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Christine Caine - Desperate for Hope
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Christine Caine - Desperate for Hope
Christine Caine - Desperate for Hope
I dunno about you, but these are the most exciting times to be alive as a follower of Jesus on the earth. There is more opportunity to see people saved, because the world has lost its ever loving mind, so people are desperate for hope, and people [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 4
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 4
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 4
It's so tempting to judge people from the outward appearance, but God doesn't look at the outward appearance. He looks at the heart. There is some amazing things that God wants to do through your life, but it's vital that you first allow him to work [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 3
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 3
I'm so glad that you joined us again, I'm loving this series on being "Developed, Not Discovered". And of course we're focusing around the life of king David, who was anointed in 1st Samuel 16, to be the king of Israel. But he was not [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 2
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 2
Hey, everyone. I am so excited that you've joined us again this week. I'm so glad that you have tuned in. You are not here by accident. I know that God is going to speak to you in a mighty way today. You know, last week we finished off talking about [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 1
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 1
Hey everyone. I am so excited to be with you today and I am pumped about our subject matter. We're gonna talk about what it is to be developed and not discovered. We got a generation that is waiting to be discovered. Whether it's on the voice or [...]
Christine Caine - A Wonderful Promise - Part 2
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Christine Caine - A Wonderful Promise - Part 2
Christine Caine - A Wonderful Promise - Part 2
Hey, everyone, I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you. I love this time of the year. I mean, we are in the Christmas season and you've picked a great day to tune in. We are talking about a prophecy that was [...]
Christine Caine - A Wonderful Promise - Part 1
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Christine Caine - A Wonderful Promise - Part 1
Christine Caine - A Wonderful Promise - Part 1
Hey, everyone I am so grateful you've joined us today. I know God has a word for you. You know, if you're like me, I love receiving birth announcements. I remember when Nick and I received the announcement of the birth of a beautiful baby girl Lexi [...]
Christine Caine - You Are Able - Part 2
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Christine Caine - You Are Able - Part 2
Christine Caine - You Are Able - Part 2
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I believe that God has a now word for you. You know, I know we're living in times of great uncertainty, we're living in times of pain and suffering, and there is just so much grief and [...]
Christine Caine - You Are Able - Part 1
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Christine Caine - You Are Able - Part 1
Christine Caine - You Are Able - Part 1
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful you have joined us today and I truly believe God has a word for you. You know, there's no doubt in our world so many are feeling weak and weary and discouraged and everywhere I travel I bump into people that are [...]
Christine Caine - Forged By Fire - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Forged By Fire - Part 2
Christine Caine - Forged By Fire - Part 2
Hey, everyone, I am so grateful that you have joined us today. You have picked a great week to join us because we are talking about how our faith is forged through the fire. I mean, we are living in a season on the earth where it just seems that [...]
Christine Caine - Forged By Fire - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Forged By Fire - Part 1
Christine Caine - Forged By Fire - Part 1
Hey, everyone, I am so grateful that you have joined us today. I truly believe that God has a word in season for you that's going to transform your life. You know, we're going to discover today, and I think it is so timely that our faith is actually [...]
Christine Caine - We Are Heirs - Part 2
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Christine Caine - We Are Heirs - Part 2
Christine Caine - We Are Heirs - Part 2
Hey everyone, I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I'm so excited about this series on what it is to be an heir of God. You know, understanding who we are as children of God, as children and heirs actually radically changes everything. I [...]
Christine Caine - We Are Heirs - Part 1
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Christine Caine - We Are Heirs - Part 1
Christine Caine - We Are Heirs - Part 1
Hey everyone, I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God's got a timely word for you, and I'm especially excited about what I'm going to be sharing on today because it is so personal to me. You know, we are going to look at the [...]
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 4
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Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 4
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 4
Hey everyone, I am so grateful that you've joined us today. You've picked a great week to tune in and tune on. We are looking at the difference of what it is to have a childlike faith. Jesus tells us in the book of Mark chapter 10 that we are to [...]
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 3
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 3
Hi, everyone. I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I truly believe you've tuned in in the divine timing, plan and purpose of God, and God has a word for you today. You know, it's so interesting in life, we read in the scripture, and I love [...]
