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Adrian Rogers - How to Stand When You Don't Understand
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Adrian Rogers - How to Stand When You Don't Understand
Adrian Rogers - How to Stand When You Don't Understand
Would you take God’s Word and turn to the book of Job, comes just before Psalms in the Bible, the book of Job. And, turn to chapter 1. You’re going to find out that as you go through life, there are many, many things that will not make sense to you. [...]
Adrian Rogers - Dealing with Discouragement
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Adrian Rogers - Dealing with Discouragement
Adrian Rogers - Dealing with Discouragement
Would you be finding the book of Nehemiah, it’s about half way through the Old Testament, and I want you to turn to chapter 4. The book of Nehemiah is about a building project. Actually, Nehemiah is rebuilding the walls that crumbled around [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Ministry
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Ministry
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Ministry
Find God’s Word. Ephesians chapter 4. In a moment we’re going to begin reading in verse 17. A great Baptist preacher of yesteryear was named Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and Spurgeon told about going to visit an elderly woman in a poor house. She had [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Be finding Malachi chapter 3 if you would. That’s the last book in the Old Testament; Malachi chapter 3. Keep it open in your hand because I want you to see that the message today is coming right from the pages of God’s wonderful Word. We’re talking [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
We’ve been in a series of Bible studies under the heading, «Faithful to God’s Family,» and we’ve been talking to you about some factors of faithfulness. Several Sundays ago, we talked about faithful in Bible study. And then we talked about [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Fellowship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Fellowship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Fellowship
First Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 12, would you turn to it. We’re talking about this factor of faithfulness, and the factor we’re talking about today is fellowship. And we’re talking about fellowship in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Worship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Worship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Worship
Would you take your Bibles please, and be finding John chapter 4. A factor of faithfulness if you would be faithful to the Lord Jesus and faithful to His church is indeed worship. Let me tell you this, to learn to worship is your greatest need. To [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Bible Study
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Bible Study
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Bible Study
Take God’s Word and find 2 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 15. In a moment we will look at it. Let me tell you what happened to me. As a teenage boy, I sat in a church and heard a man preach the Gospel. I was sitting by my father, when the invitation [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Face Your Future
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Adrian Rogers - How to Face Your Future
Adrian Rogers - How to Face Your Future
I want you to take God’s Word and turn if you would please to James chapter 4. If you can find James chapter 4 I think it will help you today as we study together the Word of God. Now we’re on a threshold of a brand new year and when we come to the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
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Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
I want you to find a familiar passage of Scripture. As a matter of fact, it may be your favorite passage of Scripture, Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6. And we're going to revisit that passage of Scripture because it is so pertinent for this time of [...]
Adrian Rogers - His Name is Wonderful
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Adrian Rogers - His Name is Wonderful
Adrian Rogers - His Name is Wonderful
Would you take God’s precious Word and open to Isaiah chapter 9. A familiar Christmas text. Today I want to speak to you about the wonderful name of Jesus. Look in Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6, «For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Christmas Tribute to the Trinity
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Adrian Rogers - Christmas Tribute to the Trinity
Adrian Rogers - Christmas Tribute to the Trinity
Would you take God’s Word and find the Christmas story in Luke chapter 1, and let me tell you that the great question of the ages is, who is this baby that Luke tells about in the birth of the child? Answer that question right and act on your [...]
Adrian Rogers - Christmas in the Old Testament
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Adrian Rogers - Christmas in the Old Testament
Adrian Rogers - Christmas in the Old Testament
Would you be finding the little book of Micah! Micah chapter 5 and in just a moment I'm going to be reading verse 2. The title of our message today, Christmas in the Old Testament. The book of Micah is a small book and in the book of Micah, in [...]
Adrian Rogers - Miracle Births
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Adrian Rogers - Miracle Births
Adrian Rogers - Miracle Births
Would you take God’s precious Word and be finding, please, John chapter 3. Right away you remember that that is a very significant chapter in the Word of God, and one that, if you’ve been a Christian very long, you’re very, very familiar with; it’s [...]
Adrian Rogers - Revival is When God Shows Up
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Adrian Rogers - Revival is When God Shows Up
Adrian Rogers - Revival is When God Shows Up
Now would you take God's Word and turn to Isaiah chapter 64? The title of the message is this, "Revival is When God Shows Up"! When God shows up, that is revival. Our homes need revival. Our churches need revival. This nation and this [...]
Adrian Rogers - Let the Fire Fall
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Adrian Rogers - Let the Fire Fall
Adrian Rogers - Let the Fire Fall
Would you take your Bibles and find First Kings chapter 18? We've been talking about revival. We've been talking about revival in general. We've been talking about personal revival. Today we're talking about revival in the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Rivers of Revival
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Adrian Rogers - Rivers of Revival
Adrian Rogers - Rivers of Revival
Would you take God's precious, holy Word and turn to the Old Testament, Ezekiel 47. The title of the message today is, "Rivers of Revival". Now we're praying for, planning for, hoping for, and looking for revival. We're [...]
