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John Gray - The Missing Link
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John Gray - The Missing Link
John Gray - The Missing Link
I can not go home the way I came in. Hi Phil, I see my brother there. A few other people, I'll say it again, I know that sometimes we get used to church. But my prayer is that you don't get used to tonight. I don't want you to think you know what's [...]
John Gray - The Moment Before The Moment
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John Gray - The Moment Before The Moment
John Gray - The Moment Before The Moment
If you'll do me a favor and go to 1st Samuel 24, 1st Samuel 24 and this is a story all about how life got flipped, turned upside down, no it's not. This is, this is a story about opportunity. It's a story about choice. It's a story about the [...]
John Gray - Star Wars
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John Gray - Star Wars
John Gray - Star Wars
Let me tell you what's been going on. And I just want to give you some scripture to back it up. Finally Ephesians 6:10-12 says, "Finally my brethren and be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you [...]
John Gray - Keys To Transformation
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John Gray - Keys To Transformation
John Gray - Keys To Transformation
I want you to go to Matthew, chapter 17. Matthew, chapter 17. And, tonight, I want to talk from, the subject heading keys to transformation. Keys to transformation. You know, many of us have been coming to church for some time now, I know we have [...]
John Gray - It Was Meant To Be
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John Gray - It Was Meant To Be
John Gray - It Was Meant To Be
Romans 8:28. And we know that most things... some things... just the good things... "And we know that all things work together". Put your hands together like this real quick. The trials, the pain, the tears, the rejection, the questions, [...]
John Gray - Functional Faith
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John Gray - Functional Faith
John Gray - Functional Faith
And if you will do me a favor and go to John 14, I will be reading from the new King James version, John 14. You know, you can't turn on a television or read a newspaper without reading some bad news. War, conflict, strife, drama, apparently there [...]
John Gray - Foundational Faith
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John Gray - Foundational Faith
John Gray - Foundational Faith
Do me a favor, let's go to 1 Corinthians 3. I'm reading from the new King James version. Last week, I talked about Finishing faith. Who was here for "Finishing faith"? Who was blessed by that word? Well, let me give you the title right now [...]
John Gray - Finishing Faith
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John Gray - Finishing Faith
John Gray - Finishing Faith
Hey family, I got the joy of the Lord already. Welcome to today's broadcast. I'm John Gray. You know, I think it's really cool to be coming to you on TBN to send you uplifting content to bless your life while simultaneously reaching the unsaved [...]
John Gray - Gravity
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John Gray - Gravity
John Gray - Gravity
Hey, family. I'm glad you decided to join me for today's broadcast. It means so much to me. It's about to go down, I'm telling you right now because we're about to jump all over the issue of change. Just let me get the hard part out of the way. [...]
John Gray - Labor Day
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John Gray - Labor Day
John Gray - Labor Day
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle, and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and [...]
John Gray - The Price Of A Song
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John Gray - The Price Of A Song
John Gray - The Price Of A Song
I'm John Gray, and welcome to my world. Right at the start, I want to let you know that we're going in on the subject of worship. We're going to squeeze out all the Revelation we can in the time we have today. I'm telling you, the more I studied [...]
John Gray - Key Of David
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John Gray - Key Of David
John Gray - Key Of David
God bless you family and I'm so glad you tuned in for today's broadcast. Some of you watching may be hungry or even starved for spiritual nourishment. Well, today the chef's cooking and it's time to eat. We're going to receive what the Lord Jesus [...]
John Gray - Angel School
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John Gray - Angel School
John Gray - Angel School
I'm John Gray and welcome to my world. Right at the start, I want to let you know that we're going in on the subject of worship. We're going to squeeze out all the revelation we can in the time we have today. I'm telling you, the more I studied this [...]
John Gray - Where Is Your Altar?
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John Gray - Where Is Your Altar?
John Gray - Where Is Your Altar?
You know, I've been preaching for 20 years now, and I don't know how many sermons I've preached and, you know, I've been here now for close to, it'll be two years in January officially, and I'm grateful to God for what he's been doing in my family. [...]
John Gray - Man Up
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John Gray - Man Up
John Gray - Man Up
Strange how we all came to be here tonight. Strange when you think about it, this whole thing about faith. This whole thing about belief. This whole thing about church. Strange how you come week after week. Strange how you took time out, with all [...]
John Gray - MJ (My Jesus)
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John Gray - MJ (My Jesus)
John Gray - MJ (My Jesus)
Tonight, we're going to lift up the name of the Lord in a different way. You know, tomorrow the enemy thinks he's got a victory, but we going to snatch that victory tonight and we going to start something. I said we going to start something tonight. [...]
