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Victoria Osteen - Stay Strong In God Through Joy
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Victoria Osteen - Stay Strong In God Through Joy
Victoria Osteen - Stay Strong In God Through Joy
We love you so much. It's fun to be in the house of the Lord. It's fun to celebrate a God who is for us and not against us. Can you imagine coming to a God who you don't know what he thinks about you, you don't know how he feels about you, you don't [...]
Victoria Osteen - Put God First In Your Life
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Victoria Osteen - Put God First In Your Life
Victoria Osteen - Put God First In Your Life
Thank you, Lord. We are a grateful people, amen? You may be seated. I just want to encourage us all, at the first of this year, to not allow busyness to consume our lives, too not allow just the busyness of life to overwhelm us and overtake us. We [...]
Victoria Osteen - God Sees You As Valuable and Significant
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Victoria Osteen - God Sees You As Valuable and Significant
Victoria Osteen - God Sees You As Valuable and Significant
Amen, what a powerful name we have, amen? When I was a little girl, I loved to hand-make cards for my parents. I always liked to tell them how much I loved them and show my affection with these handmade cards, and I used to put my signature, [...]
Victoria Osteen - You Are A Child Of Promise
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Victoria Osteen - You Are A Child Of Promise
Victoria Osteen - You Are A Child Of Promise
The other day, I was down here at the altar, and I was praying for a beautiful young woman. She was telling me what she was concerned about and what she wanted me to pray for, and then she looked right at me, and she said, "I feel unnoticed by [...]
Victoria Osteen - Widen Your Lens Of Perspective
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Victoria Osteen - Widen Your Lens Of Perspective
Victoria Osteen - Widen Your Lens Of Perspective
I want to encourage every one of us today that if you're waiting on a prayer to be answered, or maybe you're waiting for some things to change in your life, and it hasn't happened for a long time, and you're just waiting for things to change, so you [...]
Victoria Osteen - We're Wired With God's Power
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Victoria Osteen - We're Wired With God's Power
Victoria Osteen - We're Wired With God's Power
Can you imagine living in a big, beautiful house all wired with electricity, well-able to run your refrigerator, well-able to run your air conditioning, your, all of your lights, you can plug in all your small appliances, all the modern things that [...]
Victoria Osteen - Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes
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Victoria Osteen - Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes
Victoria Osteen - Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes
You sound amazing. You may be seated. Have you ever felt like you didn't have the strength to go on? Or maybe you feel like that the task at hand is just so difficult and why in the world are you doing it? You know, sometimes, we don't think we can [...]
Victoria Osteen - Unity In The Body Of Christ
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Victoria Osteen - Unity In The Body Of Christ
Victoria Osteen - Unity In The Body Of Christ
Thank you, Lord. We bless you in this place. So, the other day, Joel and I, we needed to get out a little bit. It was in the evening and a lot of times we'll go ride bikes and get a little exercise, so we thought, "Well, let's just get on our [...]
Victoria Osteen - The Power Of Remembering
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Victoria Osteen - The Power Of Remembering
Victoria Osteen - The Power Of Remembering
I want to encourage us today about remembering, remembering the good, remembering the things that are helpful to us. You see, so many times in life, there's negative things that happened to us. Maybe a bad childhood, maybe a divorce, some negative [...]
Victoria Osteen - The Power of Encouragement
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Victoria Osteen - The Power of Encouragement
Victoria Osteen - The Power of Encouragement
You guys sound good as usual. I believe that God wants every one of us to be a superhero. See, God wants us to be fearless and courageous. He wants us to be like the ones you see in the movies. You know how they are. 'bout like the time the enemy [...]
Victoria Osteen - Strengthen Your Inner Man
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Victoria Osteen - Strengthen Your Inner Man
Victoria Osteen - Strengthen Your Inner Man
You know, it's interesting that there's so much information out there bombarding us on how to take care of our physical bodies. How to eat right, what supplements to take, if you read articles, they're saying you need to get in this many hours of [...]
Victoria Osteen - Stand Firm In Your Yes To God
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Victoria Osteen - Stand Firm In Your Yes To God
Victoria Osteen - Stand Firm In Your Yes To God
Thank you, Lord. We are excited to be in your presence and in the house of the Lord, amen? Have you ever had an opportunity presented to you, and you said, "No"? "No, I don't want to do that". "No, I can't do that". [...]
