that it’s because of your sin or something that God has put sickness on you, that’s not what I’m saying, but I am saying that, yes, God has something better for you, and there are many people that just immediately will take that as rejection and condemnation. All I’m trying to do is condemn that state of being sick and say, this is not God’s best. But people just respond negatively. You don’t have to do that.
As a matter of fact, what I would like to do today, I want to play another video of healing for you. This is about a little boy named, Jason Peterson. His dad, Damon, is our accountant that works here in our ministry, and many years ago, I think it’s been ten or more years ago, Damon and Renee, his wife, brought their son into me to pray for him and he had this skin that was just, I mean he had this rash and it always itched and they would have to put creme on him. Anyway, it’s a long story, but I prayed for him. I didn’t see immediate results, and you know what? He could have just said, well, it must not be God’s will.
But praise God for Damon and Renee. They believed it was God’s will, and when they didn’t see the results that they wanted, instead of saying, well, God, you didn’t do something, they said, it must be something that we are doing, and it wasn’t malicious, it wasn’t that they wanted their son to be this way, but there was something they didn’t know or whatever, so anyway, this story will show you how they prayed, how they believed God and because they didn’t quit, because they didn’t take an instant manifestation as rejection and condemnation, but instead they kept believing God, they saw their son healed, and today Jason is totally normal, and you’ll see this. It’s a great testimony. So, watch this and at the end of the program, I’ll come back on and conclude today’s program.
Man, isn’t that a powerful testimony? And see, this is the way that you should respond. If you believe that it’s God’s will to be healed and if you don’t see instant manifestation, it’s not because God hasn’t come through, it’s because of a multitude of things. As we go through this series, I’m going to be sharing with you dozens, maybe hundreds of things that could complicate and keep you from receiving an instant manifestation, but just like the Petersons, you should say, it’s not because God doesn’t will to heal my son, it’s not God who’s holding the healing back, it’s something in me, and you just pray, and praise God for this gift of speaking in tongues.
As you heard Damon talk about it, he prayed in tongues, and as he prayed in tongues, the scripture says in 1 Corinthians, chapter 14 that when you pray in tongues, it’s your spirit that prays, that’s verse 14, and then verse 13 says, if you pray in tongues, pray also that you interpret, and so he was praying in tongues, he was praying the hidden wisdom of God, and he asked God for wisdom and as he was praying in tongues, God gave him the revelation about Jason’s heart being the problem, and when they prayed over that, instantly, not, I don’t guess instantly, but instantly the change was made. It took a couple of days and all of this rash was just totally gone, and it wasn’t God who was holding back the healing. There was just a specific way to pray.
You know again, I know that there’s people who say, I don’t believe it’s like this. You don’t have to pray and know specifically what to pray for, well you can get to where you’re so focused on you doing everything right that you forget that it’s God doing the healing, and so I admit that there’s a ditch on both sides of this road. You can get extreme over here, but at the same time, you do need to be specific and you do need to pray properly and I believe that this is just a great testimony how the Petersons believed it was God’s will for their son to be healed and they stood and prayed and stood until they finally broke through and found the thing that was the hindrance and they saw Jason healed.
I’m telling you today that if you’ve prayed for healing and if you haven’t seen it manifest, it’s not God who didn’t heal you. It’s either satan who’s hindering it, there’s maybe lack of understanding, knowledge on your part, it could be total rejection and stuff, but with many of you, it’s just that, I don’t know, there’s multiple things. I can’t tell you everything. I haven’t learned everything, but I am telling you this, I believe this with zero reservation, that it’s never God’s will to not heal a person. It’s always God’s will to heal. It’s a part of the atonement.
On our program tomorrow I’m going to start getting into many, many scriptures that’ll make this point so strong that you’re going to have to just sit there and bury your head in the sand to keep from believing this. It is God’s will for you to be well and you’ve got to have that as the foundation truth. And then, if you don’t see the healing manifest, it’s not God who’s not giving, it’s either you who’s not receiving or it’s satan who is hindering or there’s just multiple things. One of the last teachings in this series that I’m going to give is reasons why people are not healed, and I know probably 100 reasons why people aren’t healed. I’m only going to be able to deal with some of the major ones, but it’s a complicated issue.
There’s many things. Sometimes people have been sick so long that their bodies not only sick, their mind is sick. They think sick, they expect sick, they can’t see themselves any other way than sick, and the scripture says, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he, Proverbs 23:7. There are some people that the sickness has gone way beyond your body and it’s gotten into your mind and you think sick and you aren’t going to be healed until you get your thinking healed.
There’s other people that, you know, there’s reasons, and I’ll be dealing with this in more detail, but the point I’m trying to get across now is that God wants you well. It is God’s will for you to be well with no exceptions. God is not the source of your sickness. God wants you well, but in order for you to receive that healing, you’ve got to first of all embrace this truth and begin to resist that sickness instead of embracing it and thinking that God has allowed it, that God put it on you to teach you something. I tell you, that kind of thinking will get you sick, it’ll keep you sick, it’ll cause you to die. You need to believe it’s God’s will for you to be well.