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Leon Fontaine - Stubborn Faith
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Leon Fontaine - Stubborn Faith
Leon Fontaine - Stubborn Faith
I want to talk to you today about something that changed my life when I was a teenager. Many of you know my story, I was raised in a Christian home, and both of my parents were pastors. My mom was a prolific teacher, my dada preaching machine. So I [...]
Leon Fontaine - Faith, The Servant of the Believer
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Leon Fontaine - Faith, The Servant of the Believer
Leon Fontaine - Faith, The Servant of the Believer
There's an interesting teaching in the Bible that I'm going to springboard from today. And I'm going to challenge you, and I pray that you'll take off your religious hat, and that you'll allow the Word of God to provoke you. You'll allow the Word of [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Language of The Heart
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Leon Fontaine - The Language of The Heart
Leon Fontaine - The Language of The Heart
As a young child, some of my earliest memories are my parents, teaching me Bible stories. My dad or mom would put me to bed at night, and depending upon my age, it was very age specific. They would teach me the stories of the Bible. Not just the [...]
Leon Fontaine - Please Help Me Change
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Leon Fontaine - Please Help Me Change
Leon Fontaine - Please Help Me Change
Today, I want to entitle this message, "Please help me change". Please help me change. It's the cry of so many hearts on our planet, who feel so stuck. Stuck in their emotions. Stuck in, their behaviours. Addictions. Stuck in, awful [...]
Leon Fontaine - The New Species
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Leon Fontaine - The New Species
Leon Fontaine - The New Species
Today, I want to talk about an area of Christianity that, that has been one of the biggest causes of failures in people's lives. You see. The enemy of our souls, the devil, there is a spirit world. And that spirit world is filled with beings as [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Heart-Mind Connection
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Leon Fontaine - The Heart-Mind Connection
Leon Fontaine - The Heart-Mind Connection
As a young man, as a child actually, my mom and dad, they raised us and taught us the Bible in different ways for different ages. I remember as a little boy, my mom and dad teaching us, I have four brothers so there's five of us boys, so sometimes [...]
Leon Fontaine - Tough Love
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Leon Fontaine - Tough Love
Leon Fontaine - Tough Love
I want to talk to you today about tough love. Tough love. Years ago, I remember a, Christian psychologist wrote a book to Christians because he just couldn't believe the mamby-pamby way they were raising their kids. And he did an entire book, I [...]
Leon Fontaine - A New Way to Pray
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Leon Fontaine - A New Way to Pray
Leon Fontaine - A New Way to Pray
I want to talk about learning to pray. Because if you don't learn to pray, you have all these rights and privileges that you don't know how to access. And so prayer is about our fellowship with God. But it's also about enforcing the covenant that [...]
Leon Fontaine - Get In The Game
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Leon Fontaine - Get In The Game
Leon Fontaine - Get In The Game
I was teaching in the southern hemisphere of the planet at different conferences, and happened to run into some people who were officials in rugby, and they asked me if I wanted to come and watch an All-Blacks game. And didn't, you know, they know [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Two Kinds of Wisdom
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Leon Fontaine - The Two Kinds of Wisdom
Leon Fontaine - The Two Kinds of Wisdom
Today, I want to talk about two kinds of wisdom. Two kinds of wisdom. A lot of people think they are unique and free thinkers. That, you know, they're their own man. They're their own woman. But today, so many people are simply seduced by popular [...]
Leon Fontaine - Change Your Future
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Leon Fontaine - Change Your Future
Leon Fontaine - Change Your Future
I want to speak to the young today. I want to speak to teenagers. I want to speak to twenty-somes. I want to speak to those who are new in faith. Because I want to talk to you about a hidden truth that for some reason seems to get covered over in, [...]
Leon Fontaine - Undisputable Truths
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Leon Fontaine - Undisputable Truths
Leon Fontaine - Undisputable Truths
You know, the Bible is a very interesting book. That's the way most people might look at it. It's interesting. But what most people need to realize is that the Bible is the authority. It is the power of God's Word. It's God's thinking, God's [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Harmony of Grace and Faith
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Leon Fontaine - The Harmony of Grace and Faith
Leon Fontaine - The Harmony of Grace and Faith
One of our greatest problems as a church. I got to tell you how I really feel, is the message that the church of Jesus Christ worldwide is giving to the world, and it is such a judgmental message. It's such a message that if you do anything wrong, [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Will of God in Your Life
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Leon Fontaine - The Will of God in Your Life
Leon Fontaine - The Will of God in Your Life
In Psalms 146, it has a unique statement that it makes here. It says that God is going to heal the blind. He's going to look after the righteous. He's going to, He's watching over the strangers. He's the father to the fatherless. He looks after [...]
