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Levi Lusko - Obedience When It Doesn't Make Sense
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Levi Lusko - Obedience When It Doesn't Make Sense
Levi Lusko - Obedience When It Doesn't Make Sense
Why does God call us to do things that are murky in the moment? Because he's like a good fitness trainer. He knows that if you just do triceps on Tuesday, and biceps on Thursday, and bench press on Wednesday, and you do the same workout regimen [...]
Levi Lusko - Make Up Your Mind
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Levi Lusko - Make Up Your Mind
Levi Lusko - Make Up Your Mind
Keep doing what you done, you'll keep getting what you got. And if you want something new, we're going to need to try something different. I say, we think different. Anybody with me in the house today? I was talking to my daughter Clover on FaceTime [...]
Levi Lusko - God's Remedy For a Racing Heart
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Levi Lusko - God's Remedy For a Racing Heart
Levi Lusko - God's Remedy For a Racing Heart
Jesus, who went into the grave so broken, so bloodied, so damaged, He came out glorious. He came out immortal. He came out indestructible. He came out with the old body, the same old body, but restored, made new, resurrected. And the same promise, [...]
Levi Lusko - That'll Leave a Mark
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Levi Lusko - That'll Leave a Mark
Levi Lusko - That'll Leave a Mark
Giving is never: I give to get. It's: I give because I already got. I do because He already did. Look what He did for me. Look what He did for me. So I don't give to get. I do give when I get because God will not be out giving. He's got a complex. [...]
Levi Lusko - Too Many Irons in the Fire
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Levi Lusko - Too Many Irons in the Fire
Levi Lusko - Too Many Irons in the Fire
Every single time we talk about God and a throne, He's always seated. In fact, the book of Psalms says He's seated with His feet up on a footstool. So I don't want you to ever think about God as stressed, God as wringing His hands, God as, He never [...]
Levi Lusko - Addressing Self-Sabotaging Tendencies
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Levi Lusko - Addressing Self-Sabotaging Tendencies
Levi Lusko - Addressing Self-Sabotaging Tendencies
How God sees you. God never calls you to earn his love. He gives you lavishly his love. And then in telling you who you are in Christ, he calls you to live at the level of what you are. He literally says, because you're the righteousness of God in [...]
Levi Lusko - My Trauma Is Not My Template
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Levi Lusko - My Trauma Is Not My Template
Levi Lusko - My Trauma Is Not My Template
You've chosen to not let your trauma be your template. And I said, I never thought about it that way, but I sure as heck am going to steal and preach that this weekend because that's exactly what these people have done. They have allowed their [...]
Levi Lusko - How Godly Thinking Can Transform Your Life
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Levi Lusko - How Godly Thinking Can Transform Your Life
Levi Lusko - How Godly Thinking Can Transform Your Life
Things how they're going does not determine how I'm doing. So how are things going? Very bad. How am I doing? Never better. Anybody with me on that? We can say the outward man might be perishing, but the inward man is being renewed every single day, [...]
Levi Lusko - The Secret To Making Friends
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Levi Lusko - The Secret To Making Friends
Levi Lusko - The Secret To Making Friends
You can't rush relational intimacy. That doesn't happen in a day. Again, that's, sometimes the eagerness, we're so starved for actual people in our lives, sometimes anybody shows us any attention, and we just come on so strong and lay it on so thick [...]
Levi Lusko - You Need Friends
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Levi Lusko - You Need Friends
Levi Lusko - You Need Friends
Where does loneliness come from? Specifically the loneliness we're dealing with these last 30 years. From 1990. Is that what we said? 1990 till now. Why is this recession, this depression, we could even say, happening as it is? And of course, [...]
Levi Lusko - The House Always Wins
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Levi Lusko - The House Always Wins
Levi Lusko - The House Always Wins
The point is, yes, God can and is worshiped when we are by ourselves. All of us to seek him and to individually give him our, render him our worship. Render him awe, render him glory. But there's something different, something unmistakable, hear me, [...]
Levi Lusko - What Satan Fears Most
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Levi Lusko - What Satan Fears Most
Levi Lusko - What Satan Fears Most
You see, the gospel is not about bad people becoming good. It's about dead people coming to life. And only through the blood of Jesus and his resurrection can we come to life. And if you're lost today, if you're hurting today, there's life in Jesus' [...]
