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Chris Hodges - The Way Out of the Mess
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Chris Hodges - The Way Out of the Mess
Chris Hodges - The Way Out of the Mess
All right. How's everybody doing today? Y'all doing great? I said, are you doing great today? Oh, it's so good to see you. You look fantastic. Welcome to week number five and the conclusion of this series that we've called "Life, Money, and [...]
Chris Hodges - I Have Decided to Be Free Indeed
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Chris Hodges - I Have Decided to Be Free Indeed
Chris Hodges - I Have Decided to Be Free Indeed
It's really good to see you today. We are in week number 2 of a four-part sermon series called, "I Have Decided," and I'll tell you more about that in just a second; but as always, I'd like to start the service by just making sure every [...]
James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
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James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
We live in a world today where porn is more accessible and acceptable than it's ever been before which has led to so many young people like you getting trapped in a cycle of addiction. That's why today we're talking about three steps you can take to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Free From Grief and Sorrow
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Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Free From Grief and Sorrow
Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Free From Grief and Sorrow
Go to the 28th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy, "It shall come to pass if you will hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and do all of his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set [...]
Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
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Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
Come on, lift your voices to the one who gave his life for us, who has risen from the dead. He's here right now. Give him praise. Hallelujah. We welcome your presence, Lord. He is here, you know. We're not just saying, he is here. Amen? He's in the [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
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Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Well, I'm curious, how many of you right now might have something that you're a little bit worried about? Raise your hand, again. Some of you go, "I got a lot that I'm worried about". I don't blame you, because there's a lot to worry about [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom (Clarify Your Identity) - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Freedom (Clarify Your Identity) - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Freedom (Clarify Your Identity) - Part 2
Hey, what a privilege to be with you today. We're gonna complete this discussion we're having on the freedom that is ours because of our identity in Christ. You know, so often we're labeled because of the accent we have or the color of our hair or [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom (Clarify Your Identity) - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Freedom (Clarify Your Identity) - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Freedom (Clarify Your Identity) - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. There is so much discussion in our culture about how we identify. It has pushed to the level of the absurd, and at the heart of so much of it to be completely candid, I think is rebellion. You know, the Bible [...]
Gregory Dickow - No Record Against You
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Gregory Dickow - No Record Against You
Gregory Dickow - No Record Against You
Welcome to another episode of, "Think Like a Champion," a podcast dedicated to helping you win in every way and enjoy every day. And I want to thank everyone who's written a review or shared this podcast on social media. Appreciate you [...]
Gregory Dickow - How to Silence the Accuser
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Gregory Dickow - How to Silence the Accuser
Gregory Dickow - How to Silence the Accuser
This is what the devil consists of. He throws accusations at you day and night, day and night, day and night until he penetrates your soul. And there he releases explosive power through the power of guilt, condemnation and accusation. And so if we [...]
James Meehan - Freed From, Freed For
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James Meehan - Freed From, Freed For
James Meehan - Freed From, Freed For
— Well, welcome to this week of "Switch Uncut" where we are doing what we enjoy doing. Just nerding out over the Bible, asking and answering different questions about faith, following Jesus, and of course the Bible. With me is our co-host, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure
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Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure
Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure
I want us to look at 2 Corinthians 10. "Now I, Paul, myself, beseech you by the meekness and great gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you. But I beseech you that I may not be bold when I'm [...]
John Bradshaw - Real Freedom
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John Bradshaw - Real Freedom
John Bradshaw - Real Freedom
When a person completes a prison term, they're set free. The Emancipation Proclamation decreed that enslaved Americans were freed. Freedom, wonderful! Free people able to determine their own destiny to some great extent, but as good as freedom is, [...]
John Bradshaw - Grateful
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John Bradshaw - Grateful
John Bradshaw - Grateful
It's been said that war is hell, many don't survive it completely intact, suffering physical or psychological scarring, but if certain wars had not been fought, it's possible you might be speaking a different language today. Proverbs 29, verse 2 [...]
Michael Youssef - Find The Source Of True Freedom
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Michael Youssef - Find The Source Of True Freedom
Michael Youssef - Find The Source Of True Freedom
Hello friends, Michael Youssef here, you know our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience are under attack. In an oppressive world only God brings true freedom from sin, from fear, from guilt, from death. And all can be [...]
Joyce Meyer - Freedom from Worry
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Joyce Meyer - Freedom from Worry
Joyce Meyer - Freedom from Worry
Well, I wanna talk to you about freedom from worry. And I know probably none of us need that, right? Does anybody here need that? You know, there certainly is plenty to worry about in the world today. To be honest, sometimes, I feel like that the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - How To Stay Free
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Jentezen Franklin - How To Stay Free
Jentezen Franklin - How To Stay Free
I want you to open your Bibles with me to the book of Judges 16:3, "And Samson laid low till midnight; then he arose at midnight, took hold of the doors of the gate of the city," notice this, "and the two gateposts. And he pulled them [...]
