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Ravi Zacharias - Chariots of Fire
Ravi Zacharias - Chariots of Fire
My message is called "Chariots of Fire" and, in fact, Danielle, who's a runner on our staff, wanted to know if I'd really do the honors and run up onto the platform. But I'd save you that agony. You can enjoy Vangelis' music in the privacy [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - The Glory of God for This We Were Made
Ravi Zacharias - The Glory of God for This We Were Made
Talking about the glory of God is very hard in a society as dark as this. Two days ago I was in Washington speaking for my good friend Kirk Cameron in Revive Us 2. There were other fine speakers there like Ben Carson and Joni Eareckson Tada and a [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - University of California, Los Angeles (Q&A)
Ravi Zacharias - University of California, Los Angeles (Q&A)
Question: This question is: why did you try to end your life at 17? What about Christ made you want to live on? Ravi Zacharias: I told a story in my book "Walking from East to West". It was one of the most difficult books I ever wrote [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Hamilton Open Forum
Ravi Zacharias - Hamilton Open Forum
Moderator: The first question I'd like to ask is, I understand you speak on these topics quite often. This topic of identity in particular. What would you each say is the biggest misconception you find when you're speaking to people? The [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - East and West
Ravi Zacharias - East and West
Who would've ever thought that at this part of Western history, you'd be listening to terms like karma, mantra, chakra, and all this kind of stuff? And all these Eastern, esoteric-sounding words have become such common fair. Who'd have ever thought [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Christianity, A Failed Hope?
Ravi Zacharias - Christianity, A Failed Hope?
I've often told my colleagues, when you're speaking to people, always remember you're not answering a question, you're answering a questioner. Always remember that. You're not merely answering a question, you're answering a questioner. Behind the [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - University of Florida Q&A
Ravi Zacharias - University of Florida Q&A
1. What is your answer to the absence of free will? If God created every fiber of our being, every atom, every impulse, did he not also create sin, did he not also create satan and his actions? Ravi Zacharias: Let me go first and then Vince will [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Understanding and Answering Atheism Q&A
Ravi Zacharias - Understanding and Answering Atheism Q&A
Joe: I'm gonna kick us off with a question that has already been submitted online. This is a question that I feel like Ravi is certainly the world expert in, so I'm excited to hear his answer. This is the question: in a discussion, how do we train [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - The Quest for Meaning in a Post-Truth Culture
Ravi Zacharias - The Quest for Meaning in a Post-Truth Culture
So we're here to deal with issues of truth, and it's wonderful that the host of the committee inviting you has a name like clay. We all have feet of clay, so it's wonderful to be invited, to be hosted by a team here that recognizes how important [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - The Greatest Story Ever Told
Ravi Zacharias - The Greatest Story Ever Told
We're going to make this brief. We're going to tell it in the form of a story. Actually, when I was told that I was speaking on the theme of beauty, I was not quite thrilled. It seemed quite a conflict for me to be talking about beauty, but reminded [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Secularization, Pluralization, Privatization
Ravi Zacharias - Secularization, Pluralization, Privatization
Let me begin with two lighter-hearted stories and one more serious one to put this whole thing in perspective. The first one was doing the rounds years ago and was one of the funniest little stories that was all over the place. You'd hear it all [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Penn State Q&A
Ravi Zacharias - Penn State Q&A
1. How can there be a loving God when so much evil happens, especially to innocent people? Ravi Zacharias: Some of you may have seen our book, "Why suffering"? That we both wrote some time ago. This, of course, is probably the thorniest [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Church Leaders Conference Q&A
Ravi Zacharias - Church Leaders Conference Q&A
Vince Vitale: We're excited to spend the next hour or so taking your questions very seriously, and hopefully showing that the Christian faith has some of the most deeply satisfying answers to some of life's deepest questions. Next time we're going [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Building Your Private Life
Ravi Zacharias - Building Your Private Life
When I was growing up and I'd just come to know the Lord, there were not too many events such as this, certainly not preparing us for university or that kind of challenge. In those days, the youth for Christ rally was the big thing. It was wonderful [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Religious Freedom