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Adrian Rogers - Sharing the Light
Adrian Rogers - Sharing the Light
Would you be finding Acts, the book of Acts, chapter 10, and in just a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 34. I want to ask you a question. What would happen if a man were to come to you and to say to you, "I have been a pagan, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations
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Adrian Rogers - The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations
Adrian Rogers - The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations
Take your Bibles, please, and turn to Second Corinthians chapter 5. And when you've found it, let me tell you something. Your achievement in life will be primarily motivated by your motivations, impelled by your motivations. Now what motivates [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Value of a Human Soul
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Adrian Rogers - The Value of a Human Soul
Adrian Rogers - The Value of a Human Soul
I want you to turn to a familiar passage, Mark chapter 8, and we're going to begin reading in verse 34. And as you're finding it, let me tell you that you do not merely have a soul, you are a soul. And your soul is of infinite worth. Your [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
Take your Bible, find John chapter 4, and look up here. In these climatic days in which we're living in the life of our church, I have been trying to distill and focus on the things that I have told you for 32 years. What kind of a church [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Praying Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Praying Church
Adrian Rogers - A Praying Church
We've been talking about the kind of church that we ought to be, the kind of church that I've tried to teach you to be in these years that God has given me the wonderful privilege of being your pastor. This morning, I want you to open [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Spirit-Filled Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Spirit-Filled Church
Adrian Rogers - A Spirit-Filled Church
Be finding John chapter 14 and verse 12. We have been in a series of studies together talking about the kind of a church that we want to be, the new horizons, what God has for us, and what I've tried to teach you to do and be for over 30 years. [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Steadfast Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Steadfast Church
Adrian Rogers - A Steadfast Church
Be finding Nehemiah chapter 4. We're in a series of Bible studies, things that I want to say to the church. What kind of a church should this church be? What kind of a church have I been trying in these past years to allow God to lead me to [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Unified Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Unified Church
Adrian Rogers - A Unified Church
Would you take your Bibles and turn to Ephesians chapter 4. I'm beginning a series of messages that I'm going to be preaching, God willing, all this month and next month that is going to be a distillation of things that I want you to [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Gospel of Grace
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Adrian Rogers - The Gospel of Grace
Adrian Rogers - The Gospel of Grace
Take your Bibles, find Galatians chapter 1. Now we fly, many of us, many places. I heard of an airline pilot who came on the intercom and said to his passengers, he said, "Folks, I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is this: we [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus and His Bible
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus and His Bible
Adrian Rogers - Jesus and His Bible
Would you take God's Word please and open to Matthew chapter 5. In a moment, we're going to be reading from verse 17 and verse 18. In these Sundays, the ones that precede us and the ones that will follow us for a short time, I'm going [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Book that Changed the World
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Adrian Rogers - The Book that Changed the World
Adrian Rogers - The Book that Changed the World
Would you take God's Word and turn to the book of Romans, Romans chapter 1. You know, books are an interesting thing, I have a library full of books, and my books have been my good friends. I think of books that have changed the world. I think [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come
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Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come
Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come
Would you take God's Word and turn to Psalm 78. And I want to say, that the great American dream was placed in the heart of our founding fathers, I believe, by Almighty God. No nation, no nation ever had such a Christian beginning as America. I [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Key to Unbroken Victory
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Adrian Rogers - The Key to Unbroken Victory
Adrian Rogers - The Key to Unbroken Victory
Would you take God's Word and turn to Joshua chapter 7? And when you've found it, let me tell you something about you. God has planned; God has programmed for you a life of victory, unbroken victory. However, many Christians are not living [...]
Adrian Rogers - Calling America Back to God
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Adrian Rogers - Calling America Back to God
Adrian Rogers - Calling America Back to God
Would you be finding the book of Nehemiah, please, in the Old Testament, and when you found it turn to chapter 1, and then when you found that let me speak with you for just a moment. Before I read the Scripture to you we're going to read, in [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Only Hope for America
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Adrian Rogers - The Only Hope for America
Adrian Rogers - The Only Hope for America
Would you take your Bibles and turn to Ephesians chapter 4. I'm beginning a series of messages that I'm going to be preaching, God willing, all this month and next month that is going to be a distillation of things that I want you to [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Conquering Christ
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Adrian Rogers - The Conquering Christ
Adrian Rogers - The Conquering Christ
I would like for you to find, please Ephesians chapter one. In a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 15. Now there was a truth that Paul wanted the church at Ephesus to know, and I'm certain that God wants the church in Memphis to [...]