John Gray - Gated Community
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John Gray - Gated Community
John Gray - Gated Community
And before I start, I ask you one question. And I want you to contemplate. I want you to ponder. I want you to hypothesize. I want you to use your empirical data and your brilliant analytical mind. And I want you to chew on this thing. And I want [...]
John Gray - As I Am
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John Gray - As I Am
John Gray - As I Am
I believe that there are many people in here who have been battling intense warfare. For some reason in this season I feel like my dreams are closer which is maybe why the enemy is fighting harder. I think I have a few witnesses in here. Maybe at [...]
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John Gray - Mirror Image
John Gray - Mirror Image
Hey, how you doing? How you doing? How your mama doing? How's auntie? Everybody doing well? I'm so glad. Listen, it feels like I say this all the time, but I'm so glad to see you all again. And I'm super excited about what we're going to get into [...]
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John Gray - Love Letters
John Gray - Love Letters
Tonight, I'm gonna give you my title upfront because normally I preach like 32 minutes and then give then give the title of my message at the end. You just taking notes like, well what's the title? The title tonight is "Love letters". Ooh! [...]
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John Gray - Going The Distance
John Gray - Going The Distance
John chapter 13, verse 34. This is Jesus talking. And Jesus says this, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have [...]
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John Gray - Cross My Heart
John Gray - Cross My Heart
And Jesus died to end the separation between God and man. That's why the veil of the curtain was ripped from top to bottom when Jesus died. For those who many not know the significance of that, it was God saying, "I have taken the initiative in [...]
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John Gray - There's A Baby In The Barn
John Gray - There's A Baby In The Barn
So do me a favor and go to Luke chapter two, Luke chapter two, starting at the eighth verse. Now there were in the same country, shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood [...]
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John Gray - The Gift
John Gray - The Gift
The greatest gift was given over two millennia ago, and so tonight we are going to celebrate because of Bethlehem, because of Bethlehem we're able to be here tonight, because of Bethlehem, because of what took place, because of the birth of one [...]
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John Gray - Surprise Party
John Gray - Surprise Party
I am not gonna let anything take my joy. I feel God and I feel faith rising in the room already. I'm not even necessarily talking to you, but I think I'm talking to circumstances. I'm not going to let anything take my joy. Do want to let you know [...]
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John Gray - Dominion
John Gray - Dominion
Let's be honest, life just, it's not easy. There are a lot of things in our lives that we would love improve upon. I would love to improve. There are places in my relationship with my wife. I wanna improve. I wanna be a better listener. I wanna be a [...]
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John Gray - The Color Of Love
John Gray - The Color Of Love
How many people are ready for the Word of God tonight? You know, the last time I was in this pulpit, the world was one way. I come back a month later and the whole world is changed. Looks like the world is on fire. Go to France and there's a truck [...]
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John Gray - The Bridge
John Gray - The Bridge
If you will do me a favor and go to first Timothy chapter two, first Timothy chapter two. First thing I wanna say is that this is really a very simple message, but I believe if we grab the principles within this message, we will be stronger in our [...]
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John Gray - Glory Days
John Gray - Glory Days
Do me a favor, I never asked anybody to do this, but tonight, I'm going to ask you to hold the hand of the person next to you. Some of you are like, I'm not gonna do it. I watched them sneeze and cry during worship, they've got mucus, they didn't [...]
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John Gray - Anointing Of Capacity
John Gray - Anointing Of Capacity
The shift has occurred and if you're like me, I think it deserves a place of hallelujah and a place of thank you Jesus, and an amen, and a right on, and I know that's right, and a come on Jesus, and a glory, and all of that. It deserves a rowdy [...]
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John Gray - Stop The Presses
John Gray - Stop The Presses
That tonight is an unexpected, supernatural move of the Holy Ghost, that tonight your marriage shifts, your children's behavior and attitude shifts, finances shift, strategies shift, ideas shift from stagnant to supernatural production. This moment [...]
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John Gray - Imagine That
John Gray - Imagine That
Somethings moving somethings changing. See his glory, feels like heaven on earth there is stirring in this room right now, something that is going to explode in just a few minutes. That wasn't just a song, that was an announcement. That was an [...]
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John Gray - Fresh Start: Do Date
John Gray - Fresh Start: Do Date
Give me wisdom to say exactly what you have put on my heart to say, nothing more, and certainly nothing less. This is my prayer. In your name Jesus, I pray, amen. Amen. I want you to, I want you to go to John chapter 2. John chapter two, and I'm [...]