Victoria Osteen - Roll Away The Stone
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Victoria Osteen - Roll Away The Stone
Victoria Osteen - Roll Away The Stone
Have you ever watched a movie or a show, and you'd seen it before, you knew the end of the story? Maybe you were watching it with a friend, and they didn't know the end of the story, but you did. So, when all the suspenseful parts were coming, you [...]
Victoria Osteen - Renew Your Mind
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Victoria Osteen - Renew Your Mind
Victoria Osteen - Renew Your Mind
We bless you in this place. You guys sound and look amazing. You may be seated. I just want to encourage all of us today with the scripture that's found in Romans, Romans 12, and this is Paul talking to the Romans, and he's encouraging them and [...]
Victoria Osteen - Realign Your Focus to Stay on Course
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Victoria Osteen - Realign Your Focus to Stay on Course
Victoria Osteen - Realign Your Focus to Stay on Course
Thank you, Lord. We are believers in this place. We love you this morning, amen. When I was a little girl, I loved to go to the beach with my family. We would get to the beach, and I remember so well we had this huge red umbrella that we'd drill [...]
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your Heart From Offense
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Victoria Osteen - Protect Your Heart From Offense
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your Heart From Offense
You know, as long as we live, we're going to have to guard our hearts from taking in offense. You know, all through our life, people are going to hurt us, unfair things are going to happen, we'll be disappointed, people may say something that's not [...]
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises
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Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises
Just want to encourage you today that you have the power of the living God on the inside of you. Do you ever get tired of hearing that? I don't either, and I think we constantly need to be reminded that God's power lives in us. You see, you're [...]
Victoria Osteen - Patient Endurance Brings Forth God's Promises
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Victoria Osteen - Patient Endurance Brings Forth God's Promises
Victoria Osteen - Patient Endurance Brings Forth God's Promises
Thank you, Lord. Oh, we love you and honor you in this place, amen. I think about when my daughter sent out her applications for college. She was going to go to a university, and so it was the end of her senior year, she began to send out [...]
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Victoria Osteen - Pass On Spiritual Blessings
Victoria Osteen - Pass On Spiritual Blessings
I want to remind the parents today that you have the ability to pass on spiritual blessings to your children. You know, we can speak the blessing to our children, encourage them, lift them up, but there's another transfer that the Bible talk about [...]
Victoria Osteen - Our Words are Containers of Power
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Victoria Osteen - Our Words are Containers of Power
Victoria Osteen - Our Words are Containers of Power
Amen and amen! You may be seated. Thank you for being in the house of the Lord today. There's a story in the Bible about a woman who was sick for 12 long years. She had a condition that caused her body to lose blood, and it left her frail and weak. [...]
Victoria Osteen - Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires
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Victoria Osteen - Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires
Victoria Osteen - Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires
Hallelujah! Amen and amen! You know, we all want God to do great things in our life. I think the cry of our heart is, "God, do something in me and through me. Let 2017 be a year that you really bring forth the dreams and desires in my [...]
Victoria Osteen - Live Together in Unity
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Victoria Osteen - Live Together in Unity
Victoria Osteen - Live Together in Unity
Psalm 1:33, 1 and 3, "It is good and it is pleasant when God's people live together in unity". How many of you want to live in a good and pleasant place? I do. It is good and pleasant when God's people live in unity. That's what I want to [...]
Victoria Osteen - Live the Resurrection Life
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Victoria Osteen - Live the Resurrection Life
Victoria Osteen - Live the Resurrection Life
Joel and I were at a restaurant having a lovely dinner one evening. We had been sitting there for a while chatting, but we were ready to go. So we called the waiter over to ask him for our check, and he said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I should have been [...]
Victoria Osteen - Lift Up Your Eyes
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Victoria Osteen - Lift Up Your Eyes
Victoria Osteen - Lift Up Your Eyes
Your faith is amazing. Go out and tell people about this saving power of Jesus Christ, amen, that he can do what nobody else can do. You are his light in all the world. You see, we're all on this journey of faith together, and if we're going to [...]
Victoria Osteen - Let's Have A Positive Attitude
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Victoria Osteen - Let's Have A Positive Attitude
Victoria Osteen - Let's Have A Positive Attitude
Thank you Lord. You may be seated. We are so glad you're here today. There was a study done at Stanford university that said that attitude is a better predictor of success than IQ. They related attitude and success. You know, attitude really starts [...]
Victoria Osteen - Let The S-O-N Shine On
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Victoria Osteen - Let The S-O-N Shine On
Victoria Osteen - Let The S-O-N Shine On
Hallelujah, we bless you in this place. I was in a garden shop the other day, and I came across some of these really cute little lights, solar lights, and I was looking at the different styles they had, and I thought these are so cute, and I have [...]
