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Jimmy Evans - God's Perfect Plan for Marriage
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Jimmy Evans - God's Perfect Plan for Marriage
Jimmy Evans - God's Perfect Plan for Marriage
Good morning. Good morning. It is wonderful to be here. As always, it's truly an honor to be here. And how many of you came to the conference this weekend? Anybody? Oh yeah. Did you all have a good time? We had 12,000 people at the conference this [...]
Jimmy Evans - Successful Communication in Marriage
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Jimmy Evans - Successful Communication in Marriage
Jimmy Evans - Successful Communication in Marriage
We love you. Thank you, thank you. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. It is wonderful to be here with you guys. My dear friend, Pastor Chris, who I've missed seeing, last so it is wonderful to be here and to be [...]
Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
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Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
Chris Hodges : Hi, everyone. Welcome, today, to week number one of a four-part series we're calling, "Family Values". And to start this new series, we have our good friend, Pastor Jimmy Evans, who's the Founder and President of XO [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Grace Solution
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Jimmy Evans - The Grace Solution
Jimmy Evans - The Grace Solution
This series is called The Gift of Grace. This is my favorite subject to preach on. If you don't want to be encouraged for the next four weeks, you better stay away from church, because this is the most encouraging message I've ever preached, series [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Power Of Peace
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Jimmy Evans - The Power Of Peace
Jimmy Evans - The Power Of Peace
I will preach on peace, the power of peace. The last time I preached on peace at Gateway, it didn't go well. It was about 16 years ago and we were in the day care center. Pastor Robert was preaching for me. I was preaching on peace in the midst of [...]
Jimmy Evans - Every Great Father
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Jimmy Evans - Every Great Father
Jimmy Evans - Every Great Father
It saved me from performance and condemnation and all of that. That's what we'll be talking about. If you turn in your Bibles to Ephesians five, however you read the Bible there, this message is called "Every great father". And I want to [...]
Jimmy Evans - Prepared For Eternity
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Jimmy Evans - Prepared For Eternity
Jimmy Evans - Prepared For Eternity
I'm so glad that you joined us for this week and I'm going to be finishing up the Essential Foundations series that I started several weeks ago. Another very important message today. Before I bring the message, let me tell you a couple of things. [...]
Jimmy Evans - Power Connection
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Jimmy Evans - Power Connection
Jimmy Evans - Power Connection
Hey, I want to welcome everyone on this special Father's Day weekend. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and grandfathers. And Karen and I have two children, our son, Brent and then Julie, our daughter, and they're both married, and we have five [...]
Jimmy Evans - Real Relationships
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Jimmy Evans - Real Relationships
Jimmy Evans - Real Relationships
Hey, I want to welcome all of you to the services this weekend, and so glad that you're joining us. I hope that you're doing well. Pastor Robert, I talked to him and we're both just, can't wait to see you and be with you and just want to express our [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Foundation of Trust
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Jimmy Evans - The Foundation of Trust
Jimmy Evans - The Foundation of Trust
I want to welcome everyone. We're so glad that you joining us, all the Gateway family and everybody else that's been joining us. We are so glad that you're a part of these weekend services, and we hope that you've been blessed by all of the [...]
Jimmy Evans - Communication
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Jimmy Evans - Communication
Jimmy Evans - Communication
One of the biggest issues in marriage in any relationship, is communication. And when you have communication there's just a sense of good will, of intimacy, of passion. When you lose your ability to communicate, it really is game, set, and match, [...]
Jimmy Evans - Inner Vows
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Jimmy Evans - Inner Vows
Jimmy Evans - Inner Vows
I wanna talk to you about a very, very common dynamic that happens in our lives, that affects our marriages, really it affects every relationship in our lives. Very common, very destructive, and the biggest problem with this issue is that most [...]
Jimmy Evans - Affirmation
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Jimmy Evans - Affirmation
Jimmy Evans - Affirmation
So, I'm on my way home from work, and my lovely bride, Stephanie, calls me and says, "Listen, we're running out of milk, would you swing by the store and pick it up"? I said, "Yes, of course". It's easy for me to do, it's [...]
Jimmy Evans - Dynamic Differences
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Jimmy Evans - Dynamic Differences
Jimmy Evans - Dynamic Differences
I wanna talk to you about how to make your differences dynamic rather than dangerous, because many people, when they get married, they don't know how to understand their differences and because of that, they begin to fight, begin to judge each [...]
Jimmy Evans - Understanding Strengths
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Jimmy Evans - Understanding Strengths
Jimmy Evans - Understanding Strengths
So if you're like me, you're probably wondering to some degree, why does this strengths thing matter to me? I mean, you're saying that it could help our marriage, I get that, but you got to sell me first, and I'm right there with you. Part of what I [...]