Leon Fontaine - Welcome Home
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Leon Fontaine - Welcome Home
Leon Fontaine - Welcome Home
If you've been here for any length of time, you will have heard me say, "I hate religion". I don't say it to be cute. I absolutely detest religion. You need to know that. Religion is a bunch of manmade rules that people add. It's about [...]
Leon Fontaine - Heaven's Award Ceremony
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Leon Fontaine - Heaven's Award Ceremony
Leon Fontaine - Heaven's Award Ceremony
The talks multiple times in the New Testament about another judgment not the white throne judgment. This is a judgment for Christians. And it's called the judgment seat of Christ, in the Greek it's the bema seat. Now, everybody gets worried [...]
Leon Fontaine - Go Greater
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Leon Fontaine - Go Greater
Leon Fontaine - Go Greater
Today, I'm going to talk about, "Go Greater". Go Greater. There's a difference when you watch sports between people who play the game and the people you depend upon when it's crunch time. I remember quarterbacking football when I was in [...]
Leon Fontaine - Think It Through
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Leon Fontaine - Think It Through
Leon Fontaine - Think It Through
So many people do not think for themselves. They are shallow thinkers. Even the people who think they are uniquely different are completely mesmerized by some culture here and, and they just follow after. Edward T. Hall, a professor of Anthropology [...]
Leon Fontaine - Heart Perceptions
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Leon Fontaine - Heart Perceptions
Leon Fontaine - Heart Perceptions
Your beliefs determine your perceptions and your ability to understand something. And so many people don't realize that we form beliefs by our own decisions, or people who have raised us. They help us to form beliefs and then these beliefs determine [...]
Leon Fontaine - You Are A Warrior
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Leon Fontaine - You Are A Warrior
Leon Fontaine - You Are A Warrior
I was raised in a pastor's home, both my parents were pastors. And one of the things I've noticed as then and now as a pastor, because a pastor's job is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. You are an incredible person, and inside of [...]
Leon Fontaine - Wisdom Is the Principle Thing
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Leon Fontaine - Wisdom Is the Principle Thing
Leon Fontaine - Wisdom Is the Principle Thing
We live in a world where few people think for themselves, and everyone knows it. Edward T. Hall who's a professor of anthropology said, "Man has put himself in his own zoo. He has so simplified his life and stereotyped his responses that he may [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Attributes of Virtue
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Leon Fontaine - The Attributes of Virtue
Leon Fontaine - The Attributes of Virtue
As you look back, in time. There's a word that we don't use much anymore called virtue. Virtue would often mean, I'm going to protect my daughter's virtue. So lock them up at home, don't let them go anywhere, be able to keep them virtuous. And that [...]
Leon Fontaine - Programmed To Succeed
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Leon Fontaine - Programmed To Succeed
Leon Fontaine - Programmed To Succeed
Hey everybody, it's so great to have you with me today on our program. Today is a very interesting message. I addressed our school, and all of the teenagers in the high school classes, and I did a chapel for them. So I want you to hear this message [...]
Leon Fontaine - Overflowing Joy
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Leon Fontaine - Overflowing Joy
Leon Fontaine - Overflowing Joy
Today, I'm going to talk about, Practicing Joy. This is crucial. Whenever I meet my kids or grandkids or Sally. I always, I'm so happy to see them and I want to show it. Now, the grand kids, I mean, they get the most of this ahhh, when they walk in [...]
Leon Fontaine - Miracle Worker - Part 2
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Leon Fontaine - Miracle Worker - Part 2
Leon Fontaine - Miracle Worker - Part 2
Hey, everybody. It is so good to have you with me. Today, we're going to do a second part of what I started last time about being a miracle worker. Another words, learning to flow with the power of God. And so if you didn't see the first one, I [...]
