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Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
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Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
So, I wanna talk to you today about the value of humility, which I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s kind of a tricky thing to talk about. Humility is always tricky to talk about because it’s always a possibility. I mean, let me teach you something [...]
Craig Smith - The Rhythm of Life
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Craig Smith - The Rhythm of Life
Craig Smith - The Rhythm of Life
Hey, I wanna talk to you a little bit today about what God wants from you. This past weekend on Easter we talked about what God has for you, we talked about the fact that the empty grave, the empty tomb isn’t really empty, it’s actually full of all [...]
Craig Smith - Easter 2022
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Craig Smith - Easter 2022
Craig Smith - Easter 2022
What I wanna do today is I wanna talk to you about the missing link between the cross and the empty tomb. The missing link between the cross and the empty tomb. We all know the story of the cross, right? We all know that Jesus was arrested by a [...]
Craig Smith - The Final Exam
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Craig Smith - The Final Exam
Craig Smith - The Final Exam
Well, hey, welcome to the last week of our Unleashed series. Today, I wanna talk to you about overcoming one of the biggest obstacles to living on mission with Jesus. Because that’s what we do here at Mission Hills, we help people become like Jesus [...]
Craig Smith - Moving Out On Mission
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Craig Smith - Moving Out On Mission
Craig Smith - Moving Out On Mission
So I want to talk to you today a little bit about the secret ingredient to spiritual growth. My guess is that everybody who’s with us today, whether you’re online or in-person, you wanna grow spiritually, but it’s pretty easy to get stuck. And I [...]
Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
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Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
So, I have two dogs at my house. I have a Golden Retriever and a Husky. In other words, real dogs, right? And, real dogs need to run. Unfortunately, I live in a house where my HOA said you can’t build a fence. So my dogs spend most of their time on [...]
Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
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Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
So, if we wanna start living unleashed, we have to stop living in our comfort zones. If you wanna live unleashed, one of the things you’re gonna have to do is you’re gonna have to stop living in your comfort zones. I love what John Ostrom said about [...]
Craig Smith - This Is Your Sign
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Craig Smith - This Is Your Sign
Craig Smith - This Is Your Sign
Well, hey, welcome back to week number three of our “Unleashed” series, where we’re talking about how to get off the short leashes that we sometimes put ourselves on as followers of Jesus. Leashes that keep us from being on mission with Jesus, [...]
Craig Smith - The Peril of Our Preferences
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Craig Smith - The Peril of Our Preferences
Craig Smith - The Peril of Our Preferences
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. We are starting a new message series today called “Unleashed.” And actually, I just wanna go and dive right into God’s Word because I actually think what God says here at the passage we’re gonna look at is [...]
Craig Smith - Living Generously
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Craig Smith - Living Generously
Craig Smith - Living Generously
Well, we are wrapping up our bootcamp series today. For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about moving our faith forward because we know that the more progress we make in our faith, the more of a difference we make in the world. And today I [...]
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Craig Smith - Finding Your Part in God's Purpose
Craig Smith - Finding Your Part in God's Purpose
Well, hey, we are in the midst of a series here called “Bootcamp”. We’re talking about how to move our faith forward because we know that when we make progress in our faith, we make a difference in the world. And the more progress we make in our [...]
Craig Smith - Powering Up Your Faith
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Craig Smith - Powering Up Your Faith
Craig Smith - Powering Up Your Faith
Well, hey, welcome back to week number two of our Bootcamp Series where we’re talking about how to fast-forward our faith because here’s what we know, we know that the more progress we make in our faith, the more of a difference we’ll make in the [...]
Craig Smith - What Living By Faith Looks Like
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Craig Smith - What Living By Faith Looks Like
Craig Smith - What Living By Faith Looks Like
Well, hey, if you’re just joining us, thanks for being here. Let me get you caught up real quick. For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been working our way through the Book of Habakkuk in the Bible, and Habakkuk, really it’s the story of a man who’s [...]