Jimmy Evans - Shared Control (Traditional Roles)
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Jimmy Evans - Shared Control (Traditional Roles)
Jimmy Evans - Shared Control (Traditional Roles)
One of the things that makes people feel insecure about marriage is just feeling as though that it's not reliable. You know, if 50% of airplanes taking off were crashing, you'd be nervous about flying, so a lot of young people today are very nervous [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Rejection
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Rejection
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Rejection
God the Father on the cross turned his back on Jesus Christ. Let me say this: he rejected Jesus once for all 2,000 years ago so he'll never, ever reject us again in eternity. Those of us who have put our faith in Christ, "My God, why have you [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Unforgiveness
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Unforgiveness
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Unforgiveness
Peter came to Jesus and said, this is verse 21, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to 7 times"? Now, do you get the feeling right then that someone was Peter's nerves? You know. I've forgiven John 3 [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Comparison
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Comparison
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Comparison
Comparison is something that we're given to as human beings. It's just simply something that all of us do, but the kind of comparison I'm talking about this morning is the type of comparison that the devil uses to implant within us thoughts about [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Shame
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Shame
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Shame
How to recognize shame. Now, if someone would have come up to me and said, "Do you have shame in your life"? I would have said, "No". Now, Karen did. She would have just said, "Yeah". She had dealt with shame all of her [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Fear
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Fear
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Fear
There's a question I want to start with, and the question is this, and that is Jesus never experienced fear any other time in his life. The Bible never records that Jesus ever experienced fear outside of the Garden of Gethsemane here. And so the [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Discouragement
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Discouragement
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Discouragement
Key number one is a Godward mind-set, is focusing your mind toward God. And David was a master at this. Now, in the book of Psalms, there are 150 Psalms in the book of Psalms. 73 of the 150 Psalms are attributed to king David. David was a worshiper. [...]
Jimmy Evans - Walking in Authority
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Jimmy Evans - Walking in Authority
Jimmy Evans - Walking in Authority
In Exodus 3:1 Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to Horeb, now that's Sinai, Mount Sinai, the Mountain of God. Now Moses is hiding, OK, this, he's on [...]
Jimmy Evans - Living in the Power of God
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Jimmy Evans - Living in the Power of God
Jimmy Evans - Living in the Power of God
John 16, Jesus said, however when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth, he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come. He will glorify me, for he will [...]
Jimmy Evans - God's Purpose for Marriage
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Jimmy Evans - God's Purpose for Marriage
Jimmy Evans - God's Purpose for Marriage
In Malachi chapter two, God is gonna say something concerning marriage that we need to hear again as a culture, a Christian culture and an American culture. Malachi two says Judah has dealt treacherously, an abomination, this is verse 11, and an [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Spirit Filled Spouse
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Jimmy Evans - The Spirit Filled Spouse
Jimmy Evans - The Spirit Filled Spouse
These are five things, that women do for men that complete them and empower them. Number one is companion. John 14:16, I will pray the Father and he will give you another helper, that he may abide with you forever. So, the Holy Spirit is our eternal [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Power of Love
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Jimmy Evans - The Power of Love
Jimmy Evans - The Power of Love
When you have wrong expectations in a marriage you're just waiting to get your heart broken. One of the worst things that happens is when young people or older people come into a marriage relationship and they have wrong expectations and so you're [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Spirit of Marriage
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Jimmy Evans - The Spirit of Marriage
Jimmy Evans - The Spirit of Marriage
Let me say something, and I don't want this to offend you but it's the truth. You don't have any love. Love is not in people. We have zero capacity to love. Now, what we would call love, apart from God, is just a human fickle, worthless emotion. [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Power of God's Presence
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Jimmy Evans - The Power of God's Presence
Jimmy Evans - The Power of God's Presence
Moses didn't know God at all when he met him and we're gonna read this story here in just a minute of God's introduction of himself to Moses. They didn't have a bible. Imagine living in a time, the children of Israel didn't have a bible. They've [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Three Challenges of Change
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Jimmy Evans - The Three Challenges of Change
Jimmy Evans - The Three Challenges of Change
Karen and I were set free by this. Psalm 107:20 says this. God sent his word to heal us and to deliver us from all of our destruction. Our testimony is, we were deceived people trying to impose fallen beliefs on each other, fighting like cats and [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Habits of Emotionally Healthy Couples
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Jimmy Evans - The Habits of Emotionally Healthy Couples
Jimmy Evans - The Habits of Emotionally Healthy Couples
You can change a bad marriage simply by changing the habit patterns in your marriage and the wonderful thing is it doesn't take a long time. In a matter of days or weeks, you can have a new marriage simply by changing the patterns, the disciplines, [...]
Jimmy Evans - Breaking the Curse of Control
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Jimmy Evans - Breaking the Curse of Control
Jimmy Evans - Breaking the Curse of Control
In every species of animal there's a dominator. There's an alpha male, there is some animal in that group of animals that is dominating the rest of them except for human beings. We, it violates us. It's always wrong, it always violates us, and we'll [...]
