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Andy Stanley - How to Decrease Financial Pressure
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Andy Stanley - How to Decrease Financial Pressure
Andy Stanley - How to Decrease Financial Pressure
Hi everybody. Welcome to "Your Move" where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. I'm Andy Stanley, and today we're talking about the relationship between happiness and your money. And fear not, I don't want any of [...]
Chris Hodges - The Way Out of the Mess
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Chris Hodges - The Way Out of the Mess
Chris Hodges - The Way Out of the Mess
All right. How's everybody doing today? Y'all doing great? I said, are you doing great today? Oh, it's so good to see you. You look fantastic. Welcome to week number five and the conclusion of this series that we've called "Life, Money, and [...]
James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
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James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
Well, today we're talking about how to level up your finances as a teenager. So, let's make it rain. Starting at level one, the simplest, but still very helpful method. It's called 10/10/80 where you give the first 10% back to God through the time. [...]
Joseph Prince - Wisdom For Financial Success
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Joseph Prince - Wisdom For Financial Success
Joseph Prince - Wisdom For Financial Success
Praise the Lord. You all ready for God's Word? Luke 19, verse 1: "Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town". Jericho is known as the city of the curse, ever since Joshua conquered the city, Joshua pronounced a curse upon the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Financial Regrets
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Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Financial Regrets
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Financial Regrets
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Few things weigh more heavily on the hearts of Americans than money problems. When prices go up, we feel the pressure. And when the economy falters, we fear for our [...]
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
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Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Thank you, thank you so much. I am so honored to be here. This is my church, my home, church home away from church home, and you know, Pastor Chris always gets it wrong. He says you have 24 campuses, but he's not including the 10 campuses that you [...]
Derek Prince - The Christian And His Money
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Derek Prince - The Christian And His Money
Derek Prince - The Christian And His Money
This will be the first in a series of three short talks on the theme: The Christian and His Money. This particular first talk, the subtitle which I have given it, is: Money is Important. I think it's necessary to stress that because some religious [...]
Sid Roth - Secrets for Supernatural Wealth with Craig Hill
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Sid Roth - Secrets for Supernatural Wealth with Craig Hill
Sid Roth - Secrets for Supernatural Wealth with Craig Hill
My guest says there are forces in the invisible world that cause people to obtain tremendous wealth or paralyzing poverty. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter and I have a gentleman [...]
David Jeremiah - A Financial Prophecy, Economic Chaos
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David Jeremiah - A Financial Prophecy, Economic Chaos
David Jeremiah - A Financial Prophecy, Economic Chaos
Stylishly bearded and wearing a baseball cap, Jowan Osterlund pulls on a pair of surgical gloves and uses a wipe to sterilize the top of his client's hand. Then, with a quick jab, Osterlund inserts a preloaded syringe into the man's skin, and the [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Financial Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Financial Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Financial Consequences
My challenge today is to tell all who will listen to what God has to say how to get out of debt. Is there anybody here need to get out of debt? God has, like in every other area, an answer to your financial dilemma. The problem is that God can't get [...]
Joyce Meyer - Becoming Debt Free
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Joyce Meyer - Becoming Debt Free
Joyce Meyer - Becoming Debt Free
Welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life", we're so glad that you joined us today. Well, today I wanna talk about money, about finances and debt, and learning how to manage our money better. We've got 12 of the guys from our men's home here [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
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Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. Welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Any wise investor expects a return on the money he or she invests. And in the same way, God has high demands for a return on his investment in us. God has given each of us valuable [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Your Faith Is Your Economy
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Kenneth Copeland - Your Faith Is Your Economy
Kenneth Copeland - Your Faith Is Your Economy
All right this is a Faith Convention, right? So open your Bibles to Mark chapter 11. Oh, absolutely so, you didn't think I'd go anywhere else, did you? Thank you Jesus, Thank you, Lord Jesus. Mark Chapter 11, We'll read the words of Jesus and verse [...]