Allen Jackson - Walking In Freedom - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Walking In Freedom - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Walking In Freedom - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're doing our study on Spiritual Warfare with a focus on the end of times. We're gonna complete this session on walking in freedom. You know, Jesus has provided everything we need for life and godliness. We don't [...]
Allen Jackson - Walking In Freedom - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Walking In Freedom - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Walking In Freedom - Part 1
It's good to be with you again today. We've been doing a study together on spiritual warfare with a focus on the end times. This session, we're gonna talk about walking in freedom. You know, we live in a frightening season, to be candid. There's a [...]
Joel Osteen - Your Time For Release
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Joel Osteen - Your Time For Release
Joel Osteen - Your Time For Release
I want to talk talk to you today about Your Time For Release. We all have things that come against us and try to hinder us and keep us from our destiny. Can be a sickness, depression, child that's off course. Sometimes we're dealing with things that [...]
Beth Moore - Freedom from Shame
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Beth Moore - Freedom from Shame
Beth Moore - Freedom from Shame
Now, I want to go back to our text in Hebrews 10:19 through 20 with Hebrews 4 still in view. So keep it in mind. And I want to go through it. So if you're open to Hebrews 10, it says, "Therefore, since we have boldness," in 10:19, "to [...]
Joel Osteen - Breaking Control
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Joel Osteen - Breaking Control
Joel Osteen - Breaking Control
I want to talk to you today about Breaking Control. It's easy to go through life doing things out of guilt and pressure: a relative will get upset if we don't show up every time they want, a friend expects us to meet every demand or they'll get [...]
John Hagee - Freedom from Worry
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John Hagee - Freedom from Worry
John Hagee - Freedom from Worry
Why worry? Webster defines worry as to afflict with mental distress. To afflict with mental distress. A teenage son, who was away at college, sent his dad a telegram. The telegram said, "Dear dad, I've been in a serious car crash. I've broken [...]
John Hagee - How Free Is Freedom?
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John Hagee - How Free Is Freedom?
John Hagee - How Free Is Freedom?
Freedom isn't free. Fifty-six men gathered in the Pennsylvania state house to draw up "The declaration of independence". It was a fortunate hour in our nation's history, one of the those rare occasions when we had greatness to spare. These [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom Through The Cross
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Allen Jackson - Freedom Through The Cross
Allen Jackson - Freedom Through The Cross
The lesson today is really a very simple lesson. I wanna hand you three ideas that I would submit to you are fundamental to our faith. See, fundamentals matter. In times of upheaval, or times of uncertainty, or times of stress, the fundamentals make [...]
Michael Youssef - True Liberty
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Michael Youssef - True Liberty
Michael Youssef - True Liberty
Thank you to all of our musicians, and our guest musicians. We thank you for a wonderful, wonderful hard work. Thank you so much, thank you. I love this service. I never miss it. Except for once. And especially today, when I welcome back to this [...]
Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
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Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
I had an opportunity to watch an interview with Dr. Patrick Carnes, who is recognized as the foremost authority in this country in this whole issue of sexual addiction, and pornography, and pornographic addiction. He heads up that famous clinic in [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Freedom of Forgiveness
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Adrian Rogers - The Freedom of Forgiveness
Adrian Rogers - The Freedom of Forgiveness
Find in your Bibles Ephesians chapter 4 if you will, and in just a moment we're going to look at verses 31 and 32. There are two problems that do great psychological, emotional, and spiritual damage to anyone, and perhaps to you. One is guilt and [...]
Sid Roth - Holy Spirit Secrets to BREAK Demonic Strongholds for Good
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Sid Roth - Holy Spirit Secrets to BREAK Demonic Strongholds for Good
Sid Roth - Holy Spirit Secrets to BREAK Demonic Strongholds for Good
Sid Roth : Welcome! Holy Spirit, we want to be Your friend. I surrender this platform to You. Take over. In the Name of Jesus, I release Your glory all over this studio. My guest, David Hernandez, has been in ministry for over 20 years, since age [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom from Shame
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom from Shame
Gregory Dickow - Freedom from Shame
Well, I'm Gregory Dickow, and are you ready to receive the power to change today? I know you are. And I want to ask you a simple question. How much do you think you're worth? Well, if you tuned in last week, you already know you're worth more than [...]
James Merritt - Financial Freedom
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James Merritt - Financial Freedom
James Merritt - Financial Freedom
I wanna begin by telling you a little bit about my financial history. Neither my Mom nor my Dad went to college. My Dad was a gas truck driver. Mom mother was what we called back in the day, a beautician, a hairdresser. The largest paycheck my Dad [...]