Adrian Rogers - The God-Man, Our Mediator
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Adrian Rogers - The God-Man, Our Mediator
Adrian Rogers - The God-Man, Our Mediator
Would you find in God's Word the book of Job chapter 9? For our Christmas message this morning, we're thinking on this subject, The GodMan, Our Mediator. The GodMan, Our Mediator. Job chapter 9. Now if you're familiar with the book of [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus, Friend of Sinners
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus, Friend of Sinners
Adrian Rogers - Jesus, Friend of Sinners
I would like for you to find in your Bibles, Luke chapter 15. And if you have been on the trail for a while, you'll recognize this as a story that Jesus told about how much God loves you. Now perhaps you think, "You know, Pastor, I have [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus, the Sinner's Refuge
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus, the Sinner's Refuge
Adrian Rogers - Jesus, the Sinner's Refuge
Take God's Word and find, if you will, Joshua chapter 20. We're going to be in the Old Testament, but we're going to be talking about Jesus, our Lord and Savior. One of the things I've learned about the Bible is all of the Bible [...]
Adrian Rogers - Treasuring the Trinity
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Adrian Rogers - Treasuring the Trinity
Adrian Rogers - Treasuring the Trinity
Take your Bibles and turn with me, if you will, please to Isaiah chapter 6, a very familiar passage of Scripture. And in just a moment we're going to be talking on this subject: Treasuring the Trinity. Now, the doctrine of the Trinity is one of [...]
Adrian Rogers - Friendship with Jesus
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Adrian Rogers - Friendship with Jesus
Adrian Rogers - Friendship with Jesus
Would you take God's precious Word and be finding John chapter 15, if you would please. John chapter 15. In a moment I'm going to begin reading in verse 12. Some years ago when Joyce and I were quite young, we had a little baby boy to die [...]
Adrian Rogers - Stop Enduring Religion
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Adrian Rogers - Stop Enduring Religion
Adrian Rogers - Stop Enduring Religion
Turn with me please to John chapter 7 and I begin reading in verse 37; John chapter 7 and verse 37. I love to hear the rustle of those pages. Sounds like angel wings fluttering when I hear you turning those pages. That's wonderful. You'll [...]
Adrian Rogers - Knowing God Intimately
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Adrian Rogers - Knowing God Intimately
Adrian Rogers - Knowing God Intimately
Take your Bibles, and turn to the book of Exodus, if you will, chapter 33, Exodus chapter 33 and in a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 11. Now I want to talk to you about not just simply knowing about God; I think all of us here [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Death
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Death
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Death
Would you take God's Word and be finding John chapter 11, and when you've found it, I want to tell you that Jesus is the only reason that we live. As a matter of fact, He came that we might live. He said in John 10 and verse 10, now [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Despair
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Despair
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Despair
Be finding John chapter 6, please in the Word of God. Let me tell you what I want to do this morning. I want to introduce you to an old friend that you've known for a long time; but you didn't know he was a friend. Now what is a friend? [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Desires
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Desires
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Desires
Would you take your Bibles and turn to John chapter 6? We're in a series of messages talking about the miracles of Jesus Christ. And we believe in a miracle-working God, and if you believe the Bible, you'll have no difficulty believing in [...]
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Doubt
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Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Doubt
Adrian Rogers - Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Doubt
Turn, would you please, to John chapter 4. The Gospel of John, chapter 4. Beyond miracles and on to Jesus. John had a strategy when he wrote the Gospel of John. He lists seven miracles, he calls these miracles "signs"; that is they are [...]
Adrian Rogers - Who Crucified Jesus?
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Adrian Rogers - Who Crucified Jesus?
Adrian Rogers - Who Crucified Jesus?
Take God's Word and find Isaiah chapter 53. We're in a series of Bible studies entitled, "His Passion; Our Purpose". We've been thinking about the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the film by Mel Gibson that has caused [...]
Adrian Rogers - Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?
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Adrian Rogers - Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?
Adrian Rogers - Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?
Would you open your Bibles to John chapter 6 and in a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 63. And as you're turning to that, let me ask you a question. How many of you know a man or a boy named John? Or, how many of you know a man [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Unpardonable Sin
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Adrian Rogers - The Unpardonable Sin
Adrian Rogers - The Unpardonable Sin
Now, would you open your Bibles and find your place in the Word of God in Matthew chapter 12. And in a moment, we're going to begin reading in verse 31. What a joy to think of God's amazing, incredible, indescribable grace and love that [...]
Adrian Rogers - Is Jesus God?
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Adrian Rogers - Is Jesus God?
Adrian Rogers - Is Jesus God?
Take your Bibles, please, and turn to Matthew chapter 27, and look in one verse here in just a moment, verse 22. The background is this; Jesus is on trial before Pilate. He's standing before Pilate. One of these days, Pilate will stand before [...]
Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
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Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
Would you take God's Word and find, please Psalm chapter 19, the nineteenth Psalm? And when you've found it, I want to read to you from a little leaflet that has been handed to me. The title of this leaflet is, "An Invitation to the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Revival
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Adrian Rogers - Family Revival
Adrian Rogers - Family Revival
Take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 19. And while you're turning to that, let me tell you that we're seeking and asking God for a revival. And, of course, we want revival in our nation, and we want revival in this, our church, [...]
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