Robert Jeffress - The ABCs To Be Financially Free
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Robert Jeffress - The ABCs To Be Financially Free
Robert Jeffress - The ABCs To Be Financially Free
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Car payments. The mortgage. Keeping the lights on. When you add up all these normal expenses they often leave us with very little margin. And this can lead to financial stress that [...]
Robert Jeffress - Spend Your Way To Wealth
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Robert Jeffress - Spend Your Way To Wealth
Robert Jeffress - Spend Your Way To Wealth
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Tragically, most Americans live beyond their financial means. They live from paycheck to paycheck, barely keeping up with their bills. As a result, many households are crushed under [...]
Andy Stanley - If Money Talked: Meaningful Money
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Andy Stanley - Meaningful Money
Andy Stanley - Meaningful Money
Welcome back to If Money Talked. Where we are letting the money do the talking. I hope you've continued to spy on your money. In fact, I hope that becomes a habit for life. And I hope you've begun thinking and maybe even spending more like a manager [...]
Andy Stanley - If Money Talked: A Flipped Script
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Andy Stanley - A Flipped Script
Andy Stanley - A Flipped Script
Hey everybody, welcome back to, "If Money Talked". As you know, we've been working our way through some of the advice our money might give us if our money could actually talk, and as it turns out, we've discovered that what our money would [...]
Andy Stanley - If Money Talked: Masters or Master's
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Andy Stanley - Masters or Master's?
Andy Stanley - Masters or Master's?
Welcome back to session two of "If Money Talked". We're asking the question: what would money say if money could talk, and we've discovered that what money would say actually matches what Jesus did say when he did talk about money. Now, if [...]
Andy Stanley - If Money Talked: The Consumption Assumption
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Andy Stanley - The Consumption Assumption
Andy Stanley - The Consumption Assumption
Hi, I'm Andy Stanley, thank you so much for joining me. You may be excited to be a part of this discussion or you may be here against your will, and you're gonna give this like one shot, and if you don't love it, you're not coming back. And I get [...]
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Andy Stanley - An Ounce of Prevention
Andy Stanley - An Ounce of Prevention
One of the coolest things that I get to do because of how fantastic all of you are is throughout the year, when I talk to church leaders and pastors of other churches, especially big network churches like ours, I get to brag about you, and one of [...]
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Joseph Prince - The Truth About Tithing Under Grace
Joseph Prince - The Truth About Tithing Under Grace
Hallelujah, how y'all doing today? All right, greet at least two or three persons around you, tell them something good, okay? Y'all know what is something good, right? Like, "You look kind of good", is not good. Say, "You look [...]
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TD Jakes - A Billionaire Anointing
TD Jakes - A Billionaire Anointing
This woman that I'm talking to now who was typing letters as a secretary in the bank, leaped over into fashion and I kind of get that because your mother was in textiles, you grew up around business, you understood that, and the fashion seems like a [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Godly Wisdom For Your Finances
Joyce Meyer - Godly Wisdom For Your Finances
Welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life." I'm so glad that you're with us today and glad to have our studio audience here with us, so I've got some people to talk to here in the studio as well as talking to all of you beautiful, wonderful, [...]
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Charles Stanley - God and Our Money
Charles Stanley - God and Our Money
When you think about your finances, do you have a good feeling or a bad feeling? I didn't hear that answer but I heard a roar. A good feeling or a bad feeling? Well when you think about your money, for example, do you think about how much you have, [...]
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Robert Morris - The Ten Financial Commandments
Robert Morris - The Ten Financial Commandments
I want to share a message with you, and it's a little different in the fact that I normally have three points, and we have a rhythm to that, I mean, we're all used to. So, I've got ten points, but so, I won't be able to spend as much time, but I'll [...]
