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Andy Stanley - Unmistakable, Unshakable
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Andy Stanley - Unmistakable, Unshakable
Andy Stanley - Unmistakable, Unshakable
Have you've been attending one of our churches or this church for years or months or weeks, or maybe it's just your first time. I wanna tell you for the next few minutes what I want for you. And you may not care what I want for you 'cause you don't [...]
Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
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Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
Would you take God's Word and find, please Psalm chapter 19, the nineteenth Psalm? And when you've found it, I want to read to you from a little leaflet that has been handed to me. The title of this leaflet is, "An Invitation to the [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Have A Rock-Solid Faith
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Adrian Rogers - How to Have A Rock-Solid Faith
Adrian Rogers - How to Have A Rock-Solid Faith
Would you take please the Bible and look now in Romans chapter 5, find it if you will. I heard somewhere of a little boy who had a horse and the horse was really just an old, oat burning nag. The horse was decrepit, sway-backed and wasn't much of a [...]
Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
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Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
Ephesians 6 let's look at verse 13. "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, have girded your waist with truth, having put on the breast plate [...]
Charles Spurgeon - Characteristics of Faith
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Charles Spurgeon - Characteristics of Faith
Charles Spurgeon - Characteristics of Faith
"Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe". - John 4:48 You will remember that Luke in his letter to Theophilus speaks of things which Jesus began both to do and to teach, as if there was a connection [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Father, thank You for Your Word today. We are so thrilled. Oh, it's so good to know that You love us and You are so, Your mercy endures forever. And we thank You and we praise You for it in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Arkansas. Glory to God. We're in southwest Arkansas at our prayer cabin in a place that had been such a blessing in our lives for over 50 years now. We'd [...]
Tony Evans - Faith for Your Journey
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Tony Evans - Faith for Your Journey
Tony Evans - Faith for Your Journey
We are doing an exposition of 2 Peter 1, verses 1 through 11, calling it "The Triumphant Trip to Glory". And our goal is to be in sync with Peter's goal. Peter had a twofold goal. He states it in verse 8. "If these qualities are yours [...]
Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
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Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
I don't usually start a new study on a Wednesday night, but I wanted to this week, but the title is "Mountains of Faith". Mountains on planet Earth, for the most part, are barriers. A lot of reasons around that, but they separate nations, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
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Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
High five your neighbor and tell 'em, "I believe it". Your other neighbor, tell 'em, "I believe it. I believe it. I believe it". You may be seated. It really begins with faith. Somebody say, "Faith". Not just any faith, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
This is healing day, and we're receiving healing, Galatians 3. "And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
So here we are now. These people are the righteousness of God. "By faith, Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear or reverence, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Accepted of God by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Accepted of God by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Accepted of God by Faith
Hebrew chapter 11, we'll go to 1 Corinthians 5 first, or 2 Corinthians. "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Faith Review
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Kenneth Copeland - A Faith Review
Kenneth Copeland - A Faith Review
We're going to have a faith review tonight. This is increased day. I want to remind you of something. Prayer does not make faith work. Faith makes prayer work. You cannot have a faith review without Mark 11:23, and 24, and 25. So, would you open [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
Open your Bible to Proverbs, Chapter 29, please. Verse 18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Now, that's serious. Where there is no vision, the people die spiritually. You perish. You finally come to a place where you just [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Has Vision
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Has Vision
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Has Vision
Believe what that book says, not what your feelings say. We're going to have a faith review right now. Let's just go to first John. When you finally decide and learn, it took me a long time to come to this. I had to study it for a long time. In the [...]
David Jeremiah - Keep the Faith (Interview)
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David Jeremiah - Keep the Faith (Interview)
David Jeremiah - Keep the Faith (Interview)
Sheila Walsh : You've heard the saying, "Keep the faith," but what does that mean for us as Christians? Hello, I'm Sheila Walsh, and I'm so excited about what we're going to be learning today. Dr. Jeremiah is here to share with us what it [...]
Robert Barron - Faith When You're Frustrated with God
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Robert Barron - Faith When You're Frustrated with God
Robert Barron - Faith When You're Frustrated with God
Peace be with you. Friends, our Gospel for this weekend is a marvel. It's from the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Mark, and it's a theological gem, but it's also something of a literary masterpiece because Mark manages to sandwich one very dramatic [...]