Leon Fontaine - Miracle Worker - Part 1
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Leon Fontaine - Miracle Worker - Part 1
Leon Fontaine - Miracle Worker - Part 1
Hey, everybody. It is so good to have you with us today. Today, we are going to dive into a topic that I believe can change your life. We're going to talk about being a miracle worker. The word miracle is used so, I don't know, loosely, and no one [...]
Leon Fontaine - Faith, Hope and Love
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Leon Fontaine - Faith, Hope and Love
Leon Fontaine - Faith, Hope and Love
Hey, everybody. It's so good to have you with me today. Today, we're going to talk about hopes and dreams. The enemy of our souls would love for you to stop dreaming. As you are pounded with negativity and fear and all the things that have been [...]
Leon Fontaine - What is a Christian?
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Leon Fontaine - What is a Christian?
Leon Fontaine - What is a Christian?
One of the things I struggled with as a young Christian was, what is a Christian? Do you ever ask yourself that question? What is a Christian? Because there's some pretty crazy answers out there. Like I'd meet people who were so religious and they [...]
Leon Fontaine - Teach Your Heart to Dream
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Leon Fontaine - Teach Your Heart to Dream
Leon Fontaine - Teach Your Heart to Dream
Today, I want to teach you how to dream. I want to teach you how to dream. It's not everybody has a dream. It's, I want to teach how to dream. Because there's very specific things that we need to be aware of if we're going to dream. How many know [...]
Leon Fontaine - Freedom Isn't Free
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Leon Fontaine - Freedom Isn't Free
Leon Fontaine - Freedom Isn't Free
Freedom isn't free. Freedom isn't free. There's a lot of talk right now about freedom. A lot of talk about rights. And people think that governments give freedoms. Governments give rights. But it's God that gave the freedoms. I listen to one of the [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Believer's Strength
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Leon Fontaine - The Believer's Strength
Leon Fontaine - The Believer's Strength
I've noticed over the years, as a pastor, my job is to equip and train the saints. My job is to equip and train the body of Christ. And I've noticed some things and one of things I want to talk about today is, I've noticed that people who were [...]
Leon Fontaine - Energize Yourself
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Leon Fontaine - Energize Yourself
Leon Fontaine - Energize Yourself
Hey, everybody! It is so good to have you with me today. We've got to deal with something really powerful today that's just been on my heart. And that is helping you to live in this way of being energized, excited, moving forward. Too many times as [...]
Leon Fontaine - Love Like Jesus Loved
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Leon Fontaine - Love Like Jesus Loved
Leon Fontaine - Love Like Jesus Loved
If there's a topic that I have struggled with the most in the Bible and there's not much that I struggle with, I love the beauty of the Bible. And I'm the kind of a guy, I love to see how some people teach on renewing the mind, some teach on faith, [...]
Leon Fontaine - Your Unfair Advantage
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Leon Fontaine - Your Unfair Advantage
Leon Fontaine - Your Unfair Advantage
I have a fascinating kind of life story and I'm so blessed that God had me grew up in a home with two pastors, and they were good pastors. My mom and dad, they understood so much of the Word and continually taught me the Word. My dad shouldn't have [...]
Leon Fontaine - Toughen Up
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Leon Fontaine - Toughen Up
Leon Fontaine - Toughen Up
I was raised in a pastor's home, both my parents were pastors. And one of the things I've noticed as then and now as a pastor, because a pastor's job is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. You are an incredible person, and inside of [...]
Leon Fontaine - Intentional Courage
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Leon Fontaine - Intentional Courage
Leon Fontaine - Intentional Courage
In my studies of leadership and I love the topic of leadership. I found a word that has changed. It's the word virtue. In our world, it means, you know, I want to hang on to my daughters' virtue. I will lock them up in their bedroom. Don't let them [...]
Leon Fontaine - Your Forgotten Influence
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Leon Fontaine - Your Forgotten Influence
Leon Fontaine - Your Forgotten Influence
Today, I want to talk about the forgotten influence of the believer. There's an influence. There is a mandate upon believers that for some reason people have forgotten. It's too easy to be quiet. It's too easy to not raise your head till you find [...]
Leon Fontaine - Uncover Your Giftedness
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Leon Fontaine - Uncover Your Giftedness
Leon Fontaine - Uncover Your Giftedness
When I was about 19 years of age, I remember my fascination with something I began to notice in the Bible. You see, I had developed a misbelief, a wrong belief. That Christians were kind of somehow a subgroup on the planet. That we were kind of [...]