Levi Lusko - This Is Why You Are Lonely
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Levi Lusko - This Is Why You Are Lonely
Levi Lusko - This Is Why You Are Lonely
You cannot become yourself by yourself. You cannot become yourself by yourself. Because your true identity, baked into you from the image of God, is intensely relational. It's intensely communal. Because you were made in the image of someone who [...]
Levi Lusko - What The Church Is Meant to Be
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Levi Lusko - What The Church Is Meant to Be
Levi Lusko - What The Church Is Meant to Be
If you are wounded, if you are hurting, if you've messed your life up, if you have consequences today, guess what? You're welcome in this church. We're glad that you're here. If you feel far from God, if you feel unworthy, when I invite people to [...]
Levi Lusko - Out of Sight, On His Mind
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Levi Lusko - Out of Sight, On His Mind
Levi Lusko - Out of Sight, On His Mind
You're not buried. You're planted. You're being trusted. You're being developed. "You shall", Psalm 31:20, "hide them in the secret place of your presence from the plots of man. You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the [...]
Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
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Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
I'm telling you, you're going through it. You look down at your wheelchair. You look down at your shaking limbs. You look down at your withered body. You look down at your depleted bank account. You look down at your empty home because you don't [...]
Levi Lusko - Using Scripture Memorization to Pierce the Shadows
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Levi Lusko - Using Scripture Memorization to Pierce the Shadows
Levi Lusko - Using Scripture Memorization to Pierce the Shadows
If you do have a Bible, turn with me to the Book of James. That's in the New Testament, Book of James. If you have YouVersion and you can pick what version, we're going to be in the New King James version. So you want to make your way to James, [...]
Levi Lusko - Ten Coins of Marriage
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Levi Lusko - Ten Coins of Marriage
Levi Lusko - Ten Coins of Marriage
The last two books that have my name on the cover are a book about marriage and a book about space, book about marriage and a book about space. Now, imagine if these two books, The Last Supper on the Moon and The Marriage Devotional had a baby. [...]
Levi Lusko - The Pressure Is Not The Problem
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Levi Lusko - The Pressure Is Not The Problem
Levi Lusko - The Pressure Is Not The Problem
Olivia, my first born and I, were on an airplane this week coming back from this event in Georgia. And I had to pee so bad. But there was turbulence, so they had the seatbelt sign on. And I was agitated. I was really distressed. And the turbulence [...]
Levi Lusko - The Art of The Exit
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Levi Lusko - The Art of The Exit
Levi Lusko - The Art of The Exit
We're going to be in Hebrews Chapter 11 as we have been. This is now the eighth Sunday. And we have two more planned in this series that we've called Pioneers. I want to preach to you a message that uniquely God gave to me last week while I was [...]
Levi Lusko - There's More To It Than That
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Levi Lusko - There's More To It Than That
Levi Lusko - There's More To It Than That
Title of my message is, There's More To It Than That. There's more to it than that. We are in Hebrews, chapter 11 in this series. We're all focused in on, in this time, what is the faith that makes God's list? What causes God to write down when he [...]
Levi Lusko - It's All In Your Head
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Levi Lusko - It's All In Your Head
Levi Lusko - It's All In Your Head
I want to talk today about a faith that can move you forward, a faith that can move forward. The title of my message, It's All in Your Head. It's All in Your Head. That's what you say to the hypochondriac in your life, right? Anybody have someone in [...]
Levi Lusko - Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship
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Levi Lusko - Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship
Levi Lusko - Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship
I want to begin with a question. And the question is, would you be willing to do something crazy if you knew it was a part of your calling? Don't answer that, just think about it. Would you be willing to do something deemed by people around you at [...]
Levi Lusko - In God's Hands
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Levi Lusko - In God's Hands
Levi Lusko - In God's Hands
This week they announced the inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, names like Sheryl Crow, Willie Nelson, Missy Elliott, Rage Against the Machine, Kate Bush, finally getting her comeuppance. Thank you Stranger Things for bringing her back [...]
Levi Lusko - God's Love Language
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Levi Lusko - God's Love Language
Levi Lusko - God's Love Language
We're going to be in Hebrews chapter 11. That's where we're going to be. You can just turn there every single week because that's where we're focused on in this Pioneer series. We begin with a photo. This is Johannes Gutenberg, one of, no doubt, the [...]
