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Kay Arthur — Understanding the Times
Kay Arthur — Understanding the Times
If life is difficult beloved; hold on, hold on. It’s not always going to be this way. You’re not always going to be like the tail instead of the head because someday the head of all the kingdoms is coming, the Lord Jesus Christ. And when He comes He [...]
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Kay Arthur — Traitors!
Kay Arthur — Traitors!
What do you think about traitors, about people that compromise? They compromise; they turn tail; they go over to the other side and they do it because it’s expedient or they do it because they want the benefit or they do it because they’re afraid of [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Son is Coming!
Kay Arthur — The Son is Coming!
The Son is coming and I’m not talking about the sun shining on a dreary day. I’m talking about the S-o-n, the Son of man is coming beloved. His coming is probably sooner than we expect. And what will it be like when He comes? Is there any way that [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Party’s Over
Kay Arthur — The Party’s Over
Down through the generations there have been many songs written about parties. One was The Party Is Over My Friend. Another one was It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To. The other one was The Party’s Over, Turn Off the Lights, My Friend. What [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Dream Explained
Kay Arthur — The Dream Explained
Jesus Christ is coming beloved. As a matter of fact, the Bible speaks more about His second coming than it does about His first coming. When He comes the second time, what will be the signs of the times so that people might know and understand hey, [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Beast
Kay Arthur — The Beast
The Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye a good friend of mine and Jerry Jenkins certainly aroused people’s curiosity in the things that are to come. People were reading those books that had never read anything from the Bible. And they were glued to [...]
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Kay Arthur — Revealing Truth
Kay Arthur — Revealing Truth
Someone in a store looked at me the other day and said to me, and when do you want it, today or yesterday. I’m a yesterday person. I’m impatient. I want it now. I want to understand it now. I want to do it now. I want to enjoy it now. And what I had [...]
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Kay Arthur — Ram and Goat
Kay Arthur — Ram and Goat
In some ways the Word of God is like a children’s story. I mean it’s full of animals. We’ve looked at lions and bears and leopards and an, oh my, a D.T. Today we’re going to look at a ram and we’re going to look at a goat, and what happens when [...]
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Kay Arthur — People Who Know Their God
Kay Arthur — People Who Know Their God
Tell me about God. If I ask you to explain to me who God is and what He is like, what would you tell me about Him? And then if I turned and I said to you, but show me how His power has been expressed. Show me how His wisdom has come to pass. Explain [...]
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Kay Arthur — More Than Conquerors
Kay Arthur — More Than Conquerors
One of the things that I have learned about wisdom is that when you’re a wise person you don’t make rash decisions. When you’re a wise person you sit down and you contemplate the effect of the decision that you’re about to make. Do you realize that [...]
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Kay Arthur — Medes and Persians
Kay Arthur — Medes and Persians
As an adult, have you ever stopped to realize how young your parents were when you were growing up? You know you always think of them as old when you’re growing up and then when you get older you think of how young they were. My daddy was so young [...]
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Kay Arthur — Lions and Leopards and Bears, Oh My!
Kay Arthur — Lions and Leopards and Bears, Oh My!
Surely you’ve seen the Wizard of Oz. You saw Judy Garland playing the role of Dorothy as she went in her ruby shoes up the yellow brick road. Where was she going? She was going to see; I’m off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz. But what [...]
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Kay Arthur — Like a Son of Man
Kay Arthur — Like a Son of Man
Did you know that God is a bookkeeper, that He has a lot of books that He is keeping? In the book of Revelation we read about the day when the books are opened and when men are judged according to their deeds out of the things that are written in [...]
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Kay Arthur — Just Ask Him
Kay Arthur — Just Ask Him
Deep in your mind, in your heart, do you have a problem with God, a problem because you think, God, if You are God, why do you allow such horrible men to rule on the face of this earth? Why do You allow all this bloodshed? Why do You allow all this [...]
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Kay Arthur — How Long, O Lord?
Kay Arthur — How Long, O Lord?
Ever get frustrated with the news; I mean do you get frustrated because you think that’s not what’s going on, that is not true, I just heard this? What are they trying to do? And not only that, do you get frustrated with the news, but you get [...]
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Kay Arthur — He Is Sovereign
Kay Arthur — He Is Sovereign
What’s the singular, most important thing that you could know about God? In all probability you would say it’s that God is love. Yes, that is crucial, absolutely crucial; God is love and He first loved us. We didn’t first love Him. But with that I [...]
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Kay Arthur — He Continued Kneeling
Kay Arthur — He Continued Kneeling
What kind of an employee are you on the job or what kind of an executive are you? Are you one that works consistently well, that gives it your all? Are you a person that does it, so to speak, as unto the Lord so that there’s no room for finding [...]