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Robert Morris - Beyond Blessed
Robert Morris - Beyond Blessed
So let me tell you how this worked out in my own life and in Debbie's life. I got saved nine months after Debbie and I were married. A few months later, I heard my first message on tithing and immediately we tithed and God began to bless us. I went [...]
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David Jeremiah - Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse
David Jeremiah - Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse
Well, for many of us, just thinking about finances is enough to raise our pulse and make our palms sweat. It can happen when we put our trust in money instead of God. Maybe that's why our currency proclaims "In God We Trust". We need that [...]
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TD Jakes - Grounded In Finances
TD Jakes - Grounded In Finances
Get your Bibles and go to Ecclesiastes chapter 10, verse 19. I just want one Scripture. Ecclesiastes chapter 10, verse 19. Some of you who are Bible scholars, been in church a long time, might be familiar with this Scripture, but I bet you 80% of [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of First
Robert Morris — The Principle of First
I want you to turn your Bibles to one passage of scripture. We'll go through some others. But, we'll just look at one. Exodus 13. We'll just go to one. Exodus 13, and as you're getting to Exodus 13, let me just say this. This is in my opinion the [...]
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Creflo Dollar - Trusting God With Your Finances
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God With Your Finances
Come on, give the Lord a hilarious, God bless you to and just thank him so much for what he does. Hallelujah. Amen. You may be seated. I wanted to take tonight and just really drop some things here and there before I actually get started. I'm [...]
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Patricia King — Healing for Finances
Patricia King — Healing for Finances
If you need a financial miracle, this episode is for you - hear insights God has given Joan Hunter. [...]
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Sid Roth — Faith for Finances
Sid Roth — Faith for Finances
Are you and your family living in fear of the future? Or facing health issues that could drain your resources? Joan Hunter’s supernatural faith for finances is contagious. Her revelation even causes people in third world countries to prosper! [...]
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Sid Roth — Breakthrough Financial Shaking
Sid Roth — Breakthrough Financial Shaking
Proven prophet Hank Kunneman sees more financial shaking for the nations — but believers in Jesus who press in to God will get their breakthrough. This is YOUR breakthrough season! [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Grace for Financial Stewardship
Creflo Dollar — Grace for Financial Stewardship
We can say that we trust God in all areas of our lives, but until we learn to trust Him with our money, we will continue to struggle financially. The Bible talks about money more often than any other subject, because God knows how important this is [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Grace For Finances
Creflo Dollar — Grace For Finances
Now, you may be thinking that you are in too big of a financial mess, or that you have messed up financially too many times for God to want to help you. That’s simply not the case! God’s love is FOR you, regardless of what is happening in your life. [...]
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Creflo Dollar — God Can Make You a Financial Success
Creflo Dollar — God Can Make You a Financial Success
Creflo Dollar encourages believers to have a right attitude towards money and see God as their source. Find out today how God Can Make You a Financial Success! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Defining Debt and Destroying It
Jesse Duplantis — Defining Debt and Destroying It
It's time to liberate yourself from the pressure and stress of debt. Jesse Duplantis reminds us that it's not God's will for you to be in over your head with bills. Let Him minister to you through this message and show you how you can define your [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Debt Reduction
Sid Roth — Supernatural Debt Reduction
Hello Sid Roth, welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural. You know when I talk about the supernatural I can be talking about natural things but used in a supernatural fashion, for instance, money. My guest Craig Hill did a study of [...]
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Patricia King — Financial Freedom
Patricia King — Financial Freedom
Joan Hunter joins Patricia King to talk about overcoming lack and living in abundance. [...]
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Patricia King — Coached Into Financial Success
Patricia King — Coached Into Financial Success
This powerful coaching workshop is designed to build your faith, give life-tools for financial growth, and prophetically impart God-inspired revelation and empowerment for multiplication and increase. It is time to get out of the rut. [...]
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Patricia King — Breaking Financial Curses
Patricia King — Breaking Financial Curses
Dr. Myles reveals how we can break financial poverty off our households and lay hold of abundance. [...]