Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 1
Welcome to our Monday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m going to begin a brand new series and I’m going to start talking about the subject of healing, supernatural, divine healing from God by faith, and I tell you, I’m excited about this. This is really important. I know that there are all kinds of reactions to this. There are some people that just think it’s terrible to promote healing, you know, anybody who believes that God exists believe God can do anything he wants to, but by in large, the body of Christ does not believe healing is something that you can control, that you can reach out and grab hold of it and receive healing. They think, you know, everybody prays for healing, even people that aren’t born again, that don’t spend any time seeking God, when they get in a crisis they’ll cry out, but that’s not going to get you healed.
There are ways that you can renew your mind and you can literally walk in supernatural healing and I’m going to be sharing with you the things that God has shared with me. Let me be right up front and tell you that I do not understand everything about healing. There are people that I pray for that don’t receive healing, that don’t get healed, and some people right there, by me just making this admission, are going to sit there and dismiss it and say, well then, what right do you have to talk about it? I don’t claim that I’ve understood it all, but I do see healing work in my life, I mean, in a wonderful way. It’s been 45, nearly 46 years since God touched my life and I bet you, over 40 of those years I’ve had a Revelation of healing and I’ve walked in divine health.
I’ve got doctors reports that showed I had incurable diseases and two days later I was totally healed of it. I’ve seen blind eyes open, deaf ears open. I have seen people come out of wheel chairs and walk. I’ve seen creative miracles where things happen. I’ve seen my own son raised from the dead. I’ve seen three people raised from the dead, and I’m not saying that to boast in any way, I’m just saying that this is an area that I see working in my life, and over the last 40 something years, the only times that I’ve ever really been sick have been through stupidity, through, one time I had jet lag after a long trip and I came back and stood in chest deep water trying to repair a drain on this pond that I was building in Colorado. That water was cold and I was already depleted and I fought something for a day or two over that, a head cold and some stuff.
One time I preached 40 hours one week and then 41 hours the next week, a total of 81 hours in two weeks' time and it just wore me out and I had to literally crawl and get in bed. I couldn’t even walk and I laid in bed for a whole day, felt better, went out and split a cord of wood, did too much too quick and I got some kind of a sinus infection that kept me down for two or three days and that’s just about it. I’ve fought off colds and things like this and I’m not saying these things to brag, but I’m saying, it’s working, and even though I claim that I don’t understand it all and that I’m still learning, I have seen miraculous results and I believe that this is an area that could really, really help people, and even though I don’t claim to know it all, what I know is working, and another great thing that I’ve really been blessed by is, it’s not just an anointing that rests upon me.
This is just truths from God’s word that I teach other people and I have seen other people go out and manifest healing and start praying for others. So, this isn’t like a gift of healing that’s on my life, it’s the truth of God’s word that has set me free and it is making a difference in people’s lives, so I am very excited to be sharing this. I think it’s going to make a big impact in your life, and if you aren’t sick, well then I guarantee you, some day you will be having to fight sickness. You need to learn these things in advance, and if you aren’t sick, I can guarantee you, you know somebody who is. There is plenty of opportunity to share these truths, so I’m very, very excited about what we’re going to be sharing.
Today I want to start by showing a video of Niki Ochenski was her name when I met her. This was back in, I think, 2001, and she got miraculously healed. Since then she’s been married, she just had her second child. It’s a tremendous testimony. It’s the very first one of our healing journey videos that we put out and we have on this video her doctor saying that he didn’t expect to see her the next week, that she was on the verge of the of death and we have a doctor on here saying this and I think it’s just a great way to introduce how healing can impact people’s lives and there are some great things to learn through this. So, if you’ll watch this, please listen, and at the end of our program, we’re going to be offering you a lot of material that will just enable you to start walking in the supernatural health because God wants you well.