Jimmy Evans - Celebrate Your Differences
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Jimmy Evans - Celebrate Your Differences
Jimmy Evans - Celebrate Your Differences
I wanna begin with a premise in this message and this is a very important premise in this message. We seek marriage for many reasons, but one of the most important is that we are all incomplete and unhealed and we're looking for a spouse to fix [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Safe Family
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Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Safe Family
Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Safe Family
Matthew 18:18, "Assuredly I say to you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven". Now, the word "Assuredly" there means an emphasis, Jesus saying "What I'm [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Build an Honest Family
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Jimmy Evans - How to Build an Honest Family
Jimmy Evans - How to Build an Honest Family
So what I want to talk about is being an honest family. And for every family member being able to communicate, because when you cannot communicate, you can't know each other. It's impossible to know a person you can't communicate with. How do you [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Loving Family
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Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Loving Family
Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Loving Family
What do you mean when you say you love your family? What do you mean by that? When you say "I love you" to your husband or to your wife, when you say you love your children or your grandchildren or your parents, what do you mean by that? [...]
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming the Battle in Your Mind
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Jimmy Evans - Overcoming the Battle in Your Mind
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming the Battle in Your Mind
I want to talk about several issues related to our minds being set free, and the first is understanding your mind as the battlefield of good and evil, and it is, and this is what Paul says in 2 Corinthians, a very important scripture. This is 2 [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Hear God Speak to You
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Jimmy Evans - How to Hear God Speak to You
Jimmy Evans - How to Hear God Speak to You
The proof of Jesus being alive is he interacts with us. This is not a dead religion, of serving a statue or a deity that is somewhere out there but does not interact with us. Jesus interacts with us, so the proof that he's alive is that interaction, [...]
Jimmy Evans - Experiencing a Dynamic Prayer Life
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Jimmy Evans - Experiencing a Dynamic Prayer Life
Jimmy Evans - Experiencing a Dynamic Prayer Life
One day I was trying to pray. I don't know how long I had been saved, maybe a year or so, and I just knew I should wake up in the mornings and I should read my Bible and pray. Constantly battled being sleepy, constantly battled my mind wandering. [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Fear
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Jimmy Evans - How to Change Fear
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Fear
The commandment "Do not fear" or "Fear not" is the number-one commandment in the Bible. God did not create us to live in fear. It's the opposite of the way that he created us. God created us to live in peace. When God created [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Failure to Success
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Jimmy Evans - How to Change Failure to Success
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Failure to Success
The Word of God transforms our minds. It completely changes the way that we think, and therefore the way that we live, so in this message, we're going to talk about success and failure. The world has a way to think about success. We've got to change [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Worry and Anxiety
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Jimmy Evans - How to Change Worry and Anxiety
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Worry and Anxiety
This message is called "I Changed My Mind About Worry and Anxiety". At the end of this message, I believe that you will not see worry and anxiety the same, nor will you experience it the same. That's my prayer. In Romans, chapter 12, this [...]
Jimmy Evans - When Life Hurts
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Jimmy Evans - When Life Hurts
Jimmy Evans - When Life Hurts
This morning I want to talk to you about the 5 emotional facts of life, and these are things that are true for all of us. And the first is, life hurts. Just period. God never promised us a life without pain, he just promised us that he would be [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Promise of Total Freedom
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Jimmy Evans - The Promise of Total Freedom
Jimmy Evans - The Promise of Total Freedom
Welcome to "The Overcoming Life". I want to talk to you today about total freedom, being totally free in every area of our lives. It's a promise from Jesus. In John 8:36, Jesus said, "Therefore if the son makes you free, you shall be [...]
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
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Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Welcome to "The Overcoming Life". I want to talk to you today about freedom, and I want to talk you specifically about overcoming discouragement and depression. And some of you may be a little bit discouraged. And I think all of us get [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Power Of Attitude
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Jimmy Evans - The Power Of Attitude
Jimmy Evans - The Power Of Attitude
I want to welcome all of you to the service. Thanks for joining us this weekend, and I have a very special message for you I'm gonna bring in just a minute, but let me begin by saying this is our 20th anniversary. Actually last Thursday, April 23rd [...]
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Fear
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Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Fear
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Fear
Hey, I want to welcome our Gateway family and everyone else that's watching us online. We are so glad that you are joining us again for this special Palm Sunday weekend service that we're having, you know, online rather than being together again [...]
Jimmy Evans - Who Is My Neighbor? (Love Thy Neighbor)
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Jimmy Evans - Who Is My Neighbor? (Love Thy Neighbor)
Jimmy Evans - Who Is My Neighbor? (Love Thy Neighbor)
Hey, I want to welcome you to this weekend's services. We're so glad that you're joining us. Hope that you're doing well. And we're continuing to pray for the breaking of COVID-19. We now actually have 12 of our staff members that have COVID-19 [...]
Jimmy Evans - This Is Not The End
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Jimmy Evans - This Is Not The End
Jimmy Evans - This Is Not The End
I want to welcome our Gateway family to our third online service. Also all of you who are joining us, we know have a lot of people from other churches that are joining us, even people from around the world. We're so glad that you're joining us for [...]