Levi Lusko - Aim Higher, Shoot Farther
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Levi Lusko - Aim Higher, Shoot Farther
Levi Lusko - Aim Higher, Shoot Farther
At the age of 32, Benjamin Franklin writing in his Almanac wrote these immortal words, "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing". Well, with his words, [...]
Levi Lusko - Go For Glory
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Levi Lusko - Go For Glory
Levi Lusko - Go For Glory
If you have a Bible, John chapter 12 is where we're going to be. Title of my message today is Go For Glory. Go For Glory. It's no secret that I'm a big fan of NASA. And the idea of mission command and every space mission has these checkpoints where [...]
Levi Lusko - Keep Telling Yourself That
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Levi Lusko - Keep Telling Yourself That
Levi Lusko - Keep Telling Yourself That
John chapter 8 is where we're going to be. We'll jump in the 28th verse in just a moment. The title of my message this weekend is, Keep Telling Yourself That, keep telling yourself that, right, which is one of the lovely, sarcastic things that we [...]
Levi Lusko - I Mean Business
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Levi Lusko - I Mean Business
Levi Lusko - I Mean Business
But we do kick off a brand new collection of messages today, a brand new season in the life of our church today. And we're going to do so beginning with a message that I'm calling I Mean Business. I came to church today ready, y'all. I don't know if [...]
Levi Lusko - What To Think About When You Think About Love
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Levi Lusko - What To Think About When You Think About Love
Levi Lusko - What To Think About When You Think About Love
Come on. It's going to be amazing. So if you didn't notice, we've added Brandon Lake to the lineup and we're excited that he'll be with us. And OK, you can be seated. Yeah, come on, Brandon, how good is that guy? He's the best. He's going to bring [...]
Levi Lusko - What to Think About When You Think About Sex
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Levi Lusko - What to Think About When You Think About Sex?
Levi Lusko - What to Think About When You Think About Sex?
In 2013, a man named James Howell threw out an old hard drive. He had a couple of them in a desk drawer, and one of them he knew was no good. He didn't need it anymore. He didn't need the information on it, and so he tossed it out, tiny little [...]
Levi Lusko - What To Think About When You Think About Dating?
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Levi Lusko - What To Think About When You Think About Dating?
Levi Lusko - What To Think About When You Think About Dating?
In 2002 there were some interns who decided there was a crime so perfect it would almost be criminal for them not to do it. They had all been interning at NASA and they noticed that when the scientists brought the moon rocks from the Apollo mission [...]
Levi Lusko - The Taste of Christmas
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Levi Lusko - The Taste of Christmas
Levi Lusko - The Taste of Christmas
I want to give to you a message that I'm calling the taste of Christmas. Every holiday has a unique flavor profile. And you can sort of eat your way through the year really. I mean, when you have candy corn in your mouth, you know it's Halloween. [...]
Levi Lusko - Pass the Peace
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Levi Lusko - Pass the Peace
Levi Lusko - Pass the Peace
- Hey, we want to thank you so much for watching this message and honestly, the privilege of letting us teach God's word to you week in and week out. And we want to give you an invitation now to express your gratitude to God for what He's doing in [...]
Levi Lusko - Yes, Chef
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Levi Lusko - Yes, Chef
Levi Lusko - Yes, Chef
A table built for one. A table for one. That was a rare thing. I remember working at a restaurant, one of my first jobs was at a restaurant, and it would be rare when I would be walking by the hostess stand and see the hostess or host was out doing [...]
Levi Lusko - The Only Miracle God Can't Do
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Levi Lusko - The Only Miracle God Can't Do
Levi Lusko - The Only Miracle God Can't Do
Well, this is our third week of a series, of a season that is this whole rest of this year. We're going to be in this table collection throughout the remainder of 2022, as we're understanding and learning the power of what it means to have a seat [...]
Levi Lusko - My Apron Is My Armor
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Levi Lusko - My Apron Is My Armor
Levi Lusko - My Apron Is My Armor
Welcome to week two of The Table. I want to begin today with a question. Have you ever in life got something that you thought you needed, only to discover it was not at all what you actually wanted? My pastor growing up, he used to always tell these [...]
Levi Lusko - Your Presence is Requested
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Levi Lusko - Your Presence is Requested
Levi Lusko - Your Presence is Requested
We're glad to have you here with us as we begin this brand new collection, a brand new season in our church that we're calling The Table. And we're going to be talking about how God wants to use a spirit of hospitality to expand the kingdom to bless [...]