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 2
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 2
Hey everyone, I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you. You know, we've been talking about what it is to have childlike awe and childlike wonder when it comes to fulfilling the plan and purpose of God and [...]
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 1
Christine Caine - Childlike Faith - Part 1
Hey everyone, I am so grateful that you have joined us today. I know that God has a specific word for you and I'm believing that that word's going to bring transformation and change to your life. Now, nick and I have got two beautiful, wonderful [...]
Christine Caine - Amazing Grace - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Amazing Grace - Part 2
Christine Caine - Amazing Grace - Part 2
I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you. We're continuing on in our series this week, talking about the amazing grace of God. We've been looking specifically at the book Galatians. Now in this book, Paul was [...]
Christine Caine - Amazing Grace - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Amazing Grace - Part 1
Christine Caine - Amazing Grace - Part 1
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful that you have joined us today. I believe that God has a word for you that you haven't just logged in or tuned in by accident. I believe that you are here in the divine timing, the divine plan and the divine purpose of [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
The goal of it ultimately for us is that we would become conformed and transformed to the image of Christ. That we would become more like Jesus. And it's in those places where you feel contained, where you feel like you are trapped, where you feel [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
And the Lord says, "Sometimes I call you to do hard things, but my presence will be with you. My power will be with you. My anointing will be with you. My grace will be with you". So do you want comfort without the presence of the Lord or [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
What is the divine assignment that God is calling you to do today? What is the simple act of obedience that if you say yes today could open up doors of opportunity in your tomorrow that you never even imagined? I am so excited that you've joined me [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
We want God's grace, we want God's mercy, we want God's forgiveness. But if someone has done something that you or I think, well, that's unforgivable, that's inexcusable, that's unredeemable. And then God extends exactly the same mercy and grace and [...]
Christine Caine - Shame Off You - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Shame Off You - Part 2
Christine Caine - Shame Off You - Part 2
You can have a personality and be a Christian! You can have, we ought to be the most awesome people in the world, there ought to be something naughty about us. Not illegal, not immoral, not heretical, not unethical, just naughty. We ought to be the [...]
Christine Caine - Shame Off You - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Shame Off You - Part 1
Christine Caine - Shame Off You - Part 1
There is nothing like a mean girl at school and you know it, I know on the other side of the screen many of you know exactly what I'm talking about. And if there's one thing that peeves me off, I've got two daughters. Its mean girls, when they come [...]
Christine Caine - Simple Not Easy - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Simple Not Easy - Part 2
Christine Caine - Simple Not Easy - Part 2
I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you. I am believing that you have not tuned in by accident, but you've tuned in right in the divine timing, plan, and purpose of God. And you are going to find hope and [...]
Christine Caine - Simple Not Easy - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Simple Not Easy - Part 1
Christine Caine - Simple Not Easy - Part 1
I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you. In fact, I am so fired up, I'm probably going to be teaching on my favorite thing in the scripture today, and I love it when God makes things easy, don't you? I mean, [...]
Christine Caine - Bride of Christ - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Bride of Christ - Part 2
Christine Caine - Bride of Christ - Part 2
I am so excited that you've joined me for today's episode of Equip and Empower. I believe God has a timely word for you, a word that's not going to condemn you or shame you but give you hope, resurrect what maybe has felt dead on the inside and [...]
Christine Caine - Bride of Christ - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Bride of Christ - Part 1
Christine Caine - Bride of Christ - Part 1
I am so excited that you've joined me for today's episode of "Equip & Empower". Now I believe that God has a timely word for you, a word that's not going to condemn you or shame you, but give you hope, resurrect what maybe has felt [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 6
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Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 6
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 6
Stop wasting your life just playing games nonstop. Stop wasting your life just binge-watching endless tv. Stop wasting your life scrolling through endless social media. Stop wasting your life in fruitless discussions that are going nowhere. Stop [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 5
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Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 5
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 5
Hey, it's Chris here. I believe it is no accident that you're tuned in for today's episode of Equip and Empower. I truly believe this is a timely word that God has given me to encourage you, to strengthen you, and to help you give birth to the [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 4
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Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 4
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 4
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful that you've joined us again today. I believe that God has a word for you today. We are in the midst of series of talking about how to unleash the God-given potential on the inside of you. Do you know there's more in [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 3
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Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 3
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 3
Hey, it's Christine. I believe it is no accident that you are tuned in for today's episode of Equip and Empower. I truly believe this is a timely word that God has given me to encourage you, to strengthen you, and to help you to give birth to the [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 2
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Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 2
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 2
Hey, it's Chris here. I believe it is no accident that you're tuned in for today's episode of "Equip and Empower". I truly believe this is a timely word God has given me to encourage you, to strengthen you, and to help you give birth to [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 1
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Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 1
Christine Caine - A Life Unleashed - Part 1
Hey, it's Christine. I believe it is no accident that you are tuned in for today's episode of "Equip and Empower". I truly believe this is a timely word that God has given me to encourage you, to strengthen you and to help you to give [...]
Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 3
Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 3
You can't give up now. It doesn't matter what you're facing. Opposition, negative opinions, self doubt, don't stop. The fight may be big but the victory is bigger. We serve an awesome God and he is not going to let you fail. The best is ahead of [...]
Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 2
Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 2
There is a generation looking for love in a world full of hate. Truth in an age of relativity and something to cling to when everything is falling apart. As Christians we have the go-to. So it's time to stop ignoring and judging and instead start [...]
Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 1
Christine Caine - Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Part 1
Sometimes it feels like the world is going crazy, from social media posts to news reports. It doesn't take too long to realize that, we're living in an age of turbulent times. But we don't have to be negatively impacted by the world around us, [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 4
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Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 4
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 4
Where the natural stops is where the supernatural starts. If the dream in front of you seems impossible, then this message is for you. Stop what you're doing right now, your life is about to get interrupted in an awesome way. I want to share with [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 3
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Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 3
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 3
We love a plan, knowing what's coming around the bend, not being caught off guard or by surprise. Plans are great, but what happens when God steps in and changes your plans? What happens when your normal life gets radically interrupted by a [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 2
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Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 2
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 2
Do you ever feel ordinary, like you are way too normal for God to be able to do anything extraordinary, or important through you. Well you happen to be exactly the type of person God loves to use. So stop what you're doing, and pay attention. This [...]
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 1
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Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 1
Christine Caine - A Life Interrupted, Part 1
What's your story? Were you unwanted, forgotten, abandoned, betrayed? If so, our stories might be more similar than you think. And I want you to know from personal experience, that natural limitations do not have to define your possibilities. There [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 7
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 7
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 7
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful you have joined us today. I am so excited today. We're going to be wrapping up this awesome series on what it is to run to win. I have loved being a part of this series. I've learned a lot and I hope you have to. We [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 6
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 6
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 6
Hi, everyone. I am so grateful that you have joined us again today. Well, we are wrapping up today. One of my favorite series that we've done and we've been talking about running this spiritual race and not just running to get by, but running in [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 5
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 5
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 5
Hey everyone, I am so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you, and this is an on-time program for your life right now, so keep your heart open, keep your ears open, and I'm believing that the Holy Spirit of God is [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 4
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 4
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 4
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful that you've joined us today and I know that God has a word for you. You have dived in during one of my favorite series ever that we have done, and we're talking about running this race that God has put us on this [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 3
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 3
Hey, everyone. I'm so grateful that you've joined us today. I know that God has a word for you. You have joined us in the midst, of an awesome series. One of my favorite. Where we are likening the Christian life Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 2
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 2
Hey, everyone. I am so grateful you've joined me today. I know you've not tuned in by accident, that this is the divine timing, plan, and purpose of God for your life. You've jumped into a series that I am loving and you're loving it as well all [...]
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 1
Christine Caine - Run To Win - Part 1
Hey, it's great to see you. You know, if you and I got to sit down and have coffee together, there's one thing I bet you'd discover about me pretty quickly, and that is that I am extremely passionate. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. Now when God [...]
Christine Caine - Re-Vision: A Heavenly Perspective - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Re-Vision: A Heavenly Perspective - Part 3
Christine Caine - Re-Vision: A Heavenly Perspective - Part 3
Hey there and welcome to today's episode of "Equip and Empower". I hope you're well and I'm believing today's teaching is going to stir up your faith and equip you to believe God for greater things. You could be a single mom who feels like [...]
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