Leon Fontaine - Jesus: Your Direct Link To God
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Leon Fontaine - Jesus: Your Direct Link To God
Leon Fontaine - Jesus: Your Direct Link To God
Over the years as I've studied the Word, learned to pray, saw the power of God in our lives. I begin to recognize that, people don't know how to pray. And if you pray things that aren't accurate, you increase your doubt. If you pray and there are no [...]
Leon Fontaine - Freedom AND Responsibility
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Leon Fontaine - Freedom AND Responsibility
Leon Fontaine - Freedom AND Responsibility
Rights and freedoms are not given by governments. Rights and freedoms were given by God. And all of the countries that have a biblical law background and that's where their legal system comes from. It's not Sharia Law. It's not law, you know, in [...]
Leon Fontaine - Are You a History Maker?
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Leon Fontaine - Are You a History Maker?
Leon Fontaine - Are You a History Maker?
There's a word that we use today that has changed. It's the word "virtue". If you ask somebody, "What does virtue mean"? Well, that's what dads do when they say no to their daughters dating some of these guys, they're protecting [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Three Quadrants of Love
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Leon Fontaine - The Three Quadrants of Love
Leon Fontaine - The Three Quadrants of Love
So many people, and I still try to wrap my brain around this. What is love? And today I want to talk to you about the three quadrants of love. It is an absolute key for you to live in the Saviour's love. This little baby that came to earth and it [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Bread of Life
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Leon Fontaine - The Bread of Life
Leon Fontaine - The Bread of Life
As a young man in my teens, I began to notice living and growing up in a Christian home with amazing parents that all of those people who call themselves born again. They weren't alike. In fact, I began to divide in my own teen mind people into two [...]
Leon Fontaine - Damage Control
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Leon Fontaine - Damage Control
Leon Fontaine - Damage Control
Years ago when I first became a senior pastor. There were many things that I had a chance to notice because I was raised in a pastor's home. And so all of my mom and dad's friends a lot of them were pastors. And I get a chance to, you know, after [...]
Leon Fontaine - Your Superhuman Ability
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Leon Fontaine - Your Superhuman Ability
Leon Fontaine - Your Superhuman Ability
Our modern culture, like to the youth that are here, and the guys that are here. When we think about the hidden man, you know, a good analogy would be like Spider-man, here's Peter Parker. He goes to high school. He's like any other kid going to [...]
Leon Fontaine - What is Love?
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Leon Fontaine - What is Love?
Leon Fontaine - What is Love?
One of my greatest struggles as a topic, as a man, has always revolved around the word love. But I've tried to live in love. I've tried to teach with love. I've tried to keep my motive love but I had a hard time teaching on it. Whenever I would go [...]
Leon Fontaine - Walking by Faith, Part 2
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Leon Fontaine - Walking by Faith, Part 2
Leon Fontaine - Walking by Faith, Part 2
Hey, everybody, welcome today. It's good to have you with me. We're on part 2 of Walking by Faith. And last time we talked about and I shared a lot of stories and how it revolutionized my life as a young man, to understand that faith is something [...]
Leon Fontaine - Walking by Faith, Part 1
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Leon Fontaine - Walking by Faith, Part 1
Leon Fontaine - Walking by Faith, Part 1
It's great to have you with me today as we dive into God's Word. You know, when I was a young man, I was literally 18 or 19 years old. I somehow woke up to a message that hadn't meant much to me before but all of a sudden it changed my life. And the [...]
Leon Fontaine - Kingdom Responsibilities
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Leon Fontaine - Kingdom Responsibilities
Leon Fontaine - Kingdom Responsibilities
We've taught a lot in our church about your individual heart. And that your individual heart is determining your future. Most people, and you don't hear much teaching about the heart because most people just think it's the spirit. But as you study [...]
Leon Fontaine - Do You Have a Dream?
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Leon Fontaine - Do You Have a Dream?
Leon Fontaine - Do You Have a Dream?
I want to teach you how to dream. How to dream. A friend of mine bought a book a while ago, and man I want to find it. It was just called, I think it was the 100 greatest speeches in the world. And, one of them of course was Martin Luther King Jr. [...]
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