Craig Smith - Questioning God
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Craig Smith - Questioning God
Craig Smith - Questioning God
Well, hey, as we begin our new series today, as we begin a new year today, I thought I would ask you to ask yourself a question, and the question is this, “What are my questions for God?” What questions do you have for God? You don’t have to yell [...]
Craig Smith - Christmas Eve (The Promise of Peace)
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Craig Smith - Christmas Eve (The Promise of Peace)
Craig Smith - Christmas Eve (The Promise of Peace)
Well, hey. Welcome to Mission Hills and Merry Christmas. So good to have you with us today. This is a special day in a lot of different ways. One of the ways that we’re really excited today is that we have thousands of people who’ll be gathering as [...]
Craig Smith - Getting From Good News To Great Joy
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Craig Smith - Getting From Good News To Great Joy
Craig Smith - Getting From Good News To Great Joy
Well, hey, as you’ve heard, the traditional theme of the third weekend of Advent is joy, which is not a big surprise. I mean, joy is obviously a big part of Christmas. We sing “Joy to the World.” We sing “A Weary World Rejoices,” but why is that? [...]
Craig Smith - The War of Christmas
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Craig Smith - The War of Christmas
Craig Smith - The War of Christmas
Well, hey, today is the second week of Advent and traditionally, the second week of Advent, the theme is peace. And so, I decided to mark this occasion by bringing you a message that I’m calling the War of Christmas. And I’m actually just gonna stop [...]
Craig Smith - Mother's Day. Echoes in Eternity
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Craig Smith - Mother's Day. Echoes in Eternity
Craig Smith - Mother's Day. Echoes in Eternity
Well, hey, welcome to Mother’s Day at Mission Hills, so good to have you with us today. Hey, can I just be honest? They didn’t tell you that Mother’s Day is probably one of the hardest weekends of the year for a preacher, because here’s the thing, [...]
Craig Smith - The Next Step
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Craig Smith - The Next Step
Craig Smith - The Next Step
You probably wonder why I’m dressed like this. Well, if you want to grab a Bible and mosey on over to Hebrews 10:24, I’ll show you. Here’s what you need to know about Hebrews. Book of Hebrews was written to a group of Christians who found that [...]
Craig Smith - The Three Most Powerful Words
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Craig Smith - The Three Most Powerful Words
Craig Smith - The Three Most Powerful Words
Hey, Church, today I wanna take you to a story from the life of David. So if you wanna grab a Bible, start making your way to 2 Samuel chapter 11. Give you a little hint, 2 Samuel, you’re gonna find it right after 1 Samuel. That’s all I’m gonna give [...]
Craig Smith - How to Tell the Truth Without Being a Jerk
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Craig Smith - How to Tell the Truth Without Being a Jerk
Craig Smith - How to Tell the Truth Without Being a Jerk
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us. Today we are on week number 9 of our deep dive into the Ten Commandments. And I wanna dive right into the text today because the ninth commandment might be the one that’s often misquoted. [...]
Craig Smith - Sweat Equity
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Craig Smith - Sweat Equity
Craig Smith - Sweat Equity
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us today. If you’re just joining us, you should know we’re in the midst of a series on the Ten Commandments. And even if you’re brand new to church, you’re probably not going, “The Ten what?” [...]
Craig Smith - The Marriage You've Always Wanted
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Craig Smith - The Marriage You've Always Wanted
Craig Smith - The Marriage You've Always Wanted
Well, hey, thank you for joining us today. If you’re not already aware, we’re in the middle of a series on the Ten Commandments. And if you’re just joining us, two things you really need to know about the Ten Commandments. We’ve been talking about [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Submission
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Craig Smith - The Power of Submission
Craig Smith - The Power of Submission
Hey, thank you for joining us today, we are actually in the exact halfway point today on our journey through the Ten Commandments, which I think is a good time to tell you two things you may not know about the Ten Commandments. Two things that are [...]