Charles Stanley - Conquering Faith
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Charles Stanley - Conquering Faith
Charles Stanley - Conquering Faith
If someone should say to you, "How much faith do you have"? how would you answer that? Well, the Bible talks about little faith, great faith, and perfect faith. Little faith is: "I know He can but I'm not sure He will". Great [...]
Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
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Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
Happy new year everybody. The first thing I want to say in this brand new year is congratulations to you for surviving this last year. You did it, congratulations. 2020 was a difficult year, but you made it through. The second thing I want to say is [...]
Charles Stanley - Why We Believe
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Charles Stanley - Why We Believe
Charles Stanley - Why We Believe
One day, I was sitting in my study, and I was thinking, "Well, we need to give this thing a name besides just the First Baptist Church". I looked over to my left, and there was a Living Bible translation. They had titled this Bible [...]
TD Jakes - Potent Faith
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TD Jakes - Potent Faith
TD Jakes - Potent Faith
When life seems crazy, when life is confusing, when it's unfair, when you lose your baby, it defines a moment. When your husband walks away, it defines a moment. When you lose your job, it defines a moment. When you feel like you're about to lose [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
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Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
I went through a fire season. Let me explain. I lived this out. The whole faith, fire, favor, I've lived it out. In the past 12 months, since I was here last, something happened to us last year in our church in California. "By the grace of [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - We Are People of Faith
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Samuel Rodriguez - We Are People of Faith
Samuel Rodriguez - We Are People of Faith
You really can't separate. Before you're seated, just do one thing here, and it's not an exercise. You'll understand. It's not some sort of triggering emotional manipulative strategy for the purpose of enticing in some sort of exUberate [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Stand of Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Stand of Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Stand of Faith
I want to read this from the Classic Amplified. We'll go back over to the book of Ephesians, please. And the 6th chapter. In this chapter, he's talking about taking a stand. Take your stand. "Children, obey your parents in the Lord as his [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Have God's Faith, Be Like Him
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Kenneth Copeland - You Have God's Faith, Be Like Him
Kenneth Copeland - You Have God's Faith, Be Like Him
Turn with me to 1 Corinthians, and we'll look in the 12th chapter, in the Amplified. "Now about spiritual gifts, the special endowments of supernatural energy, brethren, I do not want you to be misinformed". And the King James says, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Like God, Believe By Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Like God, Believe By Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Like God, Believe By Faith
The title of my message tonight is "Like God". Like God. And it begins in the fourth chapter of the book of Romans. "What shall we say then of Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh hath found? For if Abraham were justified by [...]
Allen Jackson - I Am Sending You - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - I Am Sending You - Part 2
Allen Jackson - I Am Sending You - Part 2
So I'm going to take the balance of our time and I have a moment or two to walk with you around this idea of beginning to realign our thoughts as Christ followers. Kinda beyond church attenders, or joining a denomination, or believing what that [...]
Allen Jackson - I Am Sending You - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - I Am Sending You - Part 1
Allen Jackson - I Am Sending You - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're continuing our study on, "Let's do Difficult". In this session, we're gonna explore, "I'm Sending You". I think we can agree that there are things in our world that need to be done, we [...]
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're going to continue our discussion on "God Said and I Believe". One of the most challenged statements in the Bible we meet in the very first verse. It's Genesis 1, "In the beginning God created the [...]