Levi Lusko - Sweatpants on the Inside
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Levi Lusko - Sweatpants on the Inside
Levi Lusko - Sweatpants on the Inside
If you have a Bible, please turn to the book of Judges chapter 6. Judges chapter 6 is where we're going to be. I want to talk to you about the subject of Overcoming Insecurity. I'm calling this message, "Sweatpants on the Inside". That's [...]
Levi Lusko - All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go
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Levi Lusko - All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go
Levi Lusko - All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go
Well, if you have a Bible today, we are going to be in Isaiah chapter 61, Isaiah 61. We were in the car yesterday, and my daughter Clover asked a question of the car. She said, would you guys rather wear a bathing suit all winter or have to wear a [...]
Levi Lusko - Where History is Heading
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Levi Lusko - Where History is Heading
Levi Lusko - Where History is Heading
And today, I want to begin with a question. How different would the world be or how different would your world be if you knew the future? We saw in Back to the Future, it really did impact to know if you go back, then you can go forward differently. [...]
Levi Lusko - And They Stay There
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Levi Lusko - And They Stay There
Levi Lusko - And They Stay There
Let me first just say that we're in a series of messages that we began last week called Words for Worship. And what we're doing is we're considering the seven different Hebrew words that are all translated the same in our English Bibles. They all [...]
Levi Lusko - It's Time to Dance
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Levi Lusko - It's Time to Dance
Levi Lusko - It's Time to Dance
In Psalm 149, we find one of seven different words that are translated as our English word praise. There are seven different Hebrew words that are used throughout the Bible to describe this thing that we call praise, this thing that we think of when [...]
Levi Lusko - How to Entertain the Holy Spirit
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Levi Lusko - How to Entertain the Holy Spirit
Levi Lusko - How to Entertain the Holy Spirit
Genesis Chapter 8 is where we're at. We're in week three of a series that we called Ghosted. In our culture we talk about someone ghosting you, meaning they bailed on you, they didn't respond to you, they left you hanging, they stood you up. You [...]
Levi Lusko - I Need Some Juice
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Levi Lusko - I Need Some Juice
Levi Lusko - I Need Some Juice
Welcome to week one of Ghosted. We're glad you're with us, every location, church online, podcast, family. Thanks for being with us. It's an honor to have you. If you have a Bible, we're going to be in Luke chapter 10 today. And the title of my [...]
Levi Lusko - Kicking the Bucket List
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Levi Lusko - Kicking the Bucket List
Levi Lusko - Kicking the Bucket List
I'm going to open up God's word with you to a place I've never taught. And I'm going to preach to you the shortest sermon Jesus ever preached in his 3 and 1/2 years of public ministry. If you're new or visiting, welcome to Fresh Life. We are really [...]
Levi Lusko - Preparing Your Children to Spread Their Wings
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Levi Lusko - Preparing Your Children to Spread Their Wings
Levi Lusko - Preparing Your Children to Spread Their Wings
Psalm 128 is where we are if you're just coming in now. We are in a series of messages, or really, one message broken up into multiple weeks, which is how we generally approach things around here, which is why it's so awesome to come back, and then [...]
Levi Lusko - The Secret to a Fruitful Marriage
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Levi Lusko - The Secret to a Fruitful Marriage
Levi Lusko - The Secret to a Fruitful Marriage
We're in Psalm 128 this weekend, and we are in a three-week-long message that will wrap up next week. So you've got to come back, especially if you're a parent or you ever want to be. We're going to talk next week about some of the nuts and bolts of [...]
Levi Lusko - Love and Thunder
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Levi Lusko - Love and Thunder
Levi Lusko - Love and Thunder
Well, we welcome you at every single location across Montana; into Oregon and Portland; Salt Lake City, Utah; Victor, Idaho; Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and all across the country and world, Fresh Life Church online. Thank you for coming. Thank you for [...]
Levi Lusko - You Blew It. Now What?
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Levi Lusko - You Blew It. Now What?
Levi Lusko - You Blew It. Now What?
This is the finale of a series of messages called "Thank You, Next". And what we're trying to do is identify what are maybe some of the most loved but least understood passages of scripture in the Bible. And I reached out to my buddy Bobby [...]
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