Victoria Osteen - Let Go of The Small Things
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Victoria Osteen - Let Go of The Small Things
Victoria Osteen - Let Go of The Small Things
How many of you guys know that, sometimes, the smallest thing can just irritate you, things that really don't matter in the long run? I was with a girlfriend of mine several years ago and she was showing me her vacation photos. I hate to date this, [...]
Victoria Osteen - Know Who You Are in Christ
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Victoria Osteen - Know Who You Are in Christ
Victoria Osteen - Know Who You Are in Christ
Hallelujah! We are grateful people. The Bible says in Genesis that we are made in the image of God. You see, the image that we carry on the inside of us has a lot to do with what we reflect. It has so much to do with what we identify with, how we [...]
Victoria Osteen - Keep Your Heart Free From Offense
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Victoria Osteen - Keep Your Heart Free From Offense
Victoria Osteen - Keep Your Heart Free From Offense
It's good to have you in the house of the Lord today. I want to encourage us all this morning to keep our heart free from offense. Offense is everywhere. Jesus said, "As long as you're here, offense will come". As long as we live in this [...]
Victoria Osteen - Keep Healthy Family Connections
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Victoria Osteen - Keep Healthy Family Connections
Victoria Osteen - Keep Healthy Family Connections
Yes, thank you, Lord. You may be seated. I just want to encourage all of us today to keep healthy connections with our families. You know, going forward in 2017, we need to make sure that we're making a personal investment into our family members, [...]
Victoria Osteen - Investing In Your Future
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Victoria Osteen - Investing In Your Future
Victoria Osteen - Investing In Your Future
Listen, I want to remind us to spend our time investing in our future. Don't invest in the past. Investing in the past is when you relive your hurts, your pains, your disappointments. See, it's easy to focus on who hurt you, what didn't work out, [...]
Victoria Osteen - How Are You Handling Worry?
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Victoria Osteen - How Are You Handling Worry?
Victoria Osteen - How Are You Handling Worry?
The other day I got a phone call and the voice on the other end of the phone said, "Victoria I gotta tell you something, but don't worry about what I'm gonna tell you". Well automatically my worry was kicked in, that was my first response. [...]
Victoria Osteen - Hope Fuels Our Faith
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Victoria Osteen - Hope Fuels Our Faith
Victoria Osteen - Hope Fuels Our Faith
Oh, we're in agreement with that today, amen? I want to encourage us all today. I want to challenge us in a way to think about this word that we hear so much of now called, "Hope". Are you hoping for anything today? Maybe you're hoping for [...]
Victoria Osteen - Have a Peacemaker's Heart
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Victoria Osteen - Have a Peacemaker's Heart
Victoria Osteen - Have a Peacemaker's Heart
Yes, we are a grateful people, amen? I want to encourage us all today to have a peacemaker's heart, a peacemaker's heart, the heart of a peacemaker. You see, we all want to live in peace. We all want people to be at peace with us. We want peace in [...]
Victoria Osteen - Have a Compassionate Heart
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Victoria Osteen - Have a Compassionate Heart
Victoria Osteen - Have a Compassionate Heart
I just want to encourage us all to open our hearts of compassion. You see, sometimes we get so busy in life that we don't even notice the people around us. We have jobs, we have families, we have chores, responsibilities, and sometimes those things [...]
Victoria Osteen - Guard Your Heart, Start Thinking Overcoming Thoughts
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Victoria Osteen - Guard Your Heart, Start Thinking Overcoming Thoughts
Victoria Osteen - Guard Your Heart, Start Thinking Overcoming Thoughts
The scripture tells us in Proverbs that "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is". As you think in your heart, so you are, the Proverbs tells us. See, that tells me that my life is gonna go in the direction of my most prominent thoughts. [...]
Victoria Osteen - God's Wisdom
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Victoria Osteen - God's Wisdom
Victoria Osteen - God's Wisdom
You're reminded. Church is a good reminder. Changes your perspective, doesn't it? You know, I just believe that miracles have taken place. And not only in our hearts, in our spirits, but God is going before us. He is making those crooked places [...]
Victoria Osteen - God's Love For You Is Unconditional
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Victoria Osteen - God's Love For You Is Unconditional
Victoria Osteen - God's Love For You Is Unconditional
It is so good to have you in the house of the Lord. I'm so grateful today that God calls us just the way we are. He doesn't call us when we're perfect, when we've got ourself looking good, when we're just like we think we should be. God calls each [...]