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic for this session is "God Said... and I Believe". Sometimes there's a big gap between those two. I would submit that the challenge of being a Christ follower is learning to submit what I think, [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 4
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 4
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 4
There are four classes of people, I want you to get this good so you can figure out which one are you because it tells the kind of ground you are. The first class, the enemy stole it before they could flourish, even to the point of salvation. You [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 3
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 3
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 3
"Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed". You gotta be strong to receive seed. Especially if the seed is strong, the ground has got to be strong enough to receive the seed. Are you hearing what I'm saying to [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 2
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 2
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 2
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word about Christ. Are you hearing what I'm saying to you? The Word that sticks, the Word that sticks, the Word that sticks. I'm still living off of steady in [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 1
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 1
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 1
The book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, is considered the hallmark of faith, the Hall of Fame, the hall of faith, filled with different men and a few women out of different eras who had notable accomplishments by faith. The phrase "by [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Can Heal Illnesses
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Can Heal Illnesses
Rick Warren - A Faith That Can Heal Illnesses
Hi, everybody, I'm Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, Author of "The Purpose Driven Life", and Teacher of the Daily Hope Broadcast. Welcome back to our series, Through the Book of James, and we're calling it a faith that works when [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Can Transform Weaknesses
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Can Transform Weaknesses
Rick Warren - A Faith That Can Transform Weaknesses
Hi everybody, and welcome back to our series that I'm calling A Faith That Works When Life Doesn't. We're going through the book of James and we're actually in part 29. This week we wanna look at a faith that can transform weaknesses, a faith that [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith Known for Integrity
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Rick Warren - A Faith Known for Integrity
Rick Warren - A Faith Known for Integrity
Hi, everybody, I'm pastor Rick and today we're gonna continue in our study through the book of James called A Faith That Works When Life Doesn't. And we're looking at principles for living through a pandemic. We didn't think the series was gonna go [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me See the Truth
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me See the Truth
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me See the Truth
Hi everybody, I'm Rick Warren and yes, I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt for the first time in about 20 years. But before we look at God's word today I want to give you an update on our pandemic plans as a church. You know, we were all hoping that this [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Doesn't Need to Hoard
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Doesn't Need to Hoard
Rick Warren - A Faith That Doesn't Need to Hoard
Hi, everybody. I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The Purpose-Driven Life," and the speaker on the Daily Hope broadcast, and I want to welcome you to this broadcast, where we're looking in the book of James. We've [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Knows the End of the Story
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Knows the End of the Story
Rick Warren - A Faith That Knows the End of the Story
Hi everybody, I'm pastor Rick, and welcome back to another week in our study. You know, because Saddleback is a global international church family with members on four different continents, we have to pay attention to what's happening all around the [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Passes the Tests of Life
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Passes the Tests of Life
Rick Warren - A Faith That Passes the Tests of Life
Hi everybody I'm Rick Warren, pastor at Saddleback Church. And have I told you lately that I love you? I want to just say to those of you who are members of Saddleback Church, I miss you guys so much. I'm in hug withdrawals right now. I'm a pretty [...]
TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
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TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
The problem with you receiving the promises of God is that sometimes God promises you the most illogical stuff. As long as I've been walking with God, God said something to me a few years ago, I wrestled with him about three years telling him, I [...]
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
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Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
I want to talk to you today аbout: Feed Your Faith. You get to choose what grows in your life. What you're feeding is getting stronger. If you're feeding doubt, thinking about what you can't do, and how the obstacles are too big, and how you're at a [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Reduces Quarreling
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Reduces Quarreling
Rick Warren - A Faith That Reduces Quarreling
Hi everybody, I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The Purpose Driven Life" and speaker on the Daily Hope broadcast. And I want to welcome you back to our series where we're looking at principles for living through a [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith for Facing an Uncertain Future
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Rick Warren - A Faith for Facing an Uncertain Future
Rick Warren - A Faith for Facing an Uncertain Future
Hi everybody. I'm Pastor Rick, author of "The Purpose Driven Life", pastor of Saddleback church and speaker for the "Daily Hope" broadcast. Have I told you lately that I love you? You know, when the new year 2020 started last [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Keeps Me From Playing God in the Lives of Others
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Keeps Me From Playing God in the Lives of Others
Rick Warren - A Faith That Keeps Me From Playing God in the Lives of Others
Hello everybody. I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The purpose driven life" and teacher for the Daily Hope Broadcast. I wanna thank you for tuning into this special series on principles for living through a pandemic. [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Keeps Me Hopeful
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Keeps Me Hopeful
Rick Warren - A Faith That Keeps Me Hopeful
Hi, everybody. Have I told you lately that I love you. Welcome back to our special series on principles for living through a pandemic. Now, I wanna start by repeating four suggestions that I gave you last week for getting the most out of these [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
Hi everybody. I'm Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, Author of the Purpose Driven Life and speaker at the Daily Hope Broadcast. Welcome back to our special series on principles for living through a pandemic. Now, today is our 17th study in [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say
Hi, everybody, I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The Purpose Driven Life," and daily speaker for Daily Hope Broadcast. I wanna thank you, Saddleback, and thank you, Daily Hope, for your prayers the last two weeks [...]
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