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Kay Arthur — Handwriting on the Wall
Kay Arthur — Handwriting on the Wall
O beloved, what have you done with what God has given you? What have you done with your gifts and your talents and your abilities? What have you done with all those things that you were taught about the Word of God? Are you living accordingly or [...]
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Kay Arthur — God’s Gift
Kay Arthur — God’s Gift
Do you work with a person that is absolutely despicable? They’re mean. They’re hateful. They are so full of pride and they think that they are so wonderful and that they own it all. How do you live with a person like that? Is there any hope for [...]
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Kay Arthur — Falling Apart
Kay Arthur — Falling Apart
Is life right now for you just one big calamity? I mean things are falling apart; you’re falling apart; nothing is going right. You’re straining, you’re stressing, you’re running, you’re trying, you’re doing, you’re screaming, you’re yelling, you’re [...]
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Kay Arthur — Daniel’s Prayer
Kay Arthur — Daniel’s Prayer
Do you live as if God is God? I mean is your life ordered by you or is it ordered by God? Are your responses ordered by you or are they ordered by God? O beloved, if you don’t live as if God is God, why should you expect others to live that way? [...]
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Kay Arthur — Bless the Lord!
Kay Arthur — Bless the Lord!
You know we live in a day when we really don’t want to be accountable to anyone, even ourselves. We try to say, well, I’m not accountable because it was so and sos fault; it was my parents fault; it was, it was my background; it was my lack of [...]
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Kay Arthur — Beware of Pride!
Kay Arthur — Beware of Pride!
Beware my friend, of notoriety. Beware of success. Beware of prosperity. Beware because what happens is many times when we achieve those things we forget that we are only there by the grace of God. You may say, I don’t even believe in God. It [...]
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Kay Arthur — Will You Believe?
Kay Arthur — Will You Believe?
Why is our nation in such an uproar over Christianity? Why are they so adamantly, adamantly opposed to anything that is Christian? Why do they forbid us to have the Ten Commandments in courts of law? Why do they forbid crèches, ah, manger scenes in [...]
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Kay Arthur — What Will You Do With Jesus?
Kay Arthur — What Will You Do With Jesus?
Are you suffering greatly, Beloved? Is it a suffering that you don’t think that you can handle? You don’t think that you can bear? Maybe it’s a suffering of soul. Maybe it’s a suffering from other people as they mock you and they scorn you and they [...]
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Kay Arthur — Untouched By the Flame
Kay Arthur — Untouched By the Flame
What would you do my friend if you found yourself in a situation where all of a sudden your convictions, your beliefs were put on trial, where you had a decision to make and there were people standing around wondering, wondering if you would give [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Suffering Sacrifice
Kay Arthur — The Suffering Sacrifice
Do you ever feel, Beloved, that if you were to stand before a righteous God, He would have a long list of judgments against you, a long list of, certificate of, things that you have done that have violated Him and His righteousness? Does the thought [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Essential Resurrection
Kay Arthur — The Essential Resurrection
We love signs. We love wonders. We love miracles. But I want to ask you a question. How many signs does it take to convince you of truth? How many wonders do you have to see? How many miracles do you have to become acquainted with before you’re [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Takes the Sting Out of Death
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Takes the Sting Out of Death
O Beloved did you go to the doctor and get a death sentence? Did they tell you that you had cancer? Did they tell you that you Lou Gehrig’s disease or Parkinson’s? Did they tell you that your future was dim that your days were limited? And how did [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Prepares You to Meet God
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Prepares You to Meet God
Have you ever been riding down the road and all of a sudden found yourself face to face with a huge billboard? It’s black and white and that’s all. And it says, “Prepare to meet your God.” Preparing to meet your God is a matter of black and white. [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Gives Us Hope
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Gives Us Hope
Are you overwhelmed my friend? Are you overwhelmed because you’re looking at the situation as it is now and there seems to be no hope? There seems to be no way out and turmoil is stirring in your breast and you think I’m not going to survive. O [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Delivers You from the Pain of Past Sins
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Delivers You from the Pain of Past Sins
O Beloved, does your past torment you? Does what you were and what you have done plague you? Is it constantly before you? Does it bring grief to your heart because you think, “I was so awful”? “How could I have done that? Why did I do that?” I [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace for Every Situation
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace for Every Situation
Are those red eyes, my dear? Have you been weeping? Why are you weeping dear Woman? And you, Sir, your lip looks swollen. You’ve been biting your lip. You’re hurting, aren’t you? You’re trying not to cry. O Beloved, male or female, young or old, I [...]