Ravi Zacharias - Religious Freedom
James: I'm James Robison: my wife Betty and I welcome you to this special time. Ravi Zacharias is our guest. Would you welcome Ravi? We're glad you're here, Ravi. You've been a guest on life today. This is kind of the television program that other [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Questions From United States
Ravi Zacharias - Questions From United States
Ankerberg: Welcome to our program. I'm John Ankerberg, thanks for joining me today. As you have just heard, we have a brilliant guest with us, Christian apologist, philosopher, theologian Ravi Zacharias. And we are talking, we are answering the [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Questions From Middle East
Ravi Zacharias - Questions From Middle East
Ankerberg: Welcome to our program, I'm John Ankerberg. Thanks for joining me today. We have a very special guest as you have just heard, Ravi Zacharias. And he has spoken to more university students in more countries than any person that I know. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Questions From Far East
Ravi Zacharias - Questions From Far East
Ankerberg: Welcome to our program. I'm John Ankerberg, I'm glad that you joined us today. And my guest is the brilliant Christian philosopher, apologist, Ravi Zacharias. Ravi has talked to more university students in more countries than anybody I [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Questions From Europe
Ravi Zacharias - Questions From Europe
Ankerberg: Welcome to our program. I'm John Ankerberg, thanks for joining me today. And my guest, as you've just heard, is brilliant, philosopher, theologian, Christian apologist Dr. Ravi Zacharias. And he has talked to more students, university [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Liberty University Convocation
Ravi Zacharias - Liberty University Convocation
Thanks, David. Thank you so much. Thank you. All right, there's a gentleman there who's a masochist because on that little board there he says, "I want to meet Ravi." Uh, may the Lord have mercy on you. Uh, which actually reminds me of a [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Christianity In The Culture
Ravi Zacharias - Christianity In The Culture
James: Ravi, just tell our viewers, just very briefly the name of the center so if they go to Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, R.Z.I.M. Online, they can go and learn even more about it and be involved. Tell us the name of it. Ravi: Our web [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Awaken Now
Ravi Zacharias - Awaken Now
This passage influenced the great poet Francis Thompson who was a drug addict, was on opium: though given a genius mind and applied to Oxford was turned down to it three times because he couldn't shake his opium habit. He would live in two places at [...]
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Ravi Zacharias - Apologetics
Ravi Zacharias - Apologetics
James: Thank all of you! That is for our guest Ravi Zacharias. You'll meet him in just a moment. I'm James Robison: my wife Betty and I welcome you to life today. We have many people we admire and appreciate. We appreciate you, every one of you who [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Your Freedom, Your Future
Ravi Zacharias — Your Freedom, Your Future
Thank you for being here. Thank you for joining us on a day like this for the momentous events that surround your life and mine. It's amazing all over the world that I go and travel, and even within a week from now we'll be in Hong Kong and Taiwan, [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Need to Act
Ravi Zacharias — The Need to Act
As my closing thought I've heard so many talk about a place of a child, our children, our grandchildren. I've often made the comment that the ultimate test of any civilization is what we do with our children. And when you go back to the time of [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Religious Liberty
Ravi Zacharias — Religious Liberty
There are many Evangelicals out there who do not see the point you are making. They are completely missing what is at stake before us right now. I can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out. When God looked at Rebecca when she was pregnant [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Racial Division
Ravi Zacharias — Racial Division
The saying, "There is more to it than meets the eye" certainly applies to children affected by a congenital facial condition called "cleft palate." Beyond the obvious of a child's suffering socially because they look different [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Why Jesus?
Ravi Zacharias — Why Jesus?
Ravi Zacharias believes that over the past forty years movements like New Age spirituality and society's obsession with human potential have combined like a "perfect storm" to redefine for popular culture what has been for centuries the [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Who are You, God?
Ravi Zacharias — Who are You, God?