Craig Smith - Forget Balance, Find Rhythm
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Craig Smith - Forget Balance, Find Rhythm
Craig Smith - Forget Balance, Find Rhythm
Well, hey, so good to have you with us today. We are in the middle of a deep dive into the Ten Commandments here at Mission Hills. If you’re just joining us, here’s probably the most important thing you need to know about the Ten Commandments. We’ve [...]
Craig Smith - Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
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Craig Smith - Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
Craig Smith - Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
Well, hey, it is so good to have you with us today, whether you’re joining us online or in-person, or walking your dog and listening to the podcast, or driving your car to work. I really believe God has you here for a reason, and we’re about to find [...]
Craig Smith - Picking Your Priority
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Craig Smith - Picking Your Priority
Craig Smith - Picking Your Priority
Hey. Welcome to Mission Hills. So honored to have you with us this weekend as we dive into our new fall series on the Ten Commandents. And I realized that we created a little bit of confusion with this. I know because I got some emails this week. [...]
Craig Smith - Doing Good
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Craig Smith - Doing Good
Craig Smith - Doing Good
Well, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us today. We are kind of rounding third base on our “Live Free” series. Next week we’ll actually bring it home. But if you’re just joining us let me get caught up real quick. For the last few [...]
Craig Smith - Finding Freedom from the Self-Destruction of Self-Centeredness
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Craig Smith - Finding Freedom from the Self-Destruction of Self-Centeredness
Craig Smith - Finding Freedom from the Self-Destruction of Self-Centeredness
Hey. Welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us today. I thought I’d start off our time together today with a story. I’m gonna tell you right now I’m not 100% sure the story is true. It kind of feels like an urban legend, but I’ve had [...]
Craig Smith - Fighting For Freedom
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Craig Smith - Fighting For Freedom
Craig Smith - Fighting For Freedom
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us today, whether you’re joining us online or in person, we’re just so honored that you’d take a little bit of time out of your weekend to spend this time with us. We’re in the midst of a [...]
Craig Smith - Live Different
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Craig Smith - Live Different
Craig Smith - Live Different
Hey, let’s give it up to the Worship Team, Grassroots Weekend, right? Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Hey, for those of you who are new at Mission Hills, you may be wondering like, is this what worship normally looks like now? It’s Grassroots Weekend. We [...]
Craig Smith - From Here to There
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Craig Smith - From Here to There
Craig Smith - From Here to There
Hey. Welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us this weekend. Let me start by asking a question. How many of us know how to ride a bike? Right, most of the hands, great. How many of us learned to ride a bike with training wheels? Still [...]
Craig Smith - Gospel Glue
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Craig Smith - Gospel Glue
Craig Smith - Gospel Glue
Oh, hey, welcome to Mission Hills, so good to have you with us today, whether you’re joining us in person or online. We’re in the midst of a series called Live Free, where we’re exploring the Book of Galatians in the Bible for God’s wisdom on how we [...]
Craig Smith - Hypocrisy
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Craig Smith - Hypocrisy
Craig Smith - Hypocrisy
Hey there. Welcome to Mission Hills whether you are joining us online or in person, it is so good to have you with us this weekend. We’re in the midst of a series called “Live Free,” where we’re exploring the Book of Galatians, for some wisdom from [...]
Craig Smith - Cancel Culture
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Craig Smith - Cancel Culture
Craig Smith - Cancel Culture
Welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you here. Let’s just get this out of the way. Broke my finger this week. To answer all your questions. I was working on a wood lathe. Got yanked into it. To answer your follow up questions, yes it hurt, no I [...]
Craig Smith - A Seat at the Table
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Craig Smith - A Seat at the Table
Craig Smith - A Seat at the Table
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us this weekend. We’re actually beginning a new series today on living free, which I’m pretty sure is something that as followers of Jesus, we’re supposed to experience. And I know that [...]
Craig Smith - The Long Wait
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Craig Smith - The Long Wait
Craig Smith - The Long Wait
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us whether you’re joining us in person or online for our fourth week of our Noah series. If you’re just joining us, let me get you caught up real quick. So far we’ve seen three kind of [...]
Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
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Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us, whether you’re joining us in-person on campus or online, just so honored that you take a little bit of time this weekend to join with us. We are three weeks deep into a series on [...]
Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
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Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
Well, hey, we’re starting a new message series today on the story of Noah and his Ark, which is maybe one of the most familiar stories in the whole Bible. Even if you’ve never been to church or never opened the Bible, you’ve probably heard at least [...]
Craig Smith - Easter 2021
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Craig Smith - Easter 2021
Craig Smith - Easter 2021
Happy Easter, Mission Hills. Wherever you are joining us from, whether you’re on one of our campuses or joining us around the world in some place, we are so, so, glad to have you with us. As we celebrate today, the greatest evidence of God’s [...]
Craig Smith - Amazing Jesus
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Craig Smith - Amazing Jesus
Craig Smith - Amazing Jesus
Well, hey, we’re finishing up a series today called Crazy Generous. We’ve been in it for the last few weeks. And if you’re just joining us, let me get you caught up real quick. Being crazy generous is actually one of our core values as a church. It [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Small Steps
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Craig Smith - The Power of Small Steps
Craig Smith - The Power of Small Steps
Well, hey, Mission Hills, this is crazy, is it not? If I’m right about this, I think it was exactly one year ago this weekend, that we started going to online-only because of the global pandemic, right? And one year to the date, we’re back, and [...]
Craig Smith - Breaking Barriers
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Craig Smith - Breaking Barriers
Craig Smith - Breaking Barriers
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills, so good to have you with us today. We’re wrapping up our series called “Come Find Your Mercy” today. If you’re just joining us, let me get you caught up real quick. For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about [...]
Craig Smith - Chronic Shame
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Craig Smith - Chronic Shame
Craig Smith - Chronic Shame
And I love the line in that song. We didn’t sing it today but last few weeks we’ve done the full version we have. The line is, “Earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t heal.” I love that line. For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about heaven’s [...]
Craig Smith - Come Find Your Mercy
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Craig Smith - Come Find Your Mercy
Craig Smith - Come Find Your Mercy
Feel free to go ahead and grab a seat. And we’re gonna be digging into a subject today that has been called the hidden epidemic of our era. It’s not one of those out front-and-center epidemics. You can’t track it like COVID-19. There’s not daily and [...]
Craig Smith - Seven Critical Questions
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Craig Smith - Seven Critical Questions
Craig Smith - Seven Critical Questions
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you here today. We’re wrapping up our series, “Fresh Wind.” The last several weeks we’ve been kind of leaning into a truth that’s at the very heart of Christianity but somehow seems to get pushed off to [...]
Craig Smith - The Way to Glory
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Craig Smith - The Way to Glory
Craig Smith - The Way to Glory
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us today. If you’ve been with us the last few weeks, you know we’re in the midst of a series called Fresh Wind. Actually, we’re rounding third base today. We’ll be wrapping this series up next [...]
Craig Smith - No Longer Slaves
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Craig Smith - No Longer Slaves
Craig Smith - No Longer Slaves
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills, whether you’re on online or in-person in one of our campuses or joining us at a Watch Party somewhere in the world, just so glad to have you with us today. We’re in the midst of a series here at Mission Hills [...]
Craig Smith - Where Our Longings Lead
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Craig Smith - Where Our Longings Lead
Craig Smith - Where Our Longings Lead
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills, so good to have you with us this weekend for week number two of our New Year’s series called “Fresh Wind.” If you’re just joining us, I’ll catch up real quick. What we’re doing in the series is we’re looking into one [...]
Craig Smith - Raise the Sails
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Craig Smith - Raise the Sails
Craig Smith - Raise the Sails
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills, and Happy New Year. It is the first weekend of the new year. I’m really curious, several years ago somebody put me on to this idea that really, it’s a good practice at the beginning of the year, not so much to set [...]
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