Victoria Osteen - God Is in Your Story
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Victoria Osteen - God Is in Your Story
Victoria Osteen - God Is in Your Story
Thank you, Father. We bless the name of Jesus, amen? I was at the Wortham Center, watching a theatrical play with about five of my friends. We had decided to go kind of at the last minute, and our seats were way back in the back. They weren't good [...]
Victoria Osteen - God Has Great Purpose For Your Life
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Victoria Osteen - God Has Great Purpose For Your Life
Victoria Osteen - God Has Great Purpose For Your Life
Thank you for being here today. You may be seated. I want to encourage you today that God has great purpose for your life. You hold meaning, you hold potential, you hold everything you need to make this earth a better place, and I want to charge us [...]
Victoria Osteen - Fight Fear and Discouragement with the Word of God
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Victoria Osteen - Fight Fear and Discouragement with the Word of God
Victoria Osteen - Fight Fear and Discouragement with the Word of God
You may be seated. It's good to be in the house of the Lord. How many of you, like me, want to go from just knowing the promises of God to walking in to the promises of God? It's one thing to know something, it's another thing to use what you know [...]
Victoria Osteen - Express Gratitude Through Actions
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Victoria Osteen - Express Gratitude Through Actions
Victoria Osteen - Express Gratitude Through Actions
The other day, my son did something so nice for me. It was really special. He went out of his way and took his time to really make me feel good, and I did. I was so appreciative of what he did. I called him up and I said, "Jonathan, thank you [...]
Victoria Osteen - Experience the Fullness of His Love
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Victoria Osteen - Experience the Fullness of His Love
Victoria Osteen - Experience the Fullness of His Love
When Joel and I first started dating many years ago, we had a mutual friend, and I didn't know this at the time, but my friend was talking behind my back with Joel. She would say things like, "She likes you. She told me she did", and Joel [...]
Victoria Osteen - Exceptional You
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Victoria Osteen - Exceptional You
Victoria Osteen - Exceptional You
"We honor you today, and we thank you for everything that you've done. We thank you, you are a good God, and we will worship you all the days of our life. In Jesus's name, amen". You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and I just want [...]
Victoria Osteen - Encourage Yourself
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Victoria Osteen - Encourage Yourself
Victoria Osteen - Encourage Yourself
Thank you, Lord. We exalt you in this place, and we honor you today, amen? He's a good God. I was talking to a girl the other day who had had a break-up in her relationship, and she was so disheartened. She said that she thought this relationship [...]
Victoria Osteen - Don't Be A Complainer
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Victoria Osteen - Don't Be A Complainer
Victoria Osteen - Don't Be A Complainer
I want to remind us all today to not be complainers and fault-finders. Oh man, really? We don't need to be complainers and fault-finders. See, it's easy to see what's wrong in a situation. It's easy to see what could be done better. You know, [...]
Victoria Osteen - Develop Self-Control To Rise Higher With God
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Victoria Osteen - Develop Self-Control To Rise Higher With God
Victoria Osteen - Develop Self-Control To Rise Higher With God
How many of you are making some decisions or plans on what you wanna achieve for 2017? Amen. Setting some goals, maybe you're gonna break some habits, change a few things around. You know, you're excited, something is stirring in your spirit. You're [...]
Victoria Osteen - Creating a Winning Atmosphere for Your Family
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Victoria Osteen - Creating a Winning Atmosphere for Your Family
Victoria Osteen - Creating a Winning Atmosphere for Your Family
Yes, thank you, Lord. We do believe, father, showing up has made a difference. As we sing that song, I just want to remind us about something. See, God has given us his grace. He's covered us, all of our failures and all of our mistakes, he's never [...]
Victoria Osteen - Created To Do Good Works
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Victoria Osteen - Created To Do Good Works
Victoria Osteen - Created To Do Good Works
Hallelujah, we bless you in this place and we thank you for the power that you've given us. You know, I pray for people all the time, and they want to know the will of God for their life. You know, they're really looking to find their assignments [...]
Victoria Osteen - Contentment Is A State Of Mind
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Victoria Osteen - Contentment Is A State Of Mind
Victoria Osteen - Contentment Is A State Of Mind
Hallelujah. We love you, Lord. It's good to be in the house of the Lord, isn't it? Have you ever felt restless? Maybe you felt anxious. You're just not content. You don't even know what it is. It's just something that's just stirring inside of you. [...]
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