How can you be sure God exists and what is He really like? Do you wonder if we all view God differently based on our own experiences? Have you ever wondered where God is amidst all of the chaos in your life and in the world? Tune in this week to Let [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Understanding the Real Worship
Ravi Zacharias — Understanding the Real Worship
Worship is the submission of all our nature to God; the quickening of conscience by His holiness; nourishment of mind by His truth; purifying of imagination by His beauty; opening of the heart to His love; and submission of will to His purpose. All [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Prophet Marries a Prostitute
Ravi Zacharias — The Prophet Marries a Prostitute
Is love just an emotion to you? Have you ever wondered if God loves you? Or do you feel like you don’t deserve anyone’s love, especially God’s love? Join us as Ravi Zacharias looks at the Biblical story of Hosea to show God’s undeserved, but very [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Mystery of Evil and the Miracle of Life
Ravi Zacharias — The Mystery of Evil and the Miracle of Life
Culture has largely done away with the notion of sin and an absolute notion of right and wrong. So when we see horrible headlines, many are at a loss to explain them. Can the Christian worldview offer any insight as to why mankind has taken this [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Man of all Season
Ravi Zacharias — The Man of all Season
Watch to Dr. Ravi’s talk, “A Man For All Seasons” during the 2016 Global Discipleship Congress. The three main headings from the talk: 1. Grounding his belief in his season of temptation 2. Guarantee of God’s peace in his season of pain 3. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Gospel in Light of New Spirituality
Ravi Zacharias — The Gospel in Light of New Spirituality
A RZIM lecture at Trinity International University, Ravi Zacharias talks about the gospel in light of new spirituality. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Existence of God
Ravi Zacharias — The Existence of God
Ravi Zacharias give a unshakable proves of the existence of God [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — A Response to the New Atheists
Ravi Zacharias — A Response to the New Atheists
When Sam Harris wrote his book Letter to a Christian Nation, stating that Christians display “murderous intolerance,” Dr. Ravi Zacharias felt called to answer. The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists is a clear and powerful response to the [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — A Post Mortem On A Post-Truth Culture
Ravi Zacharias — A Post Mortem On A Post-Truth Culture
You see, truth is primarily a property of propositions where words present reality as it really is. Even manipulators of the truth know that truth as an objective assertion is assumed when one is the victim of a lie. It is only subjective when one [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Running from Reality
Ravi Zacharias — Running from Reality
Enjoy sermon Running from Reality preached by Ravi Zacharias at Hope Unlimited Church India [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Our Greatest Struggles Nowadays
Ravi Zacharias — Our Greatest Struggles Nowadays
Apologist Ravi Zacharias preach on Our Greatest Struggles Nowadays [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Jesus, Life and World Religions
Ravi Zacharias — Jesus, Life and World Religions
Apologist Ravi Zacharias explore the relevance and application of the ancient Christian beliefs in light of post modern thinking, and discuss it’s uniqueness in light of other major religions. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — First Conference 2017
Ravi Zacharias — First Conference 2017
Ravi Zacharias preach on First Conference 2017 at Gateway Church! Enjoy this sermon and share to friends! [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Why Suffering?
Ravi Zacharias — Why Suffering?
Do you know anyone struggling with this question? This event with Dr. Ravi Zacharias from RZIM, provides a unique opportunity for Christians to invite those with other beliefs to explore and seek answers to one of life's most difficult questions. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Faith in the Twenty-First Century
Ravi Zacharias — Faith in the Twenty-First Century
Enjoy this sermon about Faith in the Twenty-First Century by Ravi Zacharias [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Do Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century
Ravi Zacharias — Do Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century
Thank you, and it's great to be here. I was saying earlier that Rick happens to be in the city of Hyderabad. Which is the first city in which I preached my first sermon. I was 19 years old at that time. It was a youth preacher contest and so it [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Christian View of Homosexuality
Ravi Zacharias — Christian View of Homosexuality
Marriage as God has given it to us is sacred, pulling together all four loves under agape. Our responsibility is never to hate the individual; our privilege is to love and let God be the judge over all of us. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Can Man Live Without God?
Ravi Zacharias — Can Man Live Without God?
John Ankerberg: Welcome to our program. I'm John Ankerberg. I'm glad that you joined us today. And my guest is the brilliant Christian philosopher, apologist, Ravi Zacharias, Ravi has talked to more university students in more countries than [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Worship: A Clue to Meaning in Life
Ravi Zacharias — Worship: A Clue to Meaning in Life
How do you show your love for God? The word worship probably comes to mind, but what is worship? And what does God say about worship? Ravi Zacharias turns to the book of Malachi to find the answer. Have you ever wondered why God chooses you even [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Why I'm Not an Atheist?
Ravi Zacharias — Why I'm Not an Atheist?
Can God’s existence be proved or disproved? Are you able to effectively defend your faith at school or work? Listen as Ravi Zacharias looks at the dangers of modern philosophies as a way to help equip you to better defend your faith. Have you ever [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Who is God?
Ravi Zacharias — Who is God?
If someone asked you “who is God,” what would you tell them? We talk about God’s existence, but do you really know who He is? This is one of the most challenging questions for people to answer and there are many answers. Hear what Ravi Zacharias has [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — What is Worthwhile Under the Sun?
Ravi Zacharias — What is Worthwhile Under the Sun?
Life on earth can offer us anything we want. But is each one a worthwhile pursuit? How do we know which pleasures are legitimate and which ones are harmful? Find out the answer to those questions this week on the broadcast. [...]
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