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Kay Arthur — One More Move
Kay Arthur — One More Move
Have you ever felt like you were in a crap game with the devil and the dice were loaded against you, that he was out to get you and that there was no way, no way at all that you could win? Or have you ever felt like you’re in a chess game and all of [...]
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Kay Arthur — My Judge is God
Kay Arthur — My Judge is God
Have you ever found yourself in a situation beloved, when you were afraid to trust God; afraid to trust God because you weren’t quite sure that God would come through? The way that you know that God is going to come through is to know His Word. [...]
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Kay Arthur — I See Four Men
Kay Arthur — I See Four Men
Is there anything in your life that you are unwilling to compromise for? Is there anything that if someone said if you don’t do this, it’s going to cost you your job, if you don’t do this it’s going to cost us our relationship, if you don’t act the [...]
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Kay Arthur — I Have Spoken to You
Kay Arthur — I Have Spoken to You
Has there ever been a time when you want to throw your hands over your ears and say, shut up, shut up: I don’t know what to do; quit telling me what to do? I want to do what’s right. I want to know what’s right and I am so confused. Or are there [...]
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Kay Arthur — His Commission to You
Kay Arthur — His Commission to You
Do you remember when the devil took Jesus up on a high mountain and he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and he offered Him those kingdoms if He would only fall down and worship him? And of course we know that He didn’t. But are those [...]
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Kay Arthur — He Is Risen!
Kay Arthur — He Is Risen!
Every Easter people, around the world, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many of them come to the Garden Tomb, where I’m standing, in Jerusalem. The question is: why? What is so special about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? What can it [...]
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Kay Arthur — God’s Man
Kay Arthur — God’s Man
Does it seem to you my friend as if there’s an increasing animosity in our society towards those who really profess to know Jesus Christ? In other words it would be better for you not to let it be known that you are a Christian than to take a stand [...]
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Kay Arthur — Caught Up With God
Kay Arthur — Caught Up With God
If you’ve moved in Christian circles where they hold the Word of God in high esteem, you know that they believe that Jesus Christ is going to come again, that He is going to rule on the face of this earth and that all the nations will be in [...]
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Kay Arthur — A Tender Heart
Kay Arthur — A Tender Heart
Let me ask you a question… have you made up your mind? You say, made up my mind about what? About life. Have you made up your mind about how you’re going to live? Have you made up your mind about what your standards are going to be? Have you made up [...]
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Kay Arthur — A Hot-Blooded Man
Kay Arthur — A Hot-Blooded Man
You’ve happened on our program and you’re listening for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because you believe what we’re saying. Maybe it’s because you do not believe what I’m saying. Maybe it’s because you worship another kind of god or you just don’t [...]
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Kay Arthur — Your Will Be Done
Kay Arthur — Your Will Be Done
It’s not easy. You’re going through a difficult time and you wonder if you’re going to survive because you’re being pressed out. You are just, it, it is almost too much pressure. You know what the will of God is, but you find it hard. You find it [...]
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Kay Arthur — Woe to You Hypocrites!
Kay Arthur — Woe to You Hypocrites!
Hypocrite! I mean you look at them and you don’t like what you see because what? What you see is not what they are. They put a mask on and behind that mask there’s something different. I want you to know that God doesn’t like hypocrites either. And [...]
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Kay Arthur — Woe to the Stumbling Block!
Kay Arthur — Woe to the Stumbling Block!
When Jesus came down from the Mount of Transfiguration, He knew that His death was approaching. He told His disciples that the Son of Man was going to suffer at the hands of the scribes and the Pharisees, but that He was going to be raised from the [...]
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Kay Arthur — Who Do You Say That I Am?
Kay Arthur — Who Do You Say That I Am?
If someone were to ask you, “Who is Jesus Christ?” what would you say to them, my friend? Would you give an accurate answer of who He is? I’m standing in the area of Caesarea Philippi. It’s 25 to 30 miles north of the Sea of Galilee. It’s a very [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Suffering Servant
Kay Arthur — The Suffering Servant
I’m standing in a glorious spot, on a glorious day. I’m standing in the region of Caesarea Philippi at the foot of Mt. Hermon. This is where Peter made his famous confession: “…Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16, KJV) [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Sign of His Coming
Kay Arthur — The Sign of His Coming
I’m on the Southern Steps, the place where the Jews would enter the Temple, where they would go in through the holy gates to worship. It’s here that Jesus is talking about, where the “…Abomination of Desolation…[will stand] in the holy place….” [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Sheep and the Goats
Kay Arthur — The Sheep and the Goats
You’ve probably heard that phrase about separating the sheep from the goats. Do you know where it came from? It came from the Word of God. It came from Jesus’ final discourse as He told about the end of the age. He told about a time when “…He [...]
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