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John Gray - Fresh Start: Crash
John Gray - Fresh Start: Crash
God is about to bum rush your situation. God is about to kick the door in on everything that the enemy has tried to do. I need you to get this in your spirit, because when you leave here, you need to go home and start praising over everything that [...]
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John Gray - Fresh Start: Arrival
John Gray - Fresh Start: Arrival
I want you to know in 2014 you need to be real bold. 2014 is the year of boldness. 2014 is the gear that you need to be more bold in your commitment to the king. This is the year to be more bold in going after your dreams. This is the year to be [...]
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John Gray - I'm With Him
John Gray - I'm With Him
Do me a favor and go to acts chapter 4. I'm reading from the new King James version. Tonight I wanna talk about how we can get closer to Jesus, how we can identify whether or not we are actually in relationship with Jesus to the level that he [...]
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John Gray - Just Like New
John Gray - Just Like New
John chapter 21, John chapter 21, this is Jesus talking with Peter, after Jesus has been raised from the dead. So when they had eaten breakfast, amen to breakfast, amen, already I like this scripture. Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of [...]
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John Gray - The Day Before The Miracle
John Gray - The Day Before The Miracle
It's time to live and it's time to have your joy and it's time to walk in freedom and it's time to smile again. No more stress, no more pain, no more tears. I've lived that life. I've done that, been there, got the T-shirt. I'm ready for the [...]
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John Gray - Finishing Strong
John Gray - Finishing Strong
There were many people that touched Jesus, but only one touched him in faith. And faith is the substance and the rooting of our relationship with God, for if you come to God, you must first believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who [...]
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John Gray - Don't Leave Me Alone
John Gray - Don't Leave Me Alone
Listen I want to get right into the word. Do me a favor. Go to judges, the book of judges. And I want you to go to the 16th chapter. And I wanna talk to you and I wanna share from the scripture, probably one of the most profound scriptures that I [...]
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John Gray - One Last Worship
John Gray - One Last Worship
Last week, I talked about a man with 2.000 demons that Jesus went across wind and wave and opposition and left a crowd to go to this one man, because the Bible says that God is looking for worshipers. And so even though we can be in a crowd, a crowd [...]
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John Gray - Desperate Worship
John Gray - Desperate Worship
I wanna talk to anybody who's ever been walked past in the natural or in the spirit. People see you but they don't see you. People they acknowledge you but they don't understand you. They smile but they don't respect you. They somehow interact with [...]
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John Gray - It's Go Time
John Gray - It's Go Time
Lemme tell you what I got from that whole sermon that he's gonna do something you've never seen. That's just, that by itself is crazy. But what I love about the fact that God's gonna do something we've never seen, he's gonna do something we've never [...]
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John Gray - Worth Fighting For
John Gray - Worth Fighting For
Guess what scripture I want you to go to. Isaiah 53. That is called harmony in the spirit. And I'm gone use the new King James version. And it says this, Isaiah 53, starting at the fourth verse, "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our [...]
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John Gray - Welcome Home
John Gray - Welcome Home
I wanna jump right into the word tonight, and I want you to get ready. I wanna encourage families tonight. I wanna speak life to some dreamers and I also wanna, I believe, declare the word of the Lord for the direction of some people that are here [...]
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John Gray - Moving Day
John Gray - Moving Day
I'm mesmerized by the power of God. Anybody else just thinking about God gets you mesmerized, I'm just, I'm hypnotized. Jesus Jesus Jesus, can't you see sometimes your love just hypnotize me. And I just love your holy ways that's why the devil broke [...]
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John Gray - King of the Impossible
John Gray - King of the Impossible
Now I thank God for a household of faith but I'm just letting you know tonight, you're gonna need your hands, you're gonna need your hands, you're gonna need to high five a couple people. You may need to spin around, I'm not sure, I'm just saying [...]
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John Gray - Do It Again
John Gray - Do It Again
I want you to go to the word. I want you to go to John chapter 21. You know, one of the things that has been heavy on my heart is how do we maintain, build upon, the momentum of the moments that we have, our weekend services from our pastor, words [...]
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John Gray - World War Me
John Gray - World War Me
To stop y'all joy, focus on her pain, she doesn't wanna change, she wants sympathy in this brokenness, and she wants y'all to pull up a chair to her pity party. And y'all keep obliging her, now you depressed for five days and don't know why. Because [...]
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John Gray - The Stranger Who Saved Me
John Gray - The Stranger Who Saved Me
You know I've been here now almost two years and my family and I have been so blessed by this church, this local community. And one of the things that happens when you serve in front of people often, many people only see the public persona. I [...]
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