Derek Prince - A Heart Set Free
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Derek Prince - A Heart Set Free
Derek Prince - A Heart Set Free
I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free. - Psalms 119:32, NIV What does it mean to be free? Does it mean that you just do anything you please at any time? That you throw off all order and restraint, you're just [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Pain and Unhappiness
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Pain and Unhappiness
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Pain and Unhappiness
Well, welcome to the Power to Change Today broadcast, I'm so thankful that you're part of our growing and global family and I consider it an honor to be your friend. And on today's broadcast, I'm going to give you the number one cure, the number one [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Loneliness
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Loneliness
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Loneliness
Well, I want to welcome you our friends around the country and around the world, and our extended ministry family around the world to the Power to Change today broadcast. I'm really thrilled that you joined me today because I'm going to be talking [...]
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
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Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
Kenneth Copeland : Hello everybody. Hasn't this been a wonderful week? Glory to God. And the thoughts of people and the decisions that people make. And like one man, like this one woman said, "The people that some people marry". Well, [...]
John Bradshaw - Midnight to Dawn
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John Bradshaw - Midnight to Dawn
John Bradshaw - Midnight to Dawn
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. You might call it the midnight of American history. It's one of the most discussed, written about, and documented subjects in the whole of the American experience. It's a story that [...]
Skip Heitzig - Getting Passed Over
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Skip Heitzig - Getting Passed Over
Skip Heitzig - Getting Passed Over
Good morning, on this happy day. Would you please turn in your Bibles to the Book of Exodus, chapter 12, as we continue to follow the bloodline. Exodus, chapter 12. So there was a senior citizen, an old guy. He was in his 80s, around 80. I'm sorry [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From the Religion of Misery
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From the Religion of Misery
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From the Religion of Misery
Well, merry Christmas, global family, and welcome to the Power to Change today. You know, wherever you're watching our program from around the world, I want to remind you that the best is ahead. Yes, the best is yet to come. Something good is going [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Emotional Pain
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Emotional Pain
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Emotional Pain
Adam and Eve were alive: spirit, soul and body. Jesus Christ makes us alive: spirit, Soul and body. In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 he wants to complete a spirit, soul and body. In John Chapter 3 he begins the process by causing our spirit to come alive and [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Fear
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Fear
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Fear
Welcome to the power to Change today, are you going through a storm? We're all going through crisis like we've never had before. Well, I want to teach you today how to get through it, how to get to the other side. So I'm going to teach you out of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free
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Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free
Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free
Well, glory to God, it's the Believer's Voice of Victory time. Amen, don't you like that? I'm Kenneth Copeland. And the Word of God is true. It is the truth. Amen. We're studying that all last week. Let's go back to our golden scriptures right here. [...]
Joel Osteen - Unquestionably Free
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Joel Osteen - Unquestionably Free
Joel Osteen - Unquestionably Free
I want to talk to you today about Unquestionably Free. When we've struggled in an area for a long time, it's easy to accept that that's the way it's always going to be. We did everything we could. We prayed, we stood in faith, but nothing changed. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Live and Walk Debt Free
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Kenneth Copeland - Live and Walk Debt Free
Kenneth Copeland - Live and Walk Debt Free
Welcome everybody to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And we're talking about and our theme throughout this year, according to the Lord until he says different is going to be you shall know the truth and the truth [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Truth Will Make You Free
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Kenneth Copeland - The Truth Will Make You Free
Kenneth Copeland - The Truth Will Make You Free
Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Well, now, isn't that something, I remember way back in a little north Texas town named Hereford. It was named after the cattle that came from England and [...]
Skip Heitzig - How Prisoners Go Free
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Skip Heitzig - How Prisoners Go Free
Skip Heitzig - How Prisoners Go Free
A sobering fact you may not be aware of. There are about 2.3 million Americans in prison. What that means is, one person out of 138 Americans is in jail. One out of 138. We have, in fact, the highest incarceration rate in the world. Now get this. [...]
Tony Evans - God and Freedom
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Tony Evans - God and Freedom
Tony Evans - God and Freedom
The first use of the concept of freedom is found in the book of Genesis. We read in Genesis chapter 2, verses 15 to 17, these words, "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. The Lord God [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is Your Key to Freedom
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is Your Key to Freedom
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is Your Key to Freedom
— Hello, everybody, welcome again today to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And for those that are just coming on board today, this is our beautiful daughter Kellie and we're thrilled with her, as always, and she mentioned something about [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Brings You Freedom
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Brings You Freedom
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Brings You Freedom
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. This is our beautiful daughter, Kellie, and this is our class here this morning. And this is always a wonderful time of year when Christmas is finished. And [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares
Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares
— Well, here we are Thursday. Praise the Lord. And we're talking about the truth. And Jesus is the truth. He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. And no man comes to the Father except by me". Now, let's go to in the eighth chapter [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Forgiven and Free
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Kenneth Copeland - Forgiven and Free
Kenneth Copeland - Forgiven and Free
Now, there are four kinds of confessions in the New Covenant. So we'll look here in the third chapter of Matthew. "In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is [...]
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