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Jesse Duplantis – What is in the Faith of Jesus?
Jesse Duplantis – What is in the Faith of Jesus?
Now watch this. Don't get me mad about this. Some people are unconscious of their ignorance. Write that down. Everybody write that down. Some people are unconscious of ignorance. They disagree with the methods of work to which they are unaccustomed. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — You Can't Lose with These Three
Jesse Duplantis — You Can't Lose with These Three
Are you ready to really win in life? Sure you are! Don’t let the circumstances of life defeat you. God has given you three divine gifts that can lead you to victory today. Grace, Mercy, and Peace—You Can’t Lose With These Three! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — When People Make Mistakes
Jesse Duplantis — When People Make Mistakes
Everyone has experienced a moment of defeat—don’t let your past mistakes be the end of your life story. Get ready to be encouraged and set free in this fast-paced message by Jesse. You may have lost the battle, but you can still win the war! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What's in the Bottom of Your Ship?
Jesse Duplantis — What's in the Bottom of Your Ship?
Jesse takes you on a boat ride with Jonah that could change your life forever. Your breakthrough could be within arms reach and all it may require is a quick, determined toss. Find out what’s in the bottom of your ship, today! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What Makes Life Good
Jesse Duplantis — What Makes Life Good
Are you enjoying the good life today? Jesse teaches that God gave you His peace, and how by living peaceably within yourself and with others leads you to an extraordinary, harmonious life of real joy, blessing and fulfillment. Now that's what makes [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What in Hell Do You Want?
Jesse Duplantis — What in Hell Do You Want?
In his straightforward teaching about temptation and deception Jesse asks, 'What in Hell do you want?' You'll gain a spiritualized 'common-sense' view of the devil's deceptive tactics and start to view sin in a whole new light. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What Do You Need, Desire and Want?
Jesse Duplantis — What Do You Need, Desire and Want?
Do you believe that God's able to supply your needs, give you the desires of your heart, and cause you to abound so much that you shall not want for anything? It's your Creator Who flung the stars into space—He's well able to supply ALL you can [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What A Christian Should Never Do
Jesse Duplantis — What A Christian Should Never Do
God has a divine plan with an amazing purpose for you. Get ready to stir your faith, challenge your thinking, and renew your hope. God's will is for you to live by faith and seize the opportunities He brings you to show His love and power—never send [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — We Are Not Temporary, We Are Eternal
Jesse Duplantis — We Are Not Temporary, We Are Eternal
Jesse's compelling message will propel you into another level of God's strength and might which is available to you today. Your circumstances are not meant to last for a lifetime. Focus on His promises and watch God move. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Time: Our Most Precious Commodity
Jesse Duplantis — Time: Our Most Precious Commodity
Time is priceless and it doesn’t wait for anyone. So, what will you do today? Jesse helps you see how God chose you to shine His glory in and through your life right now. Why not redeem your time and begin to live a life of victory and success in [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Will of God Versus The Will of Man
Jesse Duplantis — The Will of God Versus The Will of Man
Jesse explains that you were made in God's image and given dominion—all the blessings and tools you need to succeed in life. So, what is standing in the way of you fulfilling your divine purpose—learn to harmonize your will with God's will for your [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Waste of Time
Jesse Duplantis — The Waste of Time
Jesse Duplantis teaching on The Waste of Time from series Time: Our Most Precious Commodity [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Valley of Ono
Jesse Duplantis — The Valley of Ono
Bursting with energy and inspiration, this message from Jesse's early days of ministry will have you laughing your socks off as he challenges you to come out of the valley of 'Oh No!' In this popular classic, you will learn how committing yourself [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Urgency of Time
Jesse Duplantis — The Urgency of Time
Jesse Duplantis teaching on The Urgency of Time from series Time: Our Most Precious Commodity [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Undeniable and Staggering Power of the Church
Jesse Duplantis — The Undeniable and Staggering Power of the Church
It’s time to understand how significant the role of the believer is in the body of Christ and to become the vessel of power God intended. Become a vital member of the Church, equipped and destined to accomplish greater works. It’s God’s Word and you [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Royal Law of Liberty
Jesse Duplantis — The Royal Law of Liberty
Shake off the shackles of fear and intimidation, and realize the abundant life Jesus bought for you. As a child of God, you have been delivered from the captivity of sin and death—let the liberty of God flow in your life—Christ has set you free! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Power of Success
Jesse Duplantis — The Power of Success
Are you ready to find true success? God wants you to live a rich, fulfilling, victorious life, and, as a believer, you have the power to achieve it. Jesse will equip you with keys to unlock the power of godly success by remembering it's the Lord [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The More than Conqueror's Life
Jesse Duplantis — The More than Conqueror's Life
You can have mountain moving-faith to conquer anything that comes your way. Learn how to release the spiritual giant inside of you and ride high on the waves of glory! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Moment of Truth
Jesse Duplantis — The Moment of Truth
Have you had your moment of truth—a moment when the will of God for your life was clearly revealed to you? This fast-paced series will change your life as you learn how to discover God’s vision and direction for you! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Manifestation of The Ministry
Jesse Duplantis — The Manifestation of The Ministry
Sermon The Manifestation of The Ministry preached by Jesse Duplantis from series Three Essentials of Ministry [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The King's Meat
Jesse Duplantis — The King's Meat
We can stand up for what we believe without hurting people's feelings and live a great life without compromising who we are. Learn how to follow Daniel's example and stay away from what you know is just not right for you—live a pure and undefiled [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Illumination of Vision and Service
Jesse Duplantis — The Illumination of Vision and Service
When you were saved, you had a personal encounter with God Almighty Who illuminated a future for you full of passion and purpose. Don’t allow the struggles of life to cloud your destiny. Remember the vision and be the blessing He called you to be. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The How To's of Believing the Unbelievable and Getting It
Jesse Duplantis — The How To's of Believing the Unbelievable and Getting It
Are you ready for an impartation and revelation that will help you accomplish your mission and reach the vision God has for your life? This empowering series by Jesse will instruct and inspire you to 'Believe the Unbelievable and Get It!' [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Highest Aim in Life
Jesse Duplantis — The Highest Aim in Life
Jesse shares a message based on one of Christ's most famous beatitudes and reveals how you can start aiming for the right things in life and, in the process, end up more fulfilled, more joyful, and more blessed than you've ever been before. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Greatest Sequel Ever Told
Jesse Duplantis — The Greatest Sequel Ever Told
Jesse shares a spiritual revelation of God’s continuing work on the earth in this powerful message. Every person's life is a continuation of another—what you do today sets the groundwork for tomorrow. You can overcome the quirks of this life and do [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Fine Art of Forgetting
Jesse Duplantis — The Fine Art of Forgetting
In this inspiring message, Jesse will encourage you to explore the art of forgetting so that you can put the past behind you, even if it still hurts, and live free. Based on one of Jesse’s favorite scriptures in Philippians 3:13. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Cure for Care
Jesse Duplantis — The Cure for Care
Have you ever felt burdened by the cares of this world? Jesse's practical message will challenge you to put care and worry where it belongs—upon the Lord—stop carrying 'the weight of the world' on your shoulders. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Concept of Worship
Jesse Duplantis — The Concept of Worship
Jesse shares five ever-increasing elements of worship that will help you to grow in your understanding of true worship and develop a more intimate relationship with God. Discover the joy of entering into true worship and serving Him with your whole [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Bussines
Jesse Duplantis — The Bussines
Jesse Duplantis share sermon The Bussines from series Three Essentials of Ministry [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Battle of Life
Jesse Duplantis — The Battle of Life
You are destined to WIN! No matter what battle you are facing today, God can help you to overcome it and give you a testimony of victory to share with others. Hard times come in life, that's a fact. But, God has given you a way out of them all! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Strength and Courage Know No Gender
Jesse Duplantis — Strength and Courage Know No Gender
When God looks at you, He doesn't see a man or a woman—He sees a warrior! Strength and courage are not male or female qualities, but rather tools gifted from God to equip you to successfully fulfill your destiny! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Staying Close to the Fruit Tree
Jesse Duplantis — Staying Close to the Fruit Tree
Discover the best 'you' that you can be by Staying Close to the Fruit Tree. A practical and often funny teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit, where Jesse explores the power of God's personality. Learn to allow God's amazing personality to shine [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Slipping into Darkness While the Light is On
Jesse Duplantis — Slipping into Darkness While the Light is On
Do you feel the pressures and opinions of this world pulling on you? Jesse Duplantis uses God's Word to stir your spirit to see how you were created with an awesome, divine purpose, and equipped to fulfill God’s calling on your life. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Sin-Free Living
Jesse Duplantis — Sin-Free Living
Jesse shares a powerful message that will inspire you to deal with temptation the right way and enjoy more Sin-Free Living than you thought possible. This is not for the faint of heart! But, it just may change your perspective and your life. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Redeeming the Time
Jesse Duplantis — Redeeming the Time
Jesse Duplantis teach on Redeeming the Time in the last sermon from series Time: Our Most Precious Commodity [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Recognizing What You Are Created To Do
Jesse Duplantis — Recognizing What You Are Created To Do
God is calling YOU to a fulfilling life of true joy and purpose, and He's given you exactly what you need to achieve it—the ability to learn. Regardless of past failures, you can achieve ALL that God has called you to do. Remember in Christ, YOU CAN [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Not a Typical Resurrection Message
Jesse Duplantis — Not a Typical Resurrection Message
Get ready to shout as you travel back through Scripture and experience the Resurrection of Christ in a way you’ve never heard before. Jesse shares on not letting doubt or unbelief blind you to the power of God. Resurrection life is calling your name! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Never Fight an Enemy That's Already Defeated
Jesse Duplantis — Never Fight an Enemy That's Already Defeated
Jesse's teaching uses God's Word and his own life-stories to explore the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, as well as offense, religion, and cultural differences. Recognize your own power and stick with the Word of God, no matter what! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Mirror on the Wall
Jesse Duplantis — Mirror on the Wall
When you look into the mirror, do you see the person that you really want to be? Don't be deceived by the world's view of who you are and what you can do. Learn how to fix your eyes on God’s Word and tap into the power in you to do and be your very [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Making Jesus Your Future
Jesse Duplantis — Making Jesus Your Future
There is hope in a life based on a relationship with Christ. With Him, your future can be brighter than the noon-day sun—it begins with a life committed to Christ. You've got a future—Jesus! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Love
Jesse Duplantis — Love
Love is for you and it’s in you by the work of the Holy Spirit—Jesse uses his experiences and biblical accounts to show you that love is good for more than you think. You'll understand love as God intended it to be—full and unfailing! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Living Out The Will of God on Earth
Jesse Duplantis — Living Out The Will of God on Earth
You don’t have to be resigned to a life of mediocrity–God has provided a heavenly hope for you! Transcend to a life that is blessed by your Creator and let His will be done for you today–in earth as it is in Heaven. You have the authority, so go for [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Life is About Choices
Jesse Duplantis — Life is About Choices
Everything you do in life begins with a choice. Some choices are simple, while others, though more challenging, have the potential to bring you and your family great success. Make a decision to fully commit yourself to God and choose life in all you [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Led by the Spirit
Jesse Duplantis — Led by the Spirit
If you're tired of walking down the streets of life in defeat then don't despair; learn how to be led by the Spirit in Jesse's exhilarating teaching to get on track to success and peace. Your road to somewhere has Another on it—you are never alone. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Learning to Think Out of the Box
Jesse Duplantis — Learning to Think Out of the Box
Do you ever find yourself trapped in a world of mediocrity and unstable thinking? You're not a puppet controlled by the world's strings. Make up your mind to be different and think out of the box with Jesse's exhilarating message—your destiny awaits [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Learning To Do Well
Jesse Duplantis — Learning To Do Well
When God created you, He gave you a unique ability to help you succeed in life and that is the ability to learn—you have the Greatest Teacher forever dwelling inside of you—the Lord Jesus Christ! Learn of Him and do all things well in every area of [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Knowledge: the Ingredient to Think Big
Jesse Duplantis — Knowledge: the Ingredient to Think Big
How BIG can you think about your future? No matter where you God has something bigger on His mind for you. Jesse will ignite a deep desire to build your knowledge of God, exalt your view of Who He is, and see the extraordinary life He has for you. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Keep Your Foot on the Devil's Neck
Jesse Duplantis — Keep Your Foot on the Devil's Neck
Don't let a stinking devil from hell steal the promises of God from you and your family! Tap into the supernatural power of faith and learn how to Keep Your Foot on the Devil's Neck! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Jealousy
Jesse Duplantis — Jealousy
There is a green-eyed monster who lives and walks among you. Jesse shares how jealousy can quickly turn the most loving relationship into a monstrous disaster. Learn how to defeat the green-eyed monster in your own life and live in peace! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — It's Time to Become a Godly Pest
Jesse Duplantis — It's Time to Become a Godly Pest
Discover the joy of being a great witness for Jesus as Jesse Duplantis inspires you to turn up the zeal and watch